We serviced a
Model WFW560CHW4
Near Austin, TX 78723
Ryan B
Job Details:
Arrived on site to inspect unit for clanking noise. Upon closer inspection found left panel severely dented causing basket to hit cavity. Will need to order left panel. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11352995 (Panel)
We serviced a
Model WED4950HW0
Near Austin, TX 78723
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not heating. Upon closer inspection found unit heating but had zero air flow. Showed customer paper test and with vent paper was not held at all, removed vent paper was held by 10 percent of vent holes. Informed customer to have vents professionally cleaned. Job complete. NO PARTS USED."
We serviced a
Model WFE975H0HZ5
Near Belton, TX 76513
Job Details:
"On arrival verified complaint of tripping breaker. On arrival inspected unit and found no signs of arcs or damage. Visual inspection of the harness shows no signs of damage. Terminal block is wired correctly and is tight twists in power cord removed. Verified voltage and polarity are correct. Removed power cord from wall. Replaced Bake and broil elements. Checked continuity between element casings and terminals and found OL. Removed ground strap. Reconnected power. Ran bake element and broil elements in diag test activation then ran bake cycle at 500 with ground strap off for 30 mins. Verified amp draw was under 16amps max. Stopped cycle, disconnected power,and reattached ground wire. Plugged in and unit immediately tripped breaker twice in a row. Spoke to GC and was advised bad outlet or breaker. Unit worked when removing ground strap. Incoming voltage waiver signed. Job complete. Installed w11321472 and bake w10779716"
We serviced a
Model WOC75EC7HS22
Near Austin, TX 78731
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not heating. Upon closer inspection found mag over heating. Replaced mag, tested unit, unit is running as intended. Job complete. Used W11578959"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS01
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details:
Part was damaged . Reordering door gasket W10917313. Return set 9/25. ; ordrng 1 W10917313 (Gasket)
We serviced a
Model WFES3330RS0
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
Job Details:
"On arrival verified complaint of tripping breaker. On arrival inspected unit and found no signs of arcs or damage. Visual inspection of the harness shows no signs of damage. Terminal block is wired correctly and is tight and twists in power cord removed. Verified voltage and polarity are correct. Removed power cord from wall. Replaced Bake and broil elements. Checked continuity between element casings and terminals and found OL. Removed ground strap. Reconnected power. Ran bake element and broil elements in diag test activation then ran bake cycle at 500 with ground strap off for 30 mins. Verified amp draw was under 16amps max. Stopped cycle, disconnected power,and reattached ground wire. Reconnected power and Set bake at 500 Advised customer to run for 1.5 hours and turn off cycle, unit is working as designed job complete replaced bake element w11182108 and broil element w10856603"
We serviced a
Model WTW4850HW2
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
Job Details:
On arrival verified complaint of off balance basket. Attempted to replace basket. On removal of old basket identified gearcase is damaged and not allowing new basket to seat correctly. Installed basket but unable to reattach lid due to basket is lodge up higher on the shaft. Spoke to customer and service SW and laid lid on top and sercured equipment inside unit. Ordering gearcase w11454372 and tub ring W11550886 for return. Rescheduled for 9/24; ordrng 1 W11454372 (Gearcase) and 1 W11550886 (Tub ring)
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HZ09
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details:
Arrived on site for poor venting . Found Dampner not opening . Found foil tape obstructing proper opening . Adjusted vent cover and removed excess tape . Dampner is opening and closing properly . Otr is venting better . No parts installed. Job complete .
We serviced a
Model KRSF705HPS00
Near Belton, TX 76513
Job Details:
Arrived on site for refrigerator needing sealed system repair. On arrival found no dye or leak around drier but I did find dye com8ng out of lock ring attachment on condenser coil. Removed lock and added a new sleeve then pulled vac and recharged system with 5.75oz of r134a. Tested unit and found no leaks and even frost patterns. Informed customer to give unit 24 hrs to stabilize temps. Call complete
We serviced a
Model KDFE104KPS2
Near Manor, TX 78653
Andrew R
Job Details:
Arrived onsite for dishwasher door with no retention. Upon arrival I pulled the dishwasher out and found the right hand spring came out of place. I re attached the spring and unit door is now opening and closing as how it was designed. The door no longer falls down and spring is staying in place. No water leaks present at time of service. Call complete. No parts installed.
We serviced a
Model JGCP536WP02
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for uneven heating, tested unit found front right burner orfice clogged causing uneven gas flow, cleared and tested, unit is now functioning as designed, job complete no parts installed"
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ04
Near Leander, TX 78641
Daniel A
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect refrigerator not producing ice. Upon further inspection, I measured the FC temp and recorded -3 degrees. I gained access to the ice maker and found that the ice maker sensor was damaged and hanging out of place. I verified that the valve is ok and not an issue with the water supply. I replaced the ice maker and the unit will start producing ice within 48hr. No water leaks observed during service. W10873791"
We serviced a
Model KMHS120ESS11
Near Austin, TX 78749
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for no power. Upon arrival customer stated ever since they moved in unit has had no power. Confirmed issue. Outlet is wired correctly and has proper voltage. Took voltage at the filter board and found L1-N only reading 6V. Checked L1-Chassis found it reading 120V. Took N-Chassis and found it reading 120V. Contacted SW. Per SW filter board would need to be replaced. Will need to order part for return visit. After installing filter board recommend testing unit at a different outlet, if everything checks out then test unit with its own dedicated outlet. Ordering parts, no parts installed, rescheduled for 09/27.; schdld next appmnt for 9/27 FRI !"
