We serviced a
Model WED5605MW0
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for long dry times, ran vent test and it passed, customer stated that on bulky and heavy duty it takes 1.5 hours to dry, explained to customer that on heavy duty cycles the temperature is defaults to 50% heat as per design, stated to customer that temperature can be adjusted but advised to trust the program unit is running as designed job complete, no parts installed"
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"Arrived on site for refrigerator needing sealed system repair. On arrival reconfirmed issue and found no refrigerant left in system. Replaced w11598434 evap, w11506635 access valve, wpw10143759 uv drier, and w11614224 compressor. Pulled vac and charged syste, with 56g of r600. Watched evap coil frost over to front bottom side of evap coil with lowside psi at -5 and stable. Informed customer to give unit 24 hrs to stabilize temps. Call complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ04
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"DIFFERENT ISSUE FROM PREVIOUS VISIT. Arrived on site for no cool. Found evaporator heavily incased in ice,ran diagnostics fan powered on ran bimetal test passed heater powered on,diagnosed unit not entering self defrost. Replaced main control and ui,ran diagnostics changed defrost setting to basic. Customer will defrost unit I formed to place a towel in front of unit. Used w1159219,w11566894"
We serviced a
Model WRSA71CIHZ04
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"Arrived on site for excessive moisture in freezer and fresh food. Found mullion divider sticking out further then top and bottom of cabinet,placed light at top corner light leaking through,added adhesive to corner of cabinet,added sealer inside of gasket to expand gasket same issue light leaking through uploaded picture,called tech support sent multiple pictures to tech support,per tech support sending pictures to product review team whirlpool will contact customer 2-5 business days. SR#7739707775"
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW1
Near Marble Falls, TX 78654
Maurice R
Job Details: 08/14/2024
Arrived onsite for washer walking during spin cycle. On inspection found that tub was sitting a little low. I pushed on the tub and it hit the ground. Also saw that basket was not level. Installed new suspension and leveled the basket. Tested unit diagnostic mode and in consumer mode. The washer is operating as design and no water leaks detected during service. W11400156
We serviced a
Model WEG745H0LZ4
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Tim M
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for oven not igniting. Upon arrival customer stated all cooktop burners work but oven wont ignite and theres a gas smell after. Verified issue, all cooktop burners ignite properly, broil ignites properly, when turning on bake cycle a spark is produced but works intermittently. Sometimes take 4-5 sparks before ignition or there is not ignition at all and gas to the burner tube shuts off. When there is no ignition there is a strong gas smell due to the unburned gas. Noticed spark igniter is positioned too far away from the burner tube, after repositioning it closer to the burner tube and testing unit, bake burner tube now ignites during the first spark. Unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected, no parts installed, job complete."
We serviced a
Model KBSN708MPS00
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Tim M
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not cooling and no ice. Upon arrival customer stated FC is not as cold as it used to be and there is no ice being made. When exposing the evaporator found the unit was in a defrost cycle so no frost pattern was on the evaporator. Evaporator fan engages properly and heater is also engaging. After defrost cycle was complete, compressor kicked on. After 15 minutes no frost has developed on the evaporator and compressor is running extremely hot. Contacted service thread, per service thread unit has a sealed system issue. Will need to order parts pertaining to that issue. Turned unit off to prevent further damage. Unit is a r600a. Requesting 2 hours for return visit. Ordering parts, no parts installed, office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 W11557671 (Compressor) and 1 WPW10143759 (Dye drier) and 1 W11506635 (Access valve)"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS05
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Tim M
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for ice cubes not separating. Upon arrival customer showed ice cubes that came out in sheets and dispenser is not dispensing ice. Inspected dispenser found ice container and dispenser motor are stripped. Also unit has a weeping valve. Will need to order ice container, dispenser motor for return visit and additional parts to ensure completion. Ordering parts, no parts installed, rescheduled for 08/20.; ordrng 1 W10822606 (Dispenser motor) and 1 W11574764 (Ice container) and 1 W11228132 (Motor shaft) and 1 W11448633 (Ice chute)"
We serviced a
Model WDT720PADM2
Near Austin, TX 78738
Tim M
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not washing dishes. Upon arrival customer stated her unit gets a lot of organic growth through out. After a cleaning cycle with affresh unit will get that growth back after a couple cycles. Ran diagnostic cycle, unit filled, wash motor engaged, and unit drained. Vent fan and heater did not activate. Customer also is not using rinse aid, highly advised that she starts using it after repair is complete to remove as much excess water that is inside the tub. Recommend replacing vent assembly and heater on return visit. Ordering parts, no parts installed, rescheduled for 08/19.; ordrng 1 WPW10428211 (Vent assembly) and 1 WP8269259 (Vent gasket)"
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDW11
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"1836# Actual address is 587 Kings Point Drive, 45 mins away from address on file. Arrived on site to test unit for dent on inside of RC door. Uploaded pic and advised customer unit is outside 30 cosmetics and would need to contact whirlpool for assistance. Job complete."
