We serviced a
Model WEG745H0LZ5
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details:
"Arrived on site ,replaced igniter,dsi control,main harness WPW10324262, W10860916, W11458864. Ran preheat ,unit is igniting first click and let cycle couple time . Unit is igniting every time . No gas leaks detected at time of service . Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ1
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details:
Arrived on site for dishwasher showing f6e1. Customer said there was another code too but doesnt remember l touch panel is unresponsive. Removed and replaced console. Reassembled and verified operation. No codes showing with new panel. Diagnostics completed properly. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details:
Arrived onsite for a refrigerator to replace the previous diagnosed parts. I replaced the dual valve and sealed the chassis to the liner around the freezer door. I tested the dispenser and water is dispensing now. Call complete. INSTALLED W10841140 ADHESIVE & WPW10341329 DUAL VALVE.
We serviced a
Model JMW2430LL02
Near Marble Falls, TX 78654
Gerry C
Job Details:
"JMW2430LL02 Arrived to inspect no power. I found the interior MW lights would operate, but not the oven. Inspection revealed the UI connector did not have conductivity on the data line and after correcting, the unit started as designed and a,k functions returned to the unit. Microwave and oven operational tests were good."
We serviced a
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details:
Arrived onsite for a refrigerator that is freezing food in multiple locations in the RC. The customer stated its freezing food in the crisper drawers. I tested the temperature in the crisper drawers with the refrigerator set at 39 degrees and found the drawers bouncing between 34-35 degrees. I tried to run some test and could not get the unit in diagnostics. I called techline and spoke with Bruce SR# 7739220773. Bruce and I tried again to get the unit in diagnostics and it would not enter. Bruce advised to change the main control and then run some test. I replaced the main control and had the same results. I changed the UI and had the same results. I called techline back and spoke with Nate. Nate had me disconnect a few different molex connectors and then try to enter diagnostics. I was able to get in and we ran multiple test finding everything working as designed. I was advised to set the main left side FC compartment to 3 degrees and leave the RC at 39 degrees and the right side FC at 0 degrees then have the customer monitor it for freezing product. I was advised to let the customer know that after 24 hours if the temperatures were good then leave the settings where they were but if they were not cold enough in the RC to adjust them as needed. I also let the customer know per Nates instruction to call if things continue to freeze after 24 hours. Call complete. INSTALLED W11455229 CONTROL W & W11664671 CONTROL.
We serviced a
Model WRF757SDHZ04
Near Gatesville, TX 76528
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for a refrigerator. That is making a high-pitched noise. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that a week or two ago, the unit was making a telephone style sound, and that it was coming from seemingly the door of the refrigerator. She advised that she unplugged it, and when she called in for service, they advised to plug it back in so that way she could get a video or a recording of the sound. She advised that since then, the unit has not made the same sound, and has been working and operating as designed. She did advise that she is not happy with this unit as she has had two separate service calls on this within the calendar year. I ran the unit into diagnostics and ran through testing on the condenser fan, evaporator fan, compressor, Damper control, icemaker, harvest, icemaker fill test, icebox fan, water, dispenser, and ice dispensing. Through all my testing I could not get the unit to replicate any abnormal sounds. I did advise the customer that at this point, I could not determine exactly what was causing the failure as everything is seemingly working an operating as designed. The customer stated that she would try to get a recording of some kind if the issue comes back. Call complete. No parts were installed."
We serviced a
Model MSC21C6MFZ05
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for unit not self defrosting. Customer defrosted unit,replaced main control,ui and harness that includes new bimetal. Used w11558184,w11558187,w11566475"
We serviced a
Model JS42SEDUDW01
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for dispensing ice issue. Found shaft stripped caused no connection to bin to dispense ice,replaced shaft tested ice dispenser unit working as designed. Used wo2318082"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS04
Near Johnson City, TX 78636
Job Details:
Arrived on site and replaced previously diagnosed RC evap cover(W11395558) and control kit(W11533213). Unit now working as designed. No leaks detected. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details:
"Arrived on site behind previous tech. Unit is completely defrosted. Was unplugged. Removed evaporator cover. Heater is good at 37 ohms. Replaced fan motor. Previous notes say coil was iced over, defrost thermostat and sensor part of motor. Call complete. W11578030"
We serviced a
Model WGD6120HW0
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
David Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to diagnose dryer that was not powering on. Found drum light was on and unit had power. Found console failed and will not power on. Swapped to new console and tested. Verified proper operation, all working as designed. Parts used - W11419058."