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LC1
Near Leander, TX 78641
Daniel A
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered part. I installed the new latch and unit is now locking properly, however on a test cycle, the unit will fail to agitate or spin. I checked the harness and the harness is good. I also checked the motor windings and they test good as well but motor will not run. I verified that the motor is receiving voltage. I am ordering the stator clutch and slider and capacitor. W10734521 W11195971 W10754448 W11033573. I am scheduling for 9/24. No water leaks observed during service. ; ordrng 1 W10734521 (Slider) and 1 W11195971 (Stator) and 1 W10754448 (Clutch) and 1 W11033573 (Line filter)"
We serviced a
Model KDTE204KPS2
Near Austin, TX 78739
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for noise. Upon arrival customer stated when he starts a cycle it starts to hum and vibrate loudly. Also beeps and flashes the LED. Ran a diagnostic cycle, when drain pump kicked on customer stated that was the noise. Drain pump was vibrating louder than usual but that was due to no water in the unit and pump not primed. After water entered the unit and ran a full diagnostic cycle the drain pump engaged and sounded normal. Inspected drain pan and found sudsy water causing float switch to trip and not allow a cycle to be completed. Removed water and tested, unit is now running as designed. Explained to customer the importance of not using too much soap. Advised to switch to liquid soap in order to be able to customize the amount of soap going into the unit depending on the load sizes and soil levels. Also explained the importance of running hot water before starting a cycle. No leaks detected, no parts installed, job complete."
We serviced a
Model MHW8630HC4
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Daniel A
Job Details:
Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. I reset the unit and was able to open the door. I replaced the latch and tested the unit. The unit operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service. W11565030
We serviced a
Model wrs331sdhm08
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for unit not defrosting. Ran diagnostic defraot themristor reading open,replaced main control ran diagnostic test thermistor reading good,replaced themristor just in case thermistor issue,ran diagnostics thermistor reading good,ran heater test passed heater powered on. Used w11742389,wpw10384183; used 1 Wpw10384183 (Thermistor) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHM12
Near Austin, TX 78747
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for not dispensing water. Adjusted tubing,tested water dispenser unit working as designed. No parts used"
We serviced a
Model WTW5105HC3
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details:
"On arrival verified complaint of noise. Watched video from customer and identified splutch screech. On inspection found splutch cut into the shield as nut was loose. Belt was slightly worn and shield was cut. No sign of damage or leaking from gearcase. Replaced cam, belt, and shield. Unit is now working correctly. Job complete installed w10721967, wpw10006384 belt, and w11409708 shield."
We serviced a
Model WMMF7530RZ00
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details:
On arrival verified complaint of noise. Per previous diag checked fan and found blade was touching shroud. Unit no longer makes noise. Adjusted fan blade and reinstalled unit. Makes slight fan noise now. Uninstalled and noise goes away. Noise sounds like normal noise. Spoke to TL for customer satisfaction complaint 7739937818. Unit is now installed and working. Job complete installed w11662648
We serviced a
Model MVW5430MW1
Near Harker Heights, TX 76548
Job Details:
Arrived on site for washer not turning on. On arrival found no power at outlet. Found drain pump at 20 ohms and no breaks in harness. Found motor windings at 4.9 ohms(cw/ccw). Found 20amp gfci breaker outside had tripped towards the end of the cycle. Reset breaker and found properly polarized 123vac at outlet. Replaced both controls w11675701 and w11627413. During washer cycle test I found amp draw never exceeded 8amps. Explained to customer how sensitive the gfci breakers are with rapid amp change in some appliances and to use unit to help train breaker to handle amp change. Unit works as designed with no leaks call complete
We serviced a
Model MVWB765FC3
Near Spicewood, TX 78669
Job Details:
"Arrived onsite for unit shutting down after 25 min. Customer states cycles that take typically 1hr or more are quitting after about 25 minutes. The unit will tone as if cycle complete but does not spin the cloths out. Ran diagnostics and only code is for overloaded. Ran an auto test and rapid wash and had no issues and unable to duplicate the issue. Due to intermittency replaced main control. Customer called back that again the unit quit; toned, drained the water and turned off. Walked customer through diagnostics and only error was F2E1 stuck key. Called Tech line Jonathan SR#7739941354. Tech had no explanation other than the unit is responding as if it lost power. Will need service management assistance in screening call. Office to schedule ; O-emld tckt"
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HZ09
Near Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Job Details:
Arrived on I site for microwave with intermittent failing surface light functionality. On arrival confirmed failure and found control relay stuck. Replaced control and found unit working as designed. Call complete
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for not cooling. On arrival customer showed me deli UI harness was cut. Read disclaimer to customer before servicing and warned customer of strings of failure with particular model. Customer stated he will need to reconsider and will be calling us back if wishing to proceed with servicing. No service provided, no fee collected."