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ2
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 08/14/2024
Arrived on site and replaced vent wax motor assembly(W11649995). Advised customer unit will not dry at times. Advised to use rinse aid and open door when cycle is complete to allow steam to escape. Unit is working as designed. No leaks detected job complete.
We serviced a
Near Bee Cave, TX 78738
Tim M
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not washing and heater not disengaging. Found F7E1 motor not running error code stored. Cleared error codes and ran diagnostic cycle, wash motor does not engage. Replaced pump and motor assembly (W11460945) and control (W11672039). Tested unit, all components are properly engaging and heater disengages after diagnostic cycle is complete. Unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model MVW6500MBK0
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 08/14/2024
Arrived onsite and found unit operating with failed drain function f9e1 error. Found open line reading from control Found harness broken off the drain molex clip. Ordering harness to repair. Office to; ordrng 1 W11591637 (Lower harness)
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS10
Near Austin, TX 78756
Tim M
Job Details: 08/14/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not heating. Upon arrival customer stated they heard a loud pop and spark and unit stopped heating. Verified that unit is not heating with magic lights diagnostic tool, removed unit from cavity and inspected internals. Found burnt diode and wires on the transformer burned damaging the capacitor. Replaced capacitor (WPW10574736), magnetron (W10754299), diode (W11256462), and transformer (W11545871). Tested unit, unit is now heating and is running as designed, job complete."
We serviced a
Model KRFF707ESS01
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site. Per service pointer W11092686 replaced drip pan,secured thermistor to correct location on suction line,added clamps and zip tied evaporator to clamps,secured cover with 4 screws. Autho S16360"
We serviced a
Model WRS555SIHZ00
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect refrigerator ice maker not making ice. Upon further inspection, I found the ice maker had lost position while harvesting. I removed and replaced the ice maker and tested and unit is operating as designed. Cycled power to the unit to reset controls. No water leaks observed during service, job completed. W10873791"
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LW1
Near Meridian, TX 76665
Jonathan M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site for a wash machine. That has a broken strike. Inspected unit and work area. I did confirm the customers complaints and found the scrape broken. I replaced the strike and tested the unit. I found the unit working and operating as designed. Call complete. W11457841.
We serviced a
Model WFG505M0MS0
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect range oven noises. Upon further inspection, the customer advised the unit began to make several popping noises and hadnt been used in approximately 24 hours, so the unit was cold. When I opened the oven door, I found the bottom panel was not secured on the back right corner (photo). I removed the panel and tested the unit and it ignited as designed. I installed the bottom panel correctly and retested and the unit is operating as designed and I could not duplicate any abnormal noises. I recommended the customer get a video of the noise should the unit began making unusual noises again. Unit is operating as designed. No gas leaks detected during service, job completed. No parts installed."
We serviced a
Model MDB8959SKZ0
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for not starting. Found no stored error codes. Unit will drain and stay stuck draining. Replaced control(W11410070) and found wash motor not engaging. Replaced sump assembly(W11416363) and unit is now working as designed. No leaks detected. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDBE02
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for noise. Was unable to mimic issue. Advised customer to take a video of noise. No parts replaced at this time. ; O-emld tckt
We serviced a
Model WRS331SDHM08
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Joe Z
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site for not dispensing water. Upon arrival found low amounts of water dispensing. Found a kink on supply line at supply connection. Cannot straighten out. Maintenance will replace supply line. Unit is operas designed. No leaks present job complete .