We serviced a
Model JBZFL24IGX10
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for no ice. Ran diagnostic bf error code with bin removed diagnosed new icemaker has failed and is defective,ran fill failed due to frozen line,replaced fill tube and installed another icemaker. Ran harvest test passed ran fill test passed. Used w11646196,w11515313"
We serviced a
Model MVWB835DC0
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for washer not starting . Ran diagnostics got errors 0-4,3-2,5-1,2-1,5-1,0-4 . Found oil leaking on cabinet . Ordering housing ,latch,gearcase ,clutch slider . Set return 6/5 . No parts installed . Set return 6/5. No water leaks detected at time of service ; ordrng 1 W11393685 (Gearcase) and 1 W10734521 (Slider) and 1 W10754448 (Clutch) and 1 W10902814 (Wash plate) and 1 W11172234 (Housing w/valve)"
We serviced a
Model WCE77US6HS00
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details:
Arrived on site for sparking under glass on cooktop. Found hot surface indicator light has shorted on and burned up wire harness. Recommend replacing wire harness and possibly switches . Elements are in good shape .Called safety ( same reference number )ref# 7739066365. Documented with safety . Advised no repairs are to be made . Customer will have to call customer care . Job complete
We serviced a
Model JUDFP242HX11
Near Lakeway, TX 78738
Job Details:
Arrived on site for drawer. Flange failure. Replaced flange and tested. Unit is now functioning properly. Job complete. Used w11678576
We serviced a
Model KCED600GBL01
Near Austin, TX 78759
Job Details:
Arrived onsite for a cooktop for a glass thats separating from the frame. I found the cooktop glass separating from the frame because the foam insulation that is installed at the factory around the top of the control panel was attached on its narrow edge making it too tall and causing pressure on the glass and eventual separation from the frame. I removed the foam and laid it down on the wide side and installed the glass. Now the foam seals correctly and doesnt put the pressure on the glass top. I tested all functions of the cooktop and all is working as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model MVW6500MBK0
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
David Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to follow up on washer that was now not starting cycles. Examined unit and found water in the basket. Checked under unit and found drain pump wire broken at the drain pump clip. Removed damaged section and replaced with thicket wiring and tested. Verified unit working as designed and draining properly. Repair completed, no parts needed."
We serviced a
Model WOC54EC0HS20
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
Gerry C
Job Details:
WOC54EC0HS20 Arrived to install previously diagnosed and ordered part. I removed and replaced the blower and tested. Operational test good.
We serviced a
Model KUWR214KSB00
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details:
Arrived on site with new door. Removed and replaced door. Verified operation. Call complete. W11644055
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Lockhart, TX 78644
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for not advancing properly, tested unit found broken harness and failed cam, replaced and tested unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected job complete installed parts W11643701, W10721967"
We serviced a
Model WCG55US0HS05
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
David Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to install new cooktop and 4 knobs to resolve melted knobs and rusted cooktop. Replaced cooktop and all knobs. Verified proper operation. Parts used - 1x 11204008, 4X W11366438."
We serviced a
Model WED4950HW0
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for not heating. Replaced open cutoff(279816). Unit no working as designed. Advised customer to have clogged ventilation cleared prior to using unit to prevent further damage. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRS315SNHM06
Near Austin, TX 78747
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for middle divider extremely hot. Freezer is freezing,unit is cooling found middle divider extremely hot,removed compressor cover found power to condenser fan however fan not running,replaced defective condenser fan motor,powered unit on unit entered defrost cycle,let defrost cycle complete compressor and fan powered on."
We serviced a
Model KMHC319LSS00
Near Austin, TX 78722
James K
Job Details:
"KMHC319LSS00 Arrived on site for unit making noise. Upon arrival, tested unit and heard a metal rubbing noise. Uninstalled unit and found the heat shield making noise. Once capacitor is energized, it triggers the noise. Called techline and spoke with Rob SR# 7739201575 and advised to bend it correctly to stop noise. Adjustment made. Reinstalled unit and now unit is functioning as designed . No parts replaced ."