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ11
Near Buda, TX 78610
Job Details:
Arrived on site. Moisture on top of gasket sent pictures to tech support sr tech support need to replace brackets will also replace gasket and possibly slides. Sr#7739935228; ordrng 1 WPW10330991 (Bracket) and 1 WPW10330993 (Bracket) and 1 W11658402 (Slides)
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HW0
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
Daniel A
Job Details:
Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts per previous tech. Installed all parts that were needed W11219115 W11178227 W10752187 W11550891 W11449841 W10754448 W10734521 W11568797 W11551646 WP8533928 W11260238 W11027980 W11195971 however upon testing we observed that the valve is becoming stuck open. I am ordering a valve W11165546 and 2-man job. Office to schedule return service. ; ordrng 1 W11165546 (Valve) and 1 CNOTE (2-Man)
We serviced a
Model KRFF577KPS02
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Gerry C
Job Details:
"-3 fc 35 rc. KRFF577KPS02 Arrived to inspect ice production issues. I found the machine T -3 in the FC and 35 in the RC. No gapping was found around the ice maker housing and the ice bin gasket had a better than average seal. The leveling legs were not set and the machine was tilted forward, one inch farther out at the top, than the bottom and causing the crisper drawer to constantly roll out. I corrected the chassis positioning and the RC doors required squaring and leveling. The ice maker error code test showed an E5, but no water was found in the ice mold, denoting the E5 error was, in error due to no water entering during attempted harvest modes and the control not seeing the expected temperature rise from the water fill. I found the inlet tube heater was not fully pressed into place and corrected. I tested the thermistor with a thermocouple and thermal camera, finding it within 1/2 a degree of measured and in excellent condition. I re-installed the ice maker and tested. The fill retuned and the machine operated as normal. I completed the service by power cycling the machine and verifying the error code had cleared. No leaks observed during service."
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HZ09
Near Fort Cavazos, TX 76544
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for microwave not heating or turning on. On arrival confirmed failure and found interlocks, fuse, and cap and diode failing. Replaced w11256462, w10850446,w11707984(2x), w11551761, and w11551558. Tested microwave and found it working as designed. Call complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ11
Near Austin, TX 78759
Job Details:
Arrived on site for fridge making noise . Customer had Video of noise . Found ice had built up around evap fan motor . Looks like valve was weeping and spilling over fill tube . Customer has also had issues with not dispensing water . Ordering valve and filter housing . No parts installed . Return set for 9/23 ; ordrng 1 W11645245 (Valve) and 1 W11162042 (Filter housing)
We serviced a
Model WRB329DMBM05
Near Austin, TX 78759
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for fridge having cooling issues . Ran temp checks ,fz 1, fresh 39 . No signs of frost . Ran diagnostics and found dampner only opening half the time it was cycling . Replaced dampner WPW10594330. Dampner functioning properly. No water leaks detected at time of service . Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WDT730HAMZ0
Near Austin, TX 78758
Job Details:
Arrived on site for dishwasher door not latching. Found latch had failed . Replaced latch WPW10653840. Unit is now starting to. No water leaks detected at time of service. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WTW5010LW0
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details:
Arrived on site for for washer not starting cycle . Ran diagnostics and lactch would click couple times and not start . Unit would stop test cycle . Replaced latch W11513248. Re ran test wash . All checked normal. No water leaks detected at time of service. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WTW4855HW3
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details:
Arrived on site for water filling issues. Found unit stuck in drain mode . Ran diagnostics got pressure sensor switch and control error codes . Replaced control board W11607637 . Ran calibration and diagnostics wash test . All checked normal. No water leaks detected at time of service . Job complete .
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LW1
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details:
Arrived on site for washer vibration no error codes . Found slider collar has slipped position . Replaced slider W10734521. Didnt find any oil on slider . Ran diagnostics all checked normal. All checked normal. . No water leaks detected at time of service . Job complete
We serviced a
Model KRFF577KPS02
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for no cool fridge . Unit is just buzzing . Both sections room temp. Compressor pulling 4.9 amps . Replaced start device WPW10197428. No change in amp draw. Ordering compressor,evap, service port, uv drier , nitrogen,r600. Weigh 3hrs . No water leaks detected. Call to set return ; ordrng 1 W11598434 (Evap) and 1 W11574734 (Compressor) and 1 Serviceport and 1 Uvdrier and 1 Nitrogen and 1 R600kit and 1 Weigh3hrs"
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Waco, TX 76708
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for a washing machine. That is making abnormal sounds. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that the unit is making worse sounds than before. She showed me a video of the cam grinding. I disassembled the unit and confirmed that the cam was stripping. But I went to replace the gearcase, I found the washplate was seized onto the driveshaft. I had to break the washplate off to remove it. I went ahead and replaced the gear case, wash plate, cam, and actuator. I tested the unit and found the unit working and operating as designed. Call complete. W10721967, W11510461, W11481722, and W11449840."