We serviced a
Model KRFF707ESS01
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site. Removed fresh food evaporator cover found oil on fresh food evaporator also found warped drip pan. Replaced fresh food evaporator,drip pan,compressor,3 way valve,drier and access valve. Vacuumed system down unit kept vacuum recharged system to manufacture spec powered unit on checked low side pressure good checked frost pattern good. Used W11457241,w11580434,w11654344,w11492867,wpw10143759,w11506635; used 1 W11457241 (Drip pan) from stock"
We serviced a
Model KRFC300ESS11
Near Briarcliff, TX 78669
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site. Lowered unit onto its wheels found cabinet off center leaning towards the right side,found no physical damage or damaged parts to unit,added pads and shim adjusted front pegs. Ran compressor test no odd noise. Used 4387828a,w11113654; used 1 4387828a from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRS331SDHM06
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for loud noise while dispensing water. Dispensed water loud noise,lowered water pressure same issue,found filter door not closing properly also. Diagnosed a defective water filter housing,replaced housing,tested water dispenser unit working as designed. Used w11162041"
We serviced a
Model WRS331SDHM08
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Joe Z
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for not dispensing water. Upon arrival, test unit and there is very low amounts of water dispensing. Found supply line is kinked. Was able to straighten line. Unit is now operating as designed. No leaks present at this time. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WFW560CHw4
Near Austin, TX 78723
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Moved to Apt 204 Arrived on site for ui issues . Found ui missing some led nodes in timer display. Replaced UI W11325580. Ran diagnostics got 6-2 error . Cleared code . Ran ui test and test wash all checked normal. No water leaks detected at time of service . Job complete
We serviced a
Model JFFCC72EHL03
Near Austin, TX 78723
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site replaced water paddle and spring W10672578, W11679631. Did find a bunch of sticky substance behind paddle . Cleaned up wall . Paddle is no longer sticking . No water leaks detected at time of service . Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WED5605MC0
Near Austin, TX 78723
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site ,replaced drum W10508188. Tested unit and all checked normal. New drum fix noise and vibration noise . No lint build up at time of service . Job complete"
We serviced a
Model MGDB835DC4
Near Waco, TX 76708
Jonathan M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to install previously diagnose to park. Inspected unit and work area. I replaced the blower wheel and tested the unit. I found the unit work for 10 minutes without making a sound. The unit is now working and operating as designed. Call complete. WP69772.
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW3
Near Waco, TX 76708
Jonathan M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed parts. Inspected unit and work area. I replaced the lower harness and control and checked all my loads through the wire harness. I found all within range. I went ahead and ran the unit through a calibration cycle and auto test. I found the unit working and operating as designed. Call complete. W11665968 and W11608056.
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDW09
Near Waco, TX 76708
Jonathan M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed part. Inspected unit and work area. The customer also complained about moisture up at the top edge of our freezer. I went ahead and added silicone to the outer edges of the cabinet and liner to address this issue. I found the issue with the gasket sealing properly. The unit is working and operating as designed. Call complete. WPW10672333
We serviced a
Model WED4815EW1
Near Waco, TX 76706
Jonathan M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed parts. Inspected unit and work area. I replaced the heating element in the thermal fuse and tested the unit. I found the unit working and operating as designed. Call complete. WP3392519 and 279838.
We serviced a
Model WUI75X15HW01
Near Kingsland, TX 78639
Maurice R
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived onsite for previous diagnosis parts. On inspection I started monitoring the electricity to the unit it share a plug with the refrigerator and it is plug into a power stripe. During me monitoring the power customer got a call and had to leave for personal emergency. I rescheduled for the 8/23. Returning all parts; schdld next appmnt for 8/23 FRI !
We serviced a
Model WHD560CHW2
Near Austin, TX 78757
Daniel A
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to inspect dryer tumbling stopping after an hour and timer continuing. The customer provided a video of the issue happening and I attempted to replicate the issue to see in person however could not replicate. I contacted whirlpool tech line and was advised to replaced the motor due to likely overheating. I am ordering the motor assembly W11209428 and blower W11573366. Office to schedule return service.; ordrng 1 W11209428 (Motor assembly) and 1 W11573366 (Blower)
We serviced a
Model WED5620HW2
Near Austin, TX 78758
Daniel A
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to install previously ordered and diagnosed part. I replaced the control however unit is still not starting a cycle. I proceeded to replace the wiring harness and retested the unit. The unit is still not starting the cycle. Office to reschedule W11310055; O-emld tckt
We serviced a
Model WDT550SAPB00
Near Austin, TX 78758
Daniel A
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrive on site to inspect dishwasher with a F9E1 error code. Customer advised that issue started after a power outage. Upon further inspection found that the unit was draining fine but error code kept displaying. I found that upon starting a cycle, the drain would time out and display error. I am ordering the control W11696402, valve check drain vent W11690638, check valve W11693619 and CNOTE-2HR office to reschedule return service. No water leaks observed during service.; ordrng 1 W11696402 (Control) and 1 CNOTE (2 hour job) and 1 W11690638 (Valve check (drain vent)) and 1 W11693619 (Check valve)"
We serviced a
Model WRT318FMDM09
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for ice build up in freezer section. Found large gaps between liner and cabinet added adhesive to large gaps,remolded gas,et checked door seal good. Used WP482338; used 1 WP482338 (Adhesive) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WFC150M0JS3
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
Job Details: 08/13/2024
On arrival verified complaint of intermittent burners. Oven works 100% all of the time. Verified voltage is good and has no drop under load. Elements all test good. Replaced infinite switches for all 4 burners. Installed 2x wp3149400 and 2x wp3148952. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ00
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for refrigerator making a noise. Entered diagnostic and found noise occurs when compressor runs from the rear. Removed back panel. Found compressor vibrating against its securing tab. Removed and properly secured. No longer making noise, call complete. No parts."