We serviced a
Model KDFE104KPS0
Near Austin, TX 78722
James K
Job Details:
KDFE104KPS0 Arrived on site to replaced ordered part. Replaced door gasket. Tested unit and now unit is functioning as designed. No water leaks detected at this time. W11483553 door gasket ; O-emld tckt
We serviced a
Model NED4655EW1
Near Austin, TX 78744
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not spinning. Upon closer inspection found door switch broken, replaced door switch, tested unit, unit is running as intended. Job complete. USED WPW10237959"
We serviced a
Model Wtw4855hw3
Near Manor, TX 78653
James K
Job Details:
"Wtw4855hw3 Arrived on site for unit not working. Upon arrival, tenant mentioned only hot water enters the tub, does not spin at times and lid lock will engage and disengage at random times. Upon diagnostics, found F8E1 code. Cleared code. Ran overall diagnostic and found cold water not entering into tub. All other functions work. Proceeded to disconnect cold water hose from the unit and found no water coming out. Advised customer that I will reach out to superintendent and let him aware of the situation. Unit is functioning as designed. No water leaks present at this time. No parts replaced"
We serviced a
Model WGD4850HW2
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for not heating properly, tested unit could not find why it is short cycling , replaced cycling thermostat, flame sensor and timer as precautionary but no improvement called tech line, after further diagnosis was recommended to replace coil valve but that did not fix the short cycle, with tech line help determined that faulty switch in motor no closing all the way causing incorrect voltage to coil valve, SR#7739205440, blower wheel was stuck had to break it out, replaced motor and wheel from job 415143, advised customer to monitor, if issue persists then call us back, at this time job complete installed parts WPW10328463, WP338906, WPW10436302, WP3387134, WP694089, 279827"
We serviced a
Model JGCP436HL00
Near Briggs, TX 78608
Job Details:
On arrival verified complaint of intermittent continuous sparking on front left and center burners. Center burner front is currently only burner doing it. Installed harness W11320016 and module w11319687 as it was not seeing ignition at igniter. As this fixed the issue ordering two more of each for the other two sets of burners. Reschedule for 6/7; ordrng 2 W11320016 (Harness)s and 2 w11319687 (Module)s
We serviced a
Model KDTE204KPS1
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details:
Arrived on site for unit not draining. Upon arrival inspected unit and found failed drain pump. Replaced pump and tested. Unit is now functioning properly. No leaks present at this time. Job complete . Used w11462456
We serviced a
Model WRT311FZDW02
Near Killeen, TX 76543
Job Details:
On arrival verified complaint of not cooling. Customer states recently the temp was adjusted to recommended as it was found to be set to warm. Ran temp check on product and found FC is 0 and RC was 36. Unit has no excess frost or condensation. Unit is currently working as designed. Job complete no leaks detected during service. No parts installed
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ02
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for lights not working. Recommend replacing both deli lights and RC upper light. Office to reschedule. ; ordrng 2 W11683243 (Light module)s and 1 W11527432 (Light kit)
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for randomly not starting. Found harness seemed to be pulled beyond given tolerances. Was unable to physically find any issues with breaks or torn wiring. Did find excessive play in suspension. Recommending suspension, lower harness, control, run cap and actuator replacement. Need to replace suspension before replacing other recommended parts to prevent damage to new replacements. No parts replaced at this time. Scheduled for 06/07. ; ordrng 1 W11396716 (Suspension) and 1 W11395618 (Cap)"
We serviced a
Model MHW5630HC3
Near Austin, TX 78739
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for no operation. Upon arrival console is not powering on and cannot enter diagnostics. Tested voltage, 120V going to the control but no power is being distributed to other components. Replace control (W11550649) and tested unit, unit is now powering on. Activated diagnostics, all components properly engaging and unit is running as designed. No leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model MED5030MW0
Near Buda, TX 78610
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace previously diagnosed part. Parts required did not get transferred. Spoke to customer, customer approved reschedule date of 06/06.; schdld next appmnt for 6/6 THU !"