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW2
Near Harker Heights, TX 76548
Job Details:
Arrived on its for washer not completing cycles. Found wire to motor broken and repaired it. Tested washer and found it working as designed. With no leaks. Call complete
We serviced a
Model WFES3530RS0
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78132
Job Details:
Arrived on site and replaced previously diagnosed bake(W11182108) and broil(W10856603) elements and control(W11707168). Removed ground from terminal and heated to 500?. Reconnected ground and advised customer to allow unit to run for 2hrs. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model DU850SWPB3
Near Austin, TX 78725
Ryan B
Job Details:
Arrived on site to inspect unit for not draining. Upon closer inspection Foyund drain failed. Will need to order and return. Office to reschedule. NO PARTS USED ; ordrng 1 8283457 (Drain)
We serviced a
Model WMMF7330RZ00
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for humming noise. Unable to replicate but customer provided video and noise appears to be coming from stirrer. Ordering parts and office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 W11658672 (Stirrer motor)
We serviced a
Model WFE515S0JS3
Near Manor, TX 78653
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace both elements with redesigned elements to combat nuisance tripping. Replaced both elements, set unit to broil 500 for 30 minutes, then set unit to bake 450 for 30 minutes. Unit is running as intended. Job complete. USED W11182108 W10856603"
We serviced a
Model WFE505W0JZ3
Near Manor, TX 78653
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace both elements with improved elements to combat nuisance tripping of units. Replaced both elements, set unit to broil 500 for 30 minutes, then switched unit to bake 450 for 30 minutes. Unit is running as intended. Job complete. USED W11182108 W10856603"
We serviced a
Model WFE975H0HZ4
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
David Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to install wifi Module. Customer said unit wasn't heating properly either. Installed wifi Module and power cycles, as well as reseated all control connectors. Tested unit and verified unit was hitting set temps properly. Unit now working as designed. Parts used - W11165979."
We serviced a
Model MVW5430MW1
Near Florence, TX 76527
David Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to diagnose washer that is grinding / not starting. Tested unit and found when starting the washplate spins instead of the basket, indicating shifter is not changing cam position. Can also had belt marks all on it, so belt was slipping. Replaced cam and actuator. Tested unit and verified it properly starts a cycle and does not stop. Repair completed. Parts used -W10721967, W11481722."
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW2
Near Austin, TX 78717
Daniel A
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect washer spinning out of balance and also water wont stop coming into the basket. Upon initial inspection, I found that the suspension was very worn. I can conclude that suspension had been worn by the weight of the basket filling all the way to the top with water from a faulty valve. I replaced the suspension and the inlet valve. I leveled and tested the unit and the unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service. W11396716 W11220230."
We serviced a
Model WRF555SDFZ19
Near Austin, TX 78726
Daniel A
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect refrigerator not producing ice. Upon further inspection, I took temperature of RC and FC and ice box and all temperatures are good. I checked the icebox fan and valve and both tested good with no issues. Ice bin had a nearly full bucket of ice. At this time unit is operating as designed and customer will monitor and contact whirlpool if in need of further service. No parts installed and no water leaks observed during service."
We serviced a
Model KRFF707ESS01
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details:
"Arrived on site. Unable to open freezer door,freezer door frozen shut,per customer ice would build up on freezer floor diagnosed unit would need a new drain extension which is causing freezer door to be frozen shut. Ordering drain extension will also order brackets in case needed. Customer requesting sooner service ; ordrng 1 W11668672 (Bracket) and 1 W11745092 (Extension)"
We serviced a
Model WDP540HAMZ0
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for not washing. Found wash motor receiving proper voltage but not engaging. Replaced sump assembly(W11613479), un it is now working as designed. No leaks detected. Job complete."
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW2
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for leaking. Found drain hose is ripped causing leak. Also found cam and belt need replaced. Ordering parts and scheduled for 09/24. ; ordrng 1 W11244231 (Drain hose assembly) and 1 WPW10006384 (Belt)
We serviced a
Model WDF550SAHB0
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Job Details:
Appliance is in unit 714. Arrived on site to test unit for not completing wash cycles. Found voltage to unit was correct. Replaced control and console board with no improvement. Upon further inspection found l1 wires were not twisted together in wire but causing voltage drops. Secured wiring and unit is now working as designed. No leaks detected. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WDT531HAPM0
Near Marion, TX 78124
Job Details:
Arrived on site to test unit for insulation hanging. Adjusted insulation and unit working as designed. No leaks detected. No parts replaced at this time. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW0
Near Waco, TX 76710
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for a washing machine that is still not completing cycles. Inspected unit and worst area. I am because summer advised that since the previous repair, the unit started acting up again. I ran the unit three diagnostics and found an F3 E2 (pressure system fault), F8 E1 (long fill), and F9 E1 (long drain) error codes. I checked the pressure hose and did not find any kinks or tears in the pressure hose itself. I blew through the pressure hose from the control and found no blockage inside of the tub. I went ahead and replaced the control and tested the unit. I found the unit working and operating as designed. Call complete. W11626074."