We serviced a
Model WDT970SAKZ1
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for washer not draining, does not finish a cycle. Found F9e1. Found water in tub. Also found disposal plug in place. Knocked out plug. Cleared code. Completed diagnostic with no issues, call complete."
We serviced a
Model KOEC530PSS00
Near Andice, TX 78628
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for door not being level. Found door was bowed on left side. Removed door, replaced front door glass. Installed nameplate. Reassembled and verified operation. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model KUIX335HPS01
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for icemachine not making ice. Newly installed, has never made ice. Unit was off. Ran diagsnotics and verified water and pumps working. Full frost pattern on evaporator. When started again the water flow was low. Removed from counter and it got normal. Water line was pinched. Unit working as designed. Call complete. No parts."
We serviced a
Model WOES5030LZ01
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to replace previously diagnosed oven sensor. Had to remove microwave to pull out oven. Found broil element connection was not connected and barely making contact preventing oven from heating properly. Fixed connection and replaced oven sensor(W11598120). Tested to 350? with no issues. Unit now working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WCGK5036PS00
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site and replaced with RF igniter(W11702865). Unit now working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model MVW5435PW0
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not rinsing in delicates, normal and color cycles. Spoke with Techline and found unit is working as designed. Advised to put unit into extra rinse per Techline. No parts replacement recommended at this time. SR#7739698932"
We serviced a
Model WFC150M0EB1
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for not heating. Found error f9(miswired). Found L2 was burnt on terminal block. Replaced block(WPW10245259) and corrected wiring. Unit now working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WOES3030LS01
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for damaged door and vent. Replaced vent(W11648980) and outer glass(W11653626) and nameplate(W11178521). Unit now working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WFW5605MC1
Near Austin, TX 78752
James K
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"WFW5605MC1 Arrived on site for unit flashing Lo Flo. Upon arrival, entered diagnostics and found F8E1 long fill code. Cleared code. When cold water valve activated, heard a restricted noise. Proceeded to disconnect water line and found sediments clogging the valve (picture attached). Flushed both lines and re tested. Now unit is functioning as designed. No water leaks present at this time. No parts replaced"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FBS00
Near Austin, TX 78702
James K
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"KRFC704FBS00 Arrived on site to replace ordered parts. Upon arrival, proceeded to replace W10910401 ice container, WPW10317076 control and W11099340 UI. Also proceeded to change to Basic Mode for the defrost cycle. Tested unit and now unit is functioning as designed. No water leaks detected at this time"
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW1
Near Austin, TX 78754
David Z
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to diagnose washer not starting cycles. I tested the unit and found when it's sensing it's making noise, sounds like no belt resistance. Removed the bottom cover and found her belt was not on the motor or splutch, and there was an extra random bolt sitting in the cage. Removed the bolt and reseated the belt. Verified proper operation after. No parts needed."
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0BS3
Near Austin, TX 78703
James K
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"WFG320M0BS3 Arrived on site for unit not heating. Upon arrival, found igniter pulling only 2.6 amps. Proceeded to replace W11176454 igniter. Tested unit and now oven is heating as designed. Inspected further and found front door and seal faulty (pictures attached). Ordering WPW10535778 gasket, W11178521 name plate, W11176456 front door glass, W10894054 handle, W11389703 cross bracket, W11232008 trim right and W11209792 trim left. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 WPW10535778 (Gasket) and 1 W11178521 (Name plate) and 1 W11176456 (Front door glass) and 1 W10894054 (Handle) and 1 W11389703 (Cross bracket) and 1 W11232008 (Trim right) and 1 W11209792 (Trim left)"
We serviced a
Model WRT549SZDM04
Near Austin, TX 78754
David Z
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to install new RC door gasket and seal liner. Removed and replaced RC door gasket and sealed liner. Heated gasket and tried to form. I was able to secure the gasket to the liner and verified a good seal. Parts used - W11030684, W10841140. Repair completed."
We serviced a
Model WRT549SZDM05
Near Austin, TX 78754
David Z
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to replace damaged fill tube. Found the included line kit was a bare line, no fittings or filll tube elbow. I cut out the damaged section and used 2x truck stock 1/4 inch to 1/4 couplers to secure the replacement section of hose from the hose kit. Tested a fill and verified no water leaks present. Parts used - W10823511, 2x WP2198677. Call completed ; ordrng 2 WP2198677 (1/4 - 1/4 Coupler (DZ Replenishment))s"
We serviced a
Model WFE505W0JZ3
Near Manor, TX 78653
David Z
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to diagnose range with unflush bottom drawer. Examined unit and found bottom shelf looked warped due to only one side being in the slide rail. I removed the shelf and reattached the guide for the right side and properly installed. Customer asked how they can stop the drawer from being used, which I let them know would be at their discretion since there is no locking mechanism. Unit is working as designed. Repair completed."