We serviced a
Model MVWB835DC3
Near Belton, TX 76513
Job Details:
Arrived on site for washer not completing cycles. Upon arrival confirmed issue and found f8e1 in diagnostics. Ran diagnostics cycles and found cold side inlet valve failing to open up. Ordering W11165546 valve. Rescheduled customer for 06/07/24 to complete repairs. ; ordrng 1 W11165546 (Valve)
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ00
Near Austin, TX 78749
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace previously diagnosed parts. Replaced L slider (WPW10397636) and R slider (WPW10397635). Tested unit, unit is now functioning as designed. Advised customer to place bottle of water in the freezer to gauge when unit will be ready for use. Ran diagnostic on IM, IM harvested and filled properly. Unit is running as designed. Fee has been collected in full by the office. No leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHB06
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
David Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to diagnose refrigerator not cooling in RC. Customer advised it was actually both compartments not cooling. I examined the unit and found the RC at 50, FC at almost 35. Compressor sounded shrill, and there was no visible frost pattern. Unit is brand new and likely undercharged or has a leak. Ordering sealed system repair parts. Office to schedule R600. ; ordrng 1 W11566897 (Evaporator) and 1 R600 (R600 Kit) and 1 W11673437 (Condenser) and 1 W11566984 (Compressor) and 1 W11506635 (Access valve) and 1 Wpw10143759 (Dryer) and 1 nitrogen (Nitrogen - must have)"
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW2
Near Waco, TX 76710
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for a washing machine that is leaking heavily during operation. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that the washing machine on her first load after the tub and tub ring replacement leaked so bad that it ran into two other rooms. She advised that the water stretched for about 12 to 14 feet in diameter and was completely covered all in the laundry room. She stated that when she found the unit leaking, the unit was continuing to fill with water, and water was leaking out the bottom. She advised that she was unable to turn off the washer, and instead had to unplug it. I plugged the unit back in and canceled out the cycle. I was able to get the water to drain out without leaking. I checked underneath the washer and found evidence of water leakage on the back panel and left-hand side of the washer. I checked all components underneath and did not find any of them to be the cause of the leak. I found all connections were good. I checked the tub for any signs of cracking or leaking and could not find any leaks coming from the tub itself. I found that at the top, the top of the basket and top ring had water all over it and appeared to be leaking down the sides of the tub. I took photos of all water residue, cleaned up the remaining water on the floor using a shop vac, and called whirlpool techline. I spoke to Chris SR# 7738946778. He had me send him several photos of the water residue around the basket and tub. With the information provided, he advised that he would send this unit to review, and that the customer or myself would be contacted, depending on the next steps. Call complete. No parts were installed."
We serviced a
Model UXT5236BDS2
Near Kempner, TX 76539
Job Details:
Arrived on site for venthood making a scratching sound when outside wind would blow into vent of home and down into bent hood. Upon arrival found external dampener warped and rubbing against support when wind blew. Was able to replicate sound with my finger and it matched sound customer provided through video. Removed warped external dampener flap. Call complete
We serviced a
Model MVW6500MBK0
Near Austin, TX 78745
Ryan B
Job Details:
Arrived on site to replace basket diagnosed on previous trip. New basket came in with same issue. Ordering another basket. Office to reschedule. NO PARTS USED; ordrng 1 W11513243 (Basket)
We serviced a
Model WDP540HAMZ0
Near Austin, TX 78754
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for unit not washing. Test unit and found and sump and motor assembly. Replaced sump and motor test unit and unit test good. No leaks present at this time. W11613479
We serviced a
Model MDB4949SKZ1
Near Austin, TX 78731
Joe Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for not washing. Upon arrival,ran diagnostics and get error code F7-E1 wash motor failure. Test unit and confirmed motor energizes just does not operate. Need to replace sump and motor. Replaced sump and motor W11416363. Test unit and is operating as designed. No leaks present at this time. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS04
Near Lorena, TX 76655
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for a refrigerator. That is not cooling the refrigerator section. Inspected unit and work area. The customer stated that the bottom of the refrigerator was cooling but the top of the refrigerator wasnt. I ran the unit into diagnostics and tested the evaporator fans. I found the refrigerator evaporator fan running, but felt no airflow coming out of the top of the air tower. I started to disassemble the refrigerator and found a defrost issue in the refrigerator section. See photos. I spoke to SW and she advised to order the refrigerator, evaporator fan assembly, drip pan, deli harness, and controls. Ordering parts in the office will need to contact the customer about a return date due to limited parts availability and need for a three hour service.; ordrng 1 W11457241 (Drip pan) and 1 W11087438 (RC evaporator fan) and 1 W11170612 (Deli harness) and 1 WPW10624574 (Power supply board)"
We serviced a
Model WTW5010LW0
Near The Hills, TX 78738
Job Details:
Arrived onsite for unit making grinding noise. Found actuator not cycling fully causing cam to stick and grind. Used cam w10721967 and Truck stock W11481722 actuator. Replaced parts and tested. Unit is now functioning properly. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WTW4950HW3
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for unit making a loud noise during spin. No errors stored. Ran diagnostic and confirmed water fills, agitates, drain, and spins. Noisy during spin, removed cam and found evidence of oil. Replaced gearcase, cam, belt and drum hub. Calibrated and verified operation. Call complete. W11454372, W10721967, W11239857, W10528947"
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS05
Near Leander, TX 78641
Gerry C
Job Details:
"KRMF706ESS05 Arrived to install part. I found the issue was with the ice maker housing being incorrectly mounted. There was a gap between the back wall and the ice maker housing, allowing air to circulate throughout the system. I corrected the issue and tested the ice bin storage door and found it was not gapped. I adjusted the cabinet and doors. No leaks observed during service."