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIHZ01
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details:
"On arrival verified complaint of broken harness. Replaced FC door per previous diag. When testing for leaks found water fittings leaking replaced and unit is no longer leaking, job complete installed lw11202405, 2x wp2300868, and 2x wp4373559"
We serviced a
Model WDF332PAMS0
Near Manchaca, TX 78652
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for dispenser issues. Upon arrival customer stated she cannot close the dispenser. Inspected and found locking clip has broken off. Replaced dispenser (W11705151) and tested unit, unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WRS331SDHM08
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Job Details:
"On arrival verified complaint of unit leaking water. Ran ice maker and confirmed no leaks at fill or in ice maker, frost pattern is good and no defrost issues or drain issues. Unable to find a leak at this time. Reconfirmed with maintenance and still no leak. Job complete no parts installed."
We serviced a
Model DVE45R6100C/A3
Near Austin, TX 78745
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for not tumbling. Upon arrival unit was installed and not accessible. Customer signed damage waiver. Removed unit from cavity and gained access to the inside of the unit, tested all sensors and fuses, found thermal fuse reading open. Will need to order thermal fuse. Tech to double check and make sure vents are clear before leaving service call. Ordering part, no parts installed, office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 WP35001087 (Thermal fuse)"
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW3
Near Leander, TX 78641
David Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to diagnose washer that had leaked during last cycle. Customer had mentioned they had water in the softener cap as well. Tested valves and found the cold valve would not shut off. Once it was on it stayed on, even if cycle was cancelled and also disabled in diagnostics. I removed the valve and replaced. Tested and verified all working as designed. Repair completed with no leaks present. Parts used - W11210463."
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HPS03
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for cooling issue. Checked freezer temp reading 22? removed compressor cover found incorrect compressor installed,previous company installed a R134a compressor for a R600 unit,did not replace drier and modified the tubing. Removed compressor installed correct compressor,drier and modified tubing,vacuumed system down unit kept vacuum recharged system to manufacture spec powered unit on checked low side pressure good. Used w11574734,wpw10143759,w11506635"
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHZ12
Near Austin, TX 78721
Tim M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace previously diagnosed parts. Unit is thawed out, inspected drain tube, no restrictions. Inspected slides, found them not pulling the door tight causing air leak. Replaced slides (W11658402) and tested, FC door now shutting and sealing properly. Unit is now functioning as designed, advised builder to monitor and if issue returns to give a call to the office. No leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ06
Near Leander, TX 78641
David Z
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to follow up on sealed system repair. Tapped system and found no pressure on high side. Removed access pipe from compressor and also found no pressure present. I was able to remove the compressor and dryer, and also cut out and put a sleeve where the lok ring for the condenser is. I reinstalled my dryer, and prepped the compressor for reinstall. Before brazing my compressor tubing I pumped some nitrogen through the high side, and a blob of oil and refrigerant blew out the suction line. Sent pictures and called into tech line, SR7739930464. Tech line sending unit up for product review, unit is brand new and issue was present from day one as well as oil did have a slightly brown color. Customer advised on process for product review. Reassembled unit. Parts used - W11736670, W11506635, WPW10143759."
We serviced a
Model WOES3030LS01
Near Andice, TX 78628
David Z
Job Details:
Arrived on site to diagnose oven throwing F8E0 error for fan speed. Tested unit and found fan not spinning and just humming. Removed oven and fond rear panel bent into the blower. Straightened out rear panel and replaced blower. Straightened panels and tested. Verified unit working as designed. Parts used - W11598119.
We serviced a
Model WED4850HW0
Near Austin, TX 78727
Daniel A
Job Details:
Arrived on site to inspect dryer not heating. Upon further inspection found that the hi limit thermostat was open. I replaced the thermostat and tested the operating temperature. I observed that the operating thermostat is faulty causing the dryer to run too hot. I replaced the operating thermostat as well. Unit is operating as designed now. 279816
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MB0
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Daniel A
Job Details:
"Arrived onsite to inspect range Edith error code F3E0. Upon feather inspection, I found that the temp sensor was shorted. I replaced the temperature sensor and reset the unit to clear the error code. I tested the unit and the unit is operating as designed. WPW10181986 no gas leaks observed during service."