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ12
Near Manor, TX 78653
David Z
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to follow up on refrigerator that was completely dead. Tested unit and found no power going to fridge. Located breaker in laundry room and found it tripped. I reset the breaker and ran unit through diagnostic tests of all functions. Could not get unit to trip breaker on any diagnostic test. Exited diagnostics and let unit run for a bit and breaker still did not trip. Advised customer on GFCI nuisance related trips, since unit isn't even coming close to pulling enough amps to trip breaker. Customer was not home at time of service and let me in remotely. No parts needed since I could not duplicate a failure. Call completed."
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HC1
Near Waco, TX 76706
Jonathan M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for a washing machine that is flashing an F2 E2 (HMI disconnected) error code. Inspected unit and work area. I did confirm the customers complaint as the error code was flashing on the main screen. Per the tech sheet, I went ahead and replaced the user interface. I tested the unit and found the unit working and operating as designed. Call complete. W11478526."
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHZ08
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Tim M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not dispensing ice. Upon arrival customer demonstrated when pressing on the ice paddle no ice dispenses. Removed ice container and activated motor, motor is seized and does not spin. Replaced motor (W11671282) and coupling (WPW10169511) from job ticket 421544. Tested unit, unit now dispenses crushed and cubed ice as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHZ08
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Tim M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not cooling. Upon arrival found 3 of ice buildup on the evaporator cover, unit has a defrost issue. Defrosted evaporator and found a wire on the heater that has come out of its molex. Replaced heater (W11650661), evap fan motor (WP2315549), thermistor (W10316760), and control (W11546690) as precautionary. Unit is now building ideal frost and is running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW3
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Tim M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for no power. Upon arrival unit was unplugged, when plugging it in drain pump kicked on and would not stop. Inspected pressure hose, no punctures or restrictions. Replaced control (W11608056), ran diagnostic cycle, shift actuator is having trouble shifting. Inspected under unit and found that the cam has been grinding due to shift actuator not shifting properly. Replaced splutch (W10721967) and shift actuator (W10913953). Tested unit, all components are now properly engaging. Informed customer at maximum capacity of this unit is 40% of the basket. Also advised to run clean washer cycles every 30 loads. Ran a normal wash cycle with a load of laundry, unit filled, agitated, rinsed, and spun. Unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDM11
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Tim M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to replace previously diagnosed part. Installed fill tube extension (WP2174755) and tested unit, water is now being directed to the ice maker funnel and is filling as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW1
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Tim M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not filling with water and stuck on sensing. Upon arrival customer stated he got this unit installed and it hasnt worked right at all. He ran a clean washer cycle, after that a normal cycle and it started to sense then switched to done. Inspected drain hose found it 2 feet inside the drain pipe and 16 was covered in grey water. Shortened the hose so only 6 is inside the drain pipe. Also inspected under the unit and found that the basket dropped all the way to the ground causing the pulley to rub through the pulley shield damaging the cam, belt, and pulley shield. Will need to order new pulley shield, cam, belt, shift actuator. Ordering parts, no parts installed, rescheduled for 08/20.; ordrng 1 W10721967 (Cam) and 1 WPW10550173 (Pulley shield) and 1 W11239857 (Belt) and 1 W11481722 (Shift actuator)"
We serviced a
Model WTW6157PB0
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Tim M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site, no answer at the door. Called customer, LMNA. Contacted office thread, office called customer LMNA and sent a text. No reply after 10 minutes, tagged door. Customer to contact office and reschedule.; O-emld tckt"
We serviced a
Model WFE320M0JS4
Near Temple, TX 76504
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for range tripping breaker. On arrival found 237vac(L1-L2), 119.1vac(L1-n), 119.3(L2-n), ovac(n-g). Found amp draw steady between 10-14 amps when bake was set. Replaced w11182108 bake element, w10856603 broil element, and w11594224 control. Heated unit to 500 for 30 minutes and instructed customer to allow unit to run for an additional hr to remove moister. Unit works as designed. Call complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHM12
Near Temple, TX 76502
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for refrigerator over cooling/freezing items in upper rc. On arrival found ice around defuser and rc control removed ice and replaced wpw10384183 thermistor, w11380595 defuser, and w11546690 control. Raised temps to warmer setting and found unit working as designed. Call complete"
We serviced a
Model WEE745H0LZ3
Near Temple, TX 76504
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site for range not turning control or oven on. On arrival confirmed failure and found voltage correct at terminal but control was burnt and broken. Replaced control w11564644 and tested unit. Found oven working as designed. Call complete
We serviced a
Model WTW6157PB0
Near Temple, TX 76502
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for washer not completing cycles and full of water. On arrival found no breakin harness, drain pump at 20.6 ohms and tub full of water. Found no pressure switch failure in control. Found rotor screw back led out and rotor not grabbing slider. Slider was severely damaged and I replaced it. Also found debri clogged in drain pump and removed it. Found no leaks and unit now works as designed during testing. Call complete"
We serviced a
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived onsite for a refrigerator to replace the previous diagnosed parts. I replaced the right RC door gasket. Call complete. INSTALLED W11456682 GASKET.