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ04
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
David Z
Job Details:
Arrived on site to diagnose refrigerator making a constant loud noise. Customer says when the compressor is on the unit vibrates loudly. I confirmed that there was a lot of reverberation through the chassis when the compressor was running. I was able to reduce the noise it was making by moving some of the tubing in the machine compartment and isolated the noise to the condenser tubing coming to compressor. Added a sound pad to that area to further reduce. Unit now working at normal noise levels. Used truck stock sound pad. No assigned parts used. Repair completed.
We serviced a
Model KDFE104KPS0
Near Manor, TX 78653
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for door falling. Test unit and found broken hinges. Replaced both hinges test unit and unit test good job complete. W11712996. W11712995
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS05
Near Austin, TX 78732
Job Details:
Arrived onsite for a refrigerator to replace previous diagnosed parts. I found the evaporator completely frosted over. I defrosted the evaporator and shimmed the pan. I replaced the evaporator motor and the UI. When removing the top filter cover the wires came out of the triple LED molex connector and could not get them to snap in properly. The triple LED will need to be replaced. I found the freezer door gasket torn in spots across the top of it and rust spots all over the front of the door. The door will need to be replaced. Ordering W10815701 door SS & W11484839 module. Office to RS.; ordrng 1 W10815701 (Door SS) and 1 W11484839 (Module)
We serviced a
Model KRMF706EBS01
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details:
"Arrived on site. Found a defective freezer led module,per service pointer removed all led modules installed updated led modules all leds working as designed. Autho S191AQ"
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MS0
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details:
Arrived on site for range breaker tripping. Customer said it tripped once during the night. Another time it happening when they were resting after cooking. Everything working at this time. Removed back cover and found evidence of something dripping from microwave. Called Techline. Asked is it a GFCI breaker- yes. breaker shares the microwave?-yesSr#7739205127. Unit needs to have a dedicated breaker. No parts.
We serviced a
Model WRS315SNHM08
Near Austin, TX 78702
Joe Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to install previously ordered parts. Installed condenser motor W11578915, evaporator motor WP2315549, and all 3 leds modules W11602886. Test unit and all components are now operating. Observed entire evaporator beginning to frost. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WMH32519FS0
Near Waco, TX 76708
Jonathan M
Job Details:
Arrived on site for a microwave. That is not heating. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that the unit wasnt working and then it started working again. He said that the unit has been working for the past three days and that he doesnt believe any further services need it. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WOS51EC0HS20
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for oven temps being too hot. Heated at 350 and found temps to be within range. Advised customer to download app and connect unit to WiFi to ensure latest software is updated. Unit is currently working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WDF331PAHS1
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for smells and gunk buildup. Found no stored error codes. All components engaged in diagnostics. High drain loop is installed. Found organic pods being used. Advised to use cleaning vinegar to help remove smells and build up. No leaks detected. No parts replaced at this time. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WDF550SAHW0
Near Fort Cavazos, TX 76544
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for dishwash needing pump, sump, gasket, and stopper. Upon arrival installed parts tested unit and found no leaks. Unit works as designed. Call complete"
We serviced a
Model KDPM604KPS1
Near Kempner, TX 76539
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for dishwasher showing f9e1. Upon arrival confirmed issue, found main wash motor was causing repeat issue.found motorsent for repairs not accurate and rescheduled customer for 06/07/24.ordering W11416362 motor; ordrng 1 W11416362 (Motor)"
We serviced a
Model WTW4855HW3
Near Austin, TX 78724
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not rinsing clothes properly. Upon closer inspection found basket missing holes all over unit causing rinsing issues. Plugged unit in found lock clicking constantly, replaced latch, tested unit, actuator not shifting properly and capacitor humming. Replaced actuator and capacitor, tested unit, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. . Ordering up basket and will return. Office to reschedule. USED W11428524 W11307244 W11481722; ordrng 1 W11172199 (Basket)"
We serviced a
Model MVWB865GW0