We serviced a
Model WDF332PAMS0
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Daniel A
Job Details:
Arrived on site to inspect dishwasher making noise while opening and closing door. Upon further inspection found that the pads were a bit worn I replaced the friction pads and unit door is opening and closing quietly. Unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service. WP8268961
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHV08
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for no cool in fresh food section. Found evaporator heavily incased in ice,ran diagnostics heater powered on,ran fan test passed. Diagnosed defective controls,replaced main control and ui ran diagnostics all test passed. Used w11518204,w11558182"
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS09
Near Elgin, TX 78621
James K
Job Details:
"WMH31017HS09 Arrived on site for microwave not heating. Upon arrival, tested unit and found unit running but will not produce heat. Proceeded to replace W11256462 diode. Tested unit and now unit is functioning as designed."
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HW3
Near Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Job Details:
Arrived on site for washer making a loud noise when spinning. On arrival confirmed noise and found drain hose banging against back wall of washer. Found noise removed and unit works as designed. No parts installed Call complete
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW1
Near Fort Cavazos, TX 76544
Job Details:
Arrived on site for washer not staying balance and stopping cycles. On arrival confirmed failure and found f0E9 in diagnostics. Found unit was loaded with an off balance load of laundry and I instructed customer on loading methods and which materials to mix for best weight distribution. Found washer works as designed. Call complete
We serviced a
Model WDT751SAPZ0
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for dishwasher showing f8e4 error. Also found f9e2. Removed lower panel. Confirmed water in tray. Found water leaking from water inlet. Found it was not properly tightened to valve. Tightened and completed diagnsotics. Unit working as designed, replace float switch as precaution. Call complete"
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHB00
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for refrigerator not cooling, worked for about a day but then went to room temp. Freezer and ref sides both at 70f. Compressor pulls 0.5 amps. Pressure at -19 and 120. Removed filter drier and high side coming out of cabinet, isolated. Pressured at 250. Does not hold. Used soap bubbled to confirm my welds are true. Internal leak in cabinet. Called tech line. Gave sr#7739933088. Advised customer they will be contacted within 5 business days."
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ11
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details:
Arrived on site for refrigerator building up moisture. Found right side refrigerator door gasket is not sealing. Used heat gun to reform gasket. Verified operation. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ02
Near Waco, TX 76707
Jonathan M
Job Details:
Arrived on site for a refrigerator. That is not cooling. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that the unit was making abnormal noises and then stopped cooling all together. I plugged it in and found the compressor running but the evaporator fan not running. I went ahead and replaced the evaporator fan and tested the unit. I found the unit cooling and operating as designed. Call complete. WPW10464673.
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHM12
Near Waco, TX 76708
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for a refrigerator that is not cooling properly. Inspected unit and work area. The customer stated that the refrigerator seems to cool off and on and when it is not cooling, it is making a clicking sound. They advised that usually after a few hours, the unit will start cooling again, but they are having issues with things staying frozen in the freezer section. I checked temperature in the freezer and found it at 8?F. I let my temperature gauge sit in there for 10 minutes and found temperatures rise to 13?. I gained access to the compressor area and found the compressor extremely hot to touch and found the return line coming from the condenser was burning hot. I took an amp draw off the compressor and found it pulling .578 A I am ordering a compressor, dryer, and access valve for repair. The office will need to contact the customer about a return date due to limited parts availability.; ordrng 1 W11580057 (Compressor) and 1 WPW10143759 (Drier) and 1 W11506635 (Access Valve)"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS06
Near Temple, TX 76502
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for refrigerator not making ice. On arrival found ice maker had ice in tray but test 130 wouldnt rotate tray around. Replaced ice maker and found same results. Found 12dc not present during testes and am ordering W11574766 triton ui, W11664342 hv control rescheduled customer for 09/24/24; ordrng 1 W11574766 (Triton) and 1 W11664342 (Hv control)"
We serviced a
Model WCG55US0HS05
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for front burners burning so high that it started burning the knob. Customer also says back burners are fluctuating. Flame is good and working. Tested operation and all burner flames are blue. Front right has orange but that is due to stuff stuck on burner cap that it is burning off. Working as designed, knob got melted because pan used is too large for front burners. It pushed heat toward knob. Working as designed. Called tech line to verify. Sent pictures. Sr#7739928273. They transferred to safety to replace knobs. They agreed with authorization #. w1c9cs1wpl1. Reset for thurs pm. Customer thinks it has design flaw. Referred to customer service. ; ordrng 4 W11366438 (Knob)s"
We serviced a
Model WDT730PAHZ0
Near Andice, TX 78628
