Appliance Repair Laguna Park Texas
Appliance Express Rated out of 5 stars based on customer reviews
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Laguna Park, TX 76634
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for a washing machine that is not starting cycles. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that the unit would initially log, but then would shut off within a minute or two of the cycle starting. I tested the unit on a quick wash cycle five times and found the unit working and operating as designed. I ran the unit through diagnostics and did not find any stored error codes. I ran the unit to an auto test and found the unit working and operating as designed. I tested the unit a few more times trying to start a different cycle selection, and found the unit spin, lock, fill, and agitate. I did advise the customer that because of not being able to replicate the issue, I would be unable to determine exactly what was the cause of their problem. I did advise the customer that generally when components fail, they just fail and wont start working all of a sudden. I did advise the customer to keep an eye on the unit and to take a video if possible if the issue persists. Call complete. No parts were installed."
We serviced a
Model KVWB606HBS2
Near Laguna Park, TX 76634
Jonathan M
Job Details:
Arrived on site for a vent hood but its not sitting evenly. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that they wanted screw on one side loosened so that way they could maneuver around the vent hood the way that they wanted it. Want to head and listen to the screw to be able to do that. Customer complained about the actual cover not evenly. I did verify that the unit is able to open and close as designed and did advise the customer that the unit is operating and working as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model KRSC703HBS01
Near Laguna Park, TX 76634
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for a refrigerator that is not making ice. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised the unit does make a little bit of ice but that the unit seems to be leaking water on top of the ice that they already make. Looked at the icemaker and found the tray bowed and leaning inward towards the middle. Found frost buildup inside of the icemaker section causing the icemaker to catch and leak water out the side. Advised customer that they would need to replace the icemaker for repair. Cleaned out the ice debris and replaced the icemaker. The unit began to work and operate as designed.
We serviced a
Model JGRP548HL01
Near Laguna Park, TX 76634
Jonathan M
Job Details:
Arrived on site for a range that wont ignite in the left oven. Inspected unit and work area. Confirm the customers complaint in and checked all connections to the spark module. Found all connections were good but found a burn mark on the spark module DSI board. Replaced the DSI board and tested the unit. The left oven began to work and operate as designed. The customer also had complained about the flames inside the oven and on the burners themselves. Took a part two of the burner orifices and found that the unit had not been converted from natural gas to propane as the customer was on propane gas. I explained that they would need to have the unit converted by a plumber. Otherwise the unit is working as designed. Call complete.