We serviced a
Model WFW560CHW4
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived onsite for washer with F3E1 error present. I gained access to the control and it was sending good voltage to the water level sensor. The water level sensor had to be replaced. I replaced the water level sensor and the unit is now going through cycles. Unit is now operating as designed. No water leaks present at the time of service. Call complete. INSTALLED W11316246 SWITCH-WL.
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ06
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived onsite for damage to walls on a refrigerator. Upon arrival I found out the customer stated the bins are hard to pull off on the door itself. I inspected the bins and found leftover adhesive from the tape that comes on it with shipping. I cleaned off the adhesive and the door bins are no longer hard to take out. No water leaks present at time of service. Call complete. NO PARTS INSTALLED.
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW3
Near Waco, TX 76710
Jonathan M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for a washing machine that has no power. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised of the unit will go into a drain and then will not cancel and start new cycles. She advised that even when she tries to cancel it, shell have to unplug it for over a day in order for the machine to work again. She advised that most the time, the unit does not finish out the cycle and will go back into that drain again. I ran the unit through diagnostics and found an F8 E1 (low water detected during the fill), F2 E1 (stuck key), and F1 E1 (main control fault) error codes. Around the unit to an auto test and found the unit working an operating as design. I checked all my loads and found all my loads within range. I went to replace the control in from the control that was sent with me. Ive been previously used. I installed it anyway and found the unit immediately go into a drain whenever I plug it in. I ran into diagnostics and found an F1 E1 error code indicating a failed control. I am re-ordering the control and rescheduled the customer to 8/16. W11603810.; ordrng 1 W11603810 (Control)"
We serviced a
Model KBSD708MPS00
Near Waco, TX 76712
Jonathan M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for a refrigerator that is not cooling the refrigerator section. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that since the initial call in, the freezer side has not been cooling as well as it has been in the past as well. Upon visual inspection, I found evidence of a defrost issue in the freezer section. I gained access to the evaporator and found the evaporator thermistor reading, 11.4 k ohms ( 23?F). I checked resistance on the heater and found it reading open. I ran it through diagnostics and found an F4 E1 (FC defrost heater) error code. Upon a visual check, I found that the defrost heater wraps itself all the way around the evaporator. I spoke to CS and was advised that this repair can be quite difficult without damaging the evaporator and to order sealed system parts with it to ensure that this repair is done in one trip. ordering the defrost heater and all sealed system components and rescheduled the customer to 8/19. Please schedule service for three hours to make sure that all repairs can be made.; ordrng 1 W11626107 (Heater) and 1 W11506620 (Suction line to evap coupler) and 1 W11629714 (Evaporator) and 1 W11557671 (Compressor) and 1 W11506635 (Access valve) and 1 WPW10143759 (Drier)"
We serviced a
Model WCE55US0HS01
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for RF burner knob hard to turn. Found unit is working as designed. Knob will have more resistance in comparison to the others due to being a dual infinite switch. Unit is working as designed. No parts replaced at this time. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WDF540PADM2
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
David Z
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to diagnose dishwasher not cleaning dishes. Customer says water just sits in the bottom of the tub. Tested and confirmed wash motor is making loud noise and not pumping anything. Replaced sump and motor assembly and tested. Verified proper function with no leaks. Parts used - Wpw10605059.
We serviced a
Model MDPS6124RZ0
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Maurice R
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived onsite for previous diagnosis parts. Installed the tub and shield and moved over all the components from the old tub over. Ran diagnostic to make sure there were no leaks on the new tub, it passed with no issues. No water leaks detected during service. W11409866 W11655286"
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW3
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Maurice R
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for previous diagnosis parts. Installed the new control board on the unit, calibrated the unit and then ran diagnostic mode. The washer passed the diagnostic mode with no issues, then ran the normal settings to see if it would agitate after filling with water and it did. The washer is operating as design. W11608056"
We serviced a
Model WFW5620HW1
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Maurice R
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived onsite for washer that powered down during a wash cycle. On inspection I ran unit in diagnostic cycle and it showed error F5E2 lock error. During the diagnostic cycle I pulled on the door and the unit powered down in the middle of diagnostic mode. Went to install new latch and found that the latch installed on this unit looks like it is foe the Canada version. James got me the part # for this unit. No parts installed during service, office to reschedule when part comes in. ; ordrng 1 W11458150 (Latch)"
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ05
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Maurice R
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived onsite for previous diagnosis parts. Installed the Ice maker into the unit and used the self test to test, it completed the test and filled the tray with water with no issues. The ice maker is operating as design. W11284458"
We serviced a
Model JFFCC72EFP02
Near Austin, TX 78750
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived onsite for unit operating with poor cooling following repair. No evidence of bad joints or leaking. Found unit operating with low charge -10 low side and 80 psi hi side. Pulled vacuum and charged to spec. Unit is now running at 25psi low side and 140psi hi side. Advised customer on findings. No further repairs at this time.