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for dishwasher not cleaning. Not draining. Diagnsotics shows F6E4, f8e2. Unit activated drain pump but did not drain water. Checked drain hose and it was clear. Removed drain pump and found parts of upper rack stuck and broke the blades, replaced drain pump. Unit completed diagnsotics with no errors. Ordering parts for upper rack that are gone causes it to fail. Reset for sat; ordrng 2 WP8565925 (Stop track.)s and 1 WPW10491331 (Lower spray arm) and 1 WPW10448645 (Upper spray arm.) and 1 WPW10250160 (Clip) and 1 WPW10195840 (Positioner)"
We serviced a
Model WED5050LW1
Near Andice, TX 78628
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for dryer not turning on. Confirmed unit does not respond to power button. Removed junction. Found no power coming into unit. Breaker was tripped. Reset. Getting 252, 126v, and 0v from n-g. Verified operation. Dryer pushing out heat now. Working as normal. Customer said it did one load before breaker tripped. Upon inspection found rear panel was caved in and could be too close to wires and cause short. Ordering rear panel and bring heater in case. Office will call to schedule when part arrives. ; ordrng 1 W10634729 (Panel)"
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ06
Near Andice, TX 78628
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Due to the compressor failure and the defrost bimetal failure, I removed and replaced the compressor, access valve, UV dye drier and evap harness w/bimetal. I evacuated the system outdoors and cleared the system with Nitrogen. Removed and replaced the compressor, access valve and dye drier and performed a push/pull test. Vacuumed the system down to -30/0psi. Removed and replaced the evaporator harness with bimetal and then installed 53g of R600 refrigerant and tested. Unit is beginning to cool and operate as designed. Other than the typical water leaking from defrosting the unit, I observed no water leaks during service, job completed. W11566892, W11506635, WPW10143759, W11736670"
We serviced a
Model KOES530PSS00
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect wall oven not heating. Upon further inspection, I had to remove the microwave that is installed above the wall oven in order to get the oven out due to the oven power cord being behind the microwave. Once I had the oven out, I gained access to the main control and elements. I placed the unit in diagnostics and checked for error codes and found F6E4-control failure. I removed and replaced the main control (ACU) and tested the unit and found the unit getting 242V (photo) to all elements (bake, broil, convection)mane all are cycling properly. I allowed the unit to continue to heat to check for the breaker tripping (GFCI) and the unit continued to operate as designed. I advised the customer of my findings. Job completed. W11448962"
We serviced a
Model KUIX535HPA01
Near Kingsland, TX 78639
Gerry C
Job Details:
KUIX535HPA01 RG: Arrived on site for a stand up ice maker with no power per client. Further inspection found external pump had failed causing no power. Replaced part#w11539855 ran service mode worked great then ran it through customer mode . Product worked as its designed no water leaks visible from water supply
We serviced a
Model KUIX535HPS01
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for no ice. Ran diagnostic weak frost pattern with unit running for 7 min diagnosed a sealed system issue,replaced the compressor,drier and evaporator. Vacuumed system down unit kept vacuum recharged system to manufacture spec ran diagnostic on compressor test good frost formation,reassembled unit installed unit to enclosure ran diagnostics all test passed found no leaks during drainage. ; used 1 W11735041 ( Compressor), 1 W10843121 ( Drier), 1 Wpw10218037 ( Evaporator), and 1 W11506635 ( Access valve) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WDP540HAMZ4
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
Job Details:
"Arrived on to test unit for not draining, tested unit found water sitting on the bottom, draining pump is engaging but water is not removed, inspected disposal and found drain plug is not removed, removed plug and tested, unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected job complete no parts installed"
We serviced a
Model N/A
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for sparking, tested unit found infinite switches shorted out and would need to be replaced, serial and model number are completely faded out and no way to verify that the parts are even available, explained to customer and advised to call his extended warranty company and see how they want to proceed at this time job complete"
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LC2
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for not working properly, tested unit found unit is going from sensing to done, inspected under unit and found slider has completely split, replaced slider and tested, unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected job complete installed W10734521"
We serviced a
Model WFW8540FW1
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to test unit for F3E1 error, tested unit found system has a pressure system fault error, ran diagnostics cycle and found drain pump engaging but will not turn off, replaced pressure switch but it did not resolve the issue, will need control to fix unit, ordering control rescheduled for 9/23 installed WPW10448876; ordrng 1 W11201290 (Control)"
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW3
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Gerry C
Job Details:
WTW4816FW3 RG: Arrived on site for a washer not draining per client. Further inspection found error code F0E5 the washer was off balance and client was using wrong detergent instructed client on correct he detergent. Balanced washer calibrated ran it in service mode and automatic mode . Product works as its designed no water leaks visible from water supply.
We serviced a
Model WFE525S0JS4
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Gerry C
Job Details:
WFE525S0JS4 RG: Arrived on site for a range tripping breaker. Further inspection found pig tail was twisted and screwed on connection. Untangled connection removed ground wire and preheated oven to 500 degrees. Connected ground wire back on preheated to 500 product is working as designed no tripping of breaker. No parts were used on order.