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for lid not locking. Found lid was damaged preventing proper engagement of latch. Replaced lid and found in diagnostics gearcase is failing. Recommend gearcase, slider, clutch, rotor and suspension. Needing autho and office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 W11393685 (Gearcase) and 1 W10734521 (Slider) and 1 W10754448 (Clutch) and 1 W10915701 (Rotor) and 1 W11130356 (Suspension)"
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW3
Near Wimberley, TX 78676
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for grinding noise. Inspected unit found cam has been grinding due to white plastic residue on the part. Replaced cam (W10721967), actuator (W11481722) and belt (W11239857) as precautionary. Rand drain and spin cycle, no grinding or noises present. Unit is running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HW1
Near West, TX 76691
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for a wash machine. That is having a hard time draining at water. Inspected unit and work area. I found the tub, empty and ran the unit through an auto test. I found the drain pump kick on, but it was not pumping out water like it should. Checked underneath and found all connections were secure. I replaced the drain pump and tested the unit again. Found that the drain pump would not turn on until I started wiggling the machine. I went ahead and replaced the wire harness and tested the unit. Found the unit working and operating as designed. Call complete. W11396717 and W11568984."
We serviced a
Model WFE515S0JS3
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for dead range . Found breaker tripped . Reset breaker. Ran range ,preheated and had all top burners on , unit is heating properly . Let run for some time . No issues found . Did not trip breaker while in home . Recommended having breakers replaced if it happens again. No parts installed . Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WED4850HW0
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details:
Arrived on site for dead dryer . Found breaker tripped . Reset breaker. Ran dryer unit is heating properly . Let run for some time . No issues found . Did not trip breaker while in home . No lint build up . Recommended having breakers replaced if it happens again. No parts installed . Job complete
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHZ10
Near Austin, TX 78739
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for noise. Customer stated noise is coming from damper control. Replaced damper (WPW10594329) and tested, unit is now functioning as designed, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WFE320m0JS4
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for metal piece connection glass cooktop was not secured correctly. Secured metal frame test unit and unit test good job complete.
We serviced a
Model JGRP436HL05
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for knob not sitting correctly found valve not sitting straight. Secured valve test unit and unit test good. No parts used job complete.
We serviced a
Model JB36NXFXRE01
Near Austin, TX 78730
Joe Z
Job Details:
Arrived on site for Special Project S84638 - W11632139 x4?LED Replacement. Replaced all 4 sets of LEDs W11632139. Test unit and is operating as designed. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WDT730HAMZ0
Near Austin, TX 78759
Job Details:
Arrived onsite for a dishwasher not draining. On arrival I found the dishwasher was drained. I ran the diagnostics cycle and found no stored error codes and the machine completed the cycle working as designed. Call complete. NO PARTS INSTALLED.
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ11
Near Buda, TX 78610
Job Details:
"Arrived on site. Found evaporator incased in ice,ran diagnostics evap thermistor reading open,ohmed themristor passed,replaced defective main control,ran diagnostics thermistor reading good ran heater test passed heater powered on. Customer will defrost unit. Used w11558182"
We serviced a
Model WMH54521JZ0
Near Austin, TX 78724
Joe Z
Job Details:
Arrived on site to correct plug cord issues. Made adjustment to plug outlet. Test unit and is operating as designed. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WFG770H0FZ0
Near Kempner, TX 76539
Job Details:
Arrived on site for range not turn8ng ui on. Upon arrival found 120vac going to control. Replaced control w11342985 and found control functionality restored. Call complete
We serviced a
Model WGD4950HW2
Near Austin, TX 78723
Job Details:
Add on . Arrived on for lint screen not going in properly chute . Found pencil ( yellow #2) stuck in chute halfway down Removed obstruction. Nothing else found . BLower wheel is in good shape . Ran unit . Heating and venting are normal. No parts used . Job complete
We serviced a
Model WCG97US6HS05
Near Andice, TX 78628
Job Details:
Arrived on site with new valve. Removed top panel. Found 1 screw was threaded and broke off when removing. Replaced dual valve. Verified operation. Reset for Thurs to replace screws and ; ordrng 1 W10597166 (Holder) and 10 W11699921 (Screw)s
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS06