We serviced a
Model KUIX535HPS01
Near Austin, TX 78750
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived onsite and found unit operating as designed. Was reported to have stopped producing for 2 days. Unable to identify any failure symptoms at time of service. No parts.
We serviced a
Model WGE745C0FS05
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived onsite for broken cooktop. I found the cooktop to have a heat stress break on the left front burner glass. I replaced the cooktop and the unit is operating as designed. Call complete. INSTALLED W10877558 COOKTOP D.
We serviced a
Model AMV2307PFW08
Near Austin, TX 78728
Daniel A
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to inspect microwave not powering on. Upon further inspection I found the fuse was bad. I replaced the fuse and performed a test on the microwave and the transformer began to arc and smoke. I removed the fuse and left unit unplugged for safety. I am ordering a transformer W11737664 office to schedule return visit ; ordrng 1 W11737664 (High voltage transformer)
We serviced a
Model WFW560CHW4
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived onsite to replace previously diagnosed parts. I replaced the cabinet as the original was damaged. I also replaced the front panel that was previously diagnosed. Found it to have dents. I also replaced the previously diagnosed front drawer. I re assembled the unit and tested it. The unit is running as designed and no water leaks are present. Call complete. INSTALLED W11325579 FRONT PANEL, W11352995 CABINET , AND W11318818 DRAWER FRONT."
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS2
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Daniel A
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts per previous tech. I installed the diverter cover and diverter disc. Ran a test cycle and the dishwasher is operating as designed, observing no unusual sounds. No water leaks observed during service W11679656 W11662107"
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ2
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Gerry C
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"WDT750SAKZ2 Arrived to inspect leaking and code. F8E4,F9E4 stored in memory and I cleared for testing. I found the right side of the tub leaking at the lower joint area and the tub W11409866 will require replacement. Office to schedule with customer. Power to unit unplugged and water shut off. ; ordrng 1 W11409866 (Tub assembly)"
We serviced a
Model JMW2427LM00
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived onsite and found unit with f2 e0 error code. Gained access to unit and verified secured harness and reser power which resulted in resumed normal function. advised that if unit presents with f2 error again the console should be replaced. No parts used. All checks good, advised customer on repair."
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ08
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Daniel A
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site to inspect refrigerator not producing ice. Upon further inspection tested ice maker and ice maker failed to fill with water. I proceeded to access valve to verify that valves are operating properly. I found that both valves are operating as designed. The ice maker is failing to call for a water due to failed internal contacts. I replaced the ice maker and tested it. The ice maker is now operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service. W11548540
We serviced a
Model MHW5630HC3
Near Waco, TX 76712
Jonathan M
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site for a washing machine that will not start a cycle. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that this unit is brand new and has not been used since June. They advised that they were able to run one cycle and then the unit stopped illuminating and telling them time. And they advised that whenever they would try to start the unit, it would be pet them. The customer advised that on her dryer, the knob would light up and on the washer, it would not. I attempted to change cycles on the washer, and could not get any time frames for the washability of the washer. I was able to find that the buttons on the side or working, and ran into into diagnostics. I found an F8 E1 (low water detected during the fill) error code. The customer advised that they had turned the water off due to this ongoing issue. I went ahead and check voltage going to the user interface and found proper voltage. I replaced the user interface assembly and tested the unit. I found the unit working and operating as designed. Call complete. W11325569."