We serviced a
Model WED5100HW3
Near Coupland, TX 78615
James K
Job Details:
"WED5100HW3 Arrived on site for unit not drying properly. Upon arrival, checked temperature on Normal cycle and registers 255 degrees F max temp. Continued to check on Timed Dry right after and unit will not heat above 150 degrees F. Unplugged dryer vent and still did not exceeded above 150. Disassembled unit and cleaned all lint inside unit. Retested unit on Timed Dry with vent off and unit registers 114- 183 degrees F offset. Plugged vent back in and temp went at high as 225 degrees F, then dropped and never maintained above 150 degrees. Removed chicken wire from the exhaust outside and now unit is running within specs. Unit is functioning as designed. No parts replaced"
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ11
Near Austin, TX 78759
Job Details:
Arrived onsite to replace damaged RC door. On arrival found the damage occurred to the freezer door. Ordering freezer door. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 LW10918659 (Freezer door)
We serviced a
Model WRT519SZDM02
Near Austin, TX 78758
Job Details:
Arrived onsite for unit needing sealed system repair. Tapped system and found flat. Installed dryer and charged system with nitrogen at 200psi. Found leak at evaporator. Replaced evap and compressor. Pulled vacuum and held. Charged per spec and tested. Unit is running and cooling. Notified customer to place a bottle of water in the freezer and monitor temperature. Bottle should freeze and remain frozen within 24 hrs. Job complete
We serviced a
Near Manor, TX 78653
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace igniter diagnosed on previous trip. Replaced igniter, tested unit, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. Office to charge card on file. Used wb13k21"
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW3
Near Manor, TX 78653
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for turning on on its own. Found wire slightly loose in plug was able to secure wire in plug, tested unit, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. NO PARTS USED."
We serviced a
Model WFE535S0LZ3
Near Whitney, TX 76692
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for an oven that has an air fryer that wont work. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that everything works but when they try to run the air fry setting, it makes a really loud noise. I tested the unit and confirmed the noise coming from the convection fan blade. I gained access to the convection fan and found that the blade was bent, causing it to rub against the front cover. I reshaped the fan blade and reassembled the unit. I ran the unit for 10 minutes with the convection fan coming on and off and could not replicate the sound again. The unit is working and operating as designed. Call complete. No parts were installed."
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS3
Near Waco, TX 76705
Jonathan M
Job Details:
"Arrived on site for dishwasher that is quitting after running for five minutes. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised theres still water inside of the dishwasher and that it will not drain. The customer stated that this unit was installed two weeks ago. I attempted to drain the unit and found the pump running, but no water draining in the sink. I ran the unit through diagnostics and found an F9 E1 (long drain) error code. I removed the drain hose from the garbage disposal and found that the knockout punch had not been knocked through. I asked the customer if they recently changed the garbage disposal and she advised that her installers told her she needed to install one for them to install the dishwasher. I knocked through the knockout punch and tested the unit. I found the unit draining. I tested the unit and a normal wash cycle and found the unit filling, recirculating, and draining as designed without quitting after five minutes. The unit is now working and operating as designed. No parts were installed."
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HZ09
Near Waco, TX 76706
Jonathan M
Job Details:
Arrived on site for a microwave that is not turning on the vent. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that the unit vent has never worked since they bought it and that this is brand new. I tested the unit and confirmed the fan motor would not turn on. I gained access to the fan assembly and found that the connector had not been properly connected. I connected the fan motor and tested the unit. I found the unit working and operating as designed. Call complete. No parts were installed.
We serviced a
Model WFE975H0HZ4
Near Austin, TX 78744
Ryan B
Job Details:
"Arrived on site to replace upgraded elements to combat nuisance tripping of GFCI breakers. Replaced both elements, set unit to broil 500 for 30 minutes then set unit to bake at 450 for 30 minutes unit ran with no issues. Job complete. USED W10779716 W11321472"
We serviced a
Model NFW7200TW
Near Lorena, TX 76655
Jonathan M
Job Details:
Arrived on site for a washing machine that is not draining. Inspected unit and work area. I did confirm the customers complaint. I gained access to the drain hose and removed the water. I checked the drain pump and did not find any obstructions inside the drain pump. I went ahead and replace the drain pump assembly and tested the unit. I found the unit working and operating as designed with no leaks present during operation. Call complete.; ordrng 1 34001427 (Front panel)
We serviced a
Model WDP540HAMZ4
Near Temple, TX 76504
Job Details:
Arrived on site for dishwasher not cleaning dishes well. On arrival found f4e3 in diagnostics. Found motor and failed and replaced w11613479 motor. Tested unit and found it working as designed with no leaks call complete
We serviced a
Model WED5620HW2
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Job Details:
"On arrival verified complaint of noise and damage. Spoke to service thread SW Cabinet is worse then originally identified. Cabinet is unable to be bent back into shape and will need to be replaced. Motor, blower, motor, mount, housing, base, and door panel are already ordered. No other parts needed as front left corner is only location of physical damage. Ordering W11233548 cabinet. Will need 2 hour return. ; ordrng 1 W11233548 (Cabinet)"
We serviced a
Model JDPSS245LX0
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details:
"Arrived onsite to replace left support, console and levelers. Replaced parts and tested. Customer will have builder reinstall unit as install is custom. Job complete. Used w1561254 (2), w11572093, and w11679658."