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Due to the RC evap,fan not working, I removed and replaced the RC evaporator cover and adjusted the suction line and cap,tube by pushing them back towards the back wall and setting the defrost thermistor on the suction line at the joint. Pulled the unit out and inspected the drain tube and found it badly gapped (photo). Using some manufacturer approved silicone, I placed a bead around the opening of the drain tube and re-installed the tube and sealed off the gap (photo). Placed the unit back in its space and tested in diagnostics. Unit is operating as designed and I recommended the customer allow the unit to cool for at least 24 hours before placing items back inside. No water leaks observed during service, job completed. W11610999"
We serviced a
Model KVWB606DSS3
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for blower making noise, customer has video of noise. Also says unit stops then starts again. Found controls working properly. Motor has different speed but slight rattle in high. Replaced blower. Verified operation. Call complete. W11106377"
We serviced a
Model WED5620HW2
Near Manor, TX 78653
James K
Job Details:
"WED5620HW2 Arrived on site for unit making noise. Upon arrival, tested unit and heard a metal chattering noise. Upon inspected, noticed blower duct on unit as chattering. Lifted exit point on duct and noise went away. To remedy issue, folded aluminum tape double sided and inserted underneath exit point duct and re tested. Noise went away. Customer is concerned the noise will occur again and they will be out of warranty. Advised customer to escalate with WP if issue occurs again. No parts replaced"
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ02
Near Killeen, TX 76541
Job Details:
On arrival verified complaint of Fc door not shutting. Found left rail is damaged. Replaced both rails and unit is now closing correctly. Job complete installed wpw10397635 and wpw10397636
We serviced a
Model WRF736SDAM13
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Due to the UI missing digits, the evaporator not defrosting properly, the ice door and ice maker fascia failures and right RC door gasket being torn, I removed and replaced the ice maker fascia, ice bin door, right RC door gasket, FC drawer brackets, evaporator fan motor harness and fan blades and the UI/hv control kit. While replacing the evap motor/harness, I found a large opening in the FC liner just above the right side cap tube area that appeared to have been melted at the manufacturer. Using some permagum from my van stock (212643), I filled the opening to seal off any warm air that might be leaking into the freezer section. I placed the unit in diagnostics and tested and the unit is operating as designed. I advised the customer of my findings and repairs. Advised the customer that the unit should be fully cooled within 24 hours. No water leaks observed during service, job completed. 212643, WPW10514110, W11171728, W11637688, W11668671, WP67006337, W10407212, W10864261."
We serviced a
Model WRT314TFDW03
Near Belton, TX 76513
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for refrigerator not cooling. Upon arrival confirmed issue and found air ducts filled with ice in the center diffuser. Tried installing new thermostat then Found evap cover, and foam air ducts breaking down causing a clog and ice build up. Evap and rest of unit is working as designed. Ordering W10666603 duct, W10573325 cover, W11199204 diffuser. Rescheduled customer for 06/05/24 to complete repairs; ordrng 1 W10666603 (Duct) and 1 W10573325 (Evap cover) and 1 W11199204 (Diffuser)"
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW1
Near Harker Heights, TX 76548
Job Details:
On arrival verified compliant of unit making noise at end of wash cycle. Ran error codes and found off balance and overload. Visual inspection found rotor bolt came off. Rotor bolt had very little loctite on it. Removed rotor and verified all other components are good. Replaced with new bolt. Ran diag cycle and unit had no more noise. Job complete no leaks detected. Installed W10752189 from SS stock; ordrng 1 W10752189 (Bolt SS replenishment)
We serviced a
Model MHW5630MBK0
Near Florence, TX 76527
Job Details:
On arrival verified complaint of leaking washer from front of unit. Customer says it comes out under the door. Showed customer they have to Clean the glass to prevent leaks from door. The glass was very dirty and had hair build up. Job complete. No parts installed.
We serviced a
Model MVW5430MW1
Near Del Valle, TX 78617
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace harness diagnosed on previous trip. Replaced harness, tested unit, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. USED W11643701"
We serviced a
Model WTW5010LW0
Near Del Valle, TX 78617
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace lower harness diagnosed on previous trip. Replaced harness, tested unit, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. USED W11643701"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ08
Near Buda, TX 78610
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for broken light. Upon closer inspection found leveling feet not down causing ice maker to leak and travel down to fc door switch and freeze over. Leveled unit and cleared ice out of door switch, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. NO PARTS USED."