We serviced a
Model WZF34X20DW05
Near Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site for freezer intermittently not cooling. On arrival found evap coil evenly frost with compressor and evap fan both running. Found unit go 8n to defrost 10 minutes after arrival and found coil fully dry. Found start up amp draw at compressor was 1.2 but stabilized to 0.8amps after 5 seconds. Replaced control and informed customer to give unit a few days and see if temps increase or stay at 0. Call complete
We serviced a
Model WFW5605MC0
Near Harker Heights, TX 76548
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site for washer leaking. On arrival found some detergent stains near dispenser but ran washer for an hr and couldnt replicate any leaks. Called techline and documented photos and findings under sr# 7739697351. At time of service no parts are recommended for repair and instructed customer to contact whirlpool for further assistance. Call complete
We serviced a
Model WFE320M0JS4
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"On arrival verified complaint of tripping breaker. On arrival inspected unit and found no signs of arcs or damage. Visual inspection of the harness shows no signs of damage. Terminal block is wired correctly and is tight. Verified voltage and polarity are correct. Replaced Bake and broil elements. Checked continuity between element casings and terminals and found OL. Ran bake element and broil elements in diag test then ran bake cycle at 400 with ground strap off for 30 mins. Verified amp draw was under 16amps max. Stopped cycle and reattached ground wire. Set bake at 400 Advised customer to run for 1.5 hours and turn off cycle, unit is working as designed job complete installed w11182108 bake element and w10856603 broil element"
We serviced a
Model KRFF577KPS02
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Gerry C
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"KRFF577KPS02 Arrived to install sealed system components. I found the unit had refrigerant and I evacuated. I removed and replaced the compressor, service port and dye drier and vacuumed. Achieving 360 microns and allowing loss time, I charged with the MFG calculated charge and tested. I found the left RC door would not fully closed without being pressed on, and then would open after a short time, enough that the gasket could not make contact at the upper mullion corner. The door liner was mismolded and holding the ice bin door out, preventing full door closure. Office to order left RC door and bin door, in case of need. No leaks observe during service. Office to contact the customer to arrange return service. ; ordrng 1 W11681454 (RC, LH, SS, Door) and 1 W11679939 (Ice Bin Door)"
We serviced a
Model WOS51EC0HS20
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect wall oven control panel locked. Upon further inspection, I found the panel locked and I attempted to unlock the control, but it failed. When I went to replace the panel, I found it had the incorrect panel. I found the model number was off by the last two engineering digits and had ordered the incorrect part. Corrected the model number and am ordering the control panel and scheduled return service for 08/16/24. Unit left turned off at the breaker for safety. No parts installed.; ordrng 1 W11600370 (Control panel)"
We serviced a
Model WRS331SDHM08
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Gerry C
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"WRS331SDHM08 Arrived for suspected sealed system repair. Prior to sealed system service, inspection revealed the machine did not have an operative evaporator fan. Tracing the line back to the control, I found the harness was incorrectly routed during manufacturing and it had shorted out, damaging the fan circuit within the main control. Further testing of the sealed and defrost systems showed them operating as designed. Office to order control, harness and fan motor. Office to contact the customer to arrange return service. ; ordrng 1 W11742389 (Main Control) and 1 W11609465 (Lower Harness) and 1 WP2315549 (Evap Fan)"
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDW10
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. I spoke with previous tech and he advised to replace the evap fan motor, control, and seal gaps in between liner and chassis of the FC section. Upon my arrival, I found the unit evap fan operating as designed, but the fc section was full of ice/frost due to an air leak. I advised previous tech that I would be replacing the control and sealing gaps as evap fan is operating properly. I gained access to the evaporator and found a good frost pattern. Cleared the ice/frost from the fc section and removed and replaced the main control and tested in diagnostics. Unit is operating as designed. Using the silicone provided for this call, I sealed the gap in between the liner and chassis in the fc section opening and advised the customer of my repairs. No water leaks observed during service, job completed. W11666427, WP542638, WP482338"
We serviced a
Model WRT549SZDM06
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect refrigerator no cool. Upon further inspection, I found the unit cooling, but I also found the fc evaporator fan not operating. I placed the unit in diagnostics and tested the compressor, at which time, the evap fan should have come on and it failed. I gained access to the fan motor and also tested the defrost element and it is operating as designed. I removed and replaced the evap fan motor and tested and it is operating as designed. I tested the defrost thermistor and found dit out of range. Removed and replaced the thermistor and retested unit and it is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed. WPW10384183, WP2315539"
We serviced a
Model JDPSS246LM1
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 08/13/2024
"Arrived,on site for door rusting. Found rusting near latch screw. Removed outer door. Replaced inner door, verified operation. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WFG550S0LZ4
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site with new parts for range. Replaced all burner heads and caps. Verified operation. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model JDPSS244LL2
Near Austin, TX 78721
Job Details: 08/13/2024
415-802-9272Justin A side Arrived on site for washer not starting cycle and flashing error code . Ran diagnostics got 7-2 . Unit kick out of diagnostics and started throwing 7-2 code . Ordering sump and motor . Set return for 8/16. No parts installed . ; ordrng 1 W11460946 (Sump and motor)
We serviced a
Model MVW5430MW1
Near Austin, TX 78724
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site for washer not starting. Got drain pump error code . Found lower harness broken . Ordering lower harness . No parts used. Return 8/16. No water leaks detected at time of service. ; ordrng 1 W11643701 (Lower harness)
We serviced a
Model WDF332PAMS0
Near Manor, TX 78653
Job Details: 08/13/2024
Arrived on site for leaking dishwasher. Ran diagnostics no error codes and no leaks present . Did find out in talking from customer they had used dish soap instead of dishwasher detergent. Instructed on proper soap usage . No parts installed . No leaks found . Job complete