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MS0
Near Cedar Creek, TX 78612
James K
Job Details:
WFG320M0MS0 Arrived on site for door gasket issue. Inspected door gasket and found it compromised. Replaced gasket. Customer also mentioned a gas smell when using oven only. Tested consumer bake cycle without aluminum foil blocking vents and gas smell was not noticed. Unit is functioning as designed. WPW10535778 gasket
We serviced a
Model JGCP436HL00
Near Leander, TX 78641
Gerry C
Job Details:
"JGCP436HL00 Arrived to inspect burner issue. I found the center rear burner was still a little slow to ignite and I inspected. The prior adjustment had been slightly too conservative and after correcting, the burning ignited immediately. No gas leaks detected during service."
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW1
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for getting stuck on wash. Customer stated unit would not progress past wash. Tested unit found actuator not shifting properly. Replaced actuator (W10913953) and control (W11498796) as precautionary. Unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WFW75HEFW0
Near Austin, TX 78702
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace bellow and retainer diagnosed on previous trip. Replaced below and retainer, tested unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. USED W11106747 W11266654"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FSS02
Near Cedar Creek, TX 78612
James K
Job Details:
"KRFC704FSS02 Arrived on site for ice maker bridging and and ice dispenser auto dispenser. Upon arrival, confirmed ice dispenser randomly activated on its own. Also confirmed the ice bridged together. Called techline and spoke with Rob SR# 7739207970 advised to lift front of unit about 8th of an inch and and reduce main shut off valve in order for water to dispense .5 seconds per oz. In regards to the auto ice dispensing issue, recommended to order UI on left door and dispenser UI. Ordering W11330486 panel UI and W11533213 control kit. Office to reschedule. No leaks detected at this time. ; ordrng 1 W11330486 (Panel UI) and 1 W11533213 (Control kit)"
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
Job Details:
Arrived on site for fz ice maker leaking . Ran harvest test . Found ice maker allowing too much water to be dispensed and over filling IM . Replaced ice maker W11658802. Ran harvest and all checked normal. No other issues found . No water leaks detected at time of service . Job complete
We serviced a
Model WED4815EW1
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for no power, tested unit found shorted fuse and cutoffs, replaced and tested, unit is now running as designed, job complete installed WP3392519, 279816"
We serviced a
Model KCED606GSS01
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details:
Arrived on site for sparking under glass on cooktop. Found hot surface indicator light has shorted on and burned up wire harness. Recommend replacing wire harness and possibly switches . Elements are in good shape .Called safety ( same reference number )ref# 7739066365. Documented with safety . Advised no repairs are to be made . Customer will have to call customer care . Job complete
We serviced a
Model WEG745H0LZ5
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
David Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to install wiring harness per previous visit. Disassembled unit and replaced harness. Tested and found unit still wasn't igniting. Replaced dsi board again and tested. Verified proper function and unit working as designed. Parts used - W10860916, W11458864."
We serviced a
Model WRX988SIBM03
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for not cooling, tested unit found unit is cooling, customer stated that the ice maker stop working and then starts back up a week later, tested unit found the ice bin full, stated to customer that since unit is working properly, advised to monitor and if ice maker stops again call us back so we can return with proper parts, at this time job complete no parts installed"
We serviced a
Model WDF332PAMS0
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for dishwasher having dispenser issues . Found dispenser door not staying latched. Replaced dispenser assembly WPW10428217. Ran diagnostics, no error codes or water leaks detected at time of service. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WCG55US6HS05
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for some flames too high. Adjusted flames to recommended. Unit now working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WOC54EC0HS20
Near Mustang Ridge, TX 78610
Job Details:
Arrived on site to replace switch harness. Replaced harness test unit and unit test good job complete. W11555169
We serviced a
Model WDT730HAMZ1
Near Bastrop, TX 78602
James K
Job Details:
"WDT730HAMZ1 Arrived on site for spray arm not working. Upon diagnostics, the wash motor was not running. Replaced wash motor assembly. Re tested unit and now unit is functioning as designed. No water leaks present at this time. W11613480 pump and motor assembly"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ07
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
Gerry C
Job Details:
"WRX735SDHZ07 Arrived to inspect noise and water issue. I found the noise issue and was able to correct by placing sound isolation pads. The water issue was due to a plugged filter, as testing with the bypass device showed water flow. No leaks observed during service."