We serviced a
Model KDTE234GPS0
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for the left adjuster being broken. Looked at the unit and saw that it was broken. Went ahead and replaced the adjusters. Tested the rack. The rack was moving as it should. No issues at this time. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on call to replace heater. After replacing test operation. No leaks detected at time of service.
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIDM02
Near Austin, TX 78741
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site and replaced freezer door diagnosis of previous visit, did not have diffuser or replacement bin on hand and will need to return; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Model MDB4949SKZ0
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for unit not working and the error code coming on. Looked at the unit and tenant noticed that the pan at the bottom that catches the water had some water in it and said that the water line may need to be tightened properly. Looked at the line and tightened the water supply hose. Dried out the pan for the water at the sensor switch. Put the switch back in and tested the unit and saw no leaks during the entire cycle. Let tenant know that if the supply hose keeps leaking at the neck that the hose may need to be replaced
We serviced a
Model KRSC5032ESS01
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for cooling issue and installed the fan scroll and the ui. Unit had been thoroughly defrosted by customer. The unit is now operating as designed. Advised customer on the repair.
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDW06
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site and inspected refrigerator and found gaskets pull out of channel when door is opened. Door channels are not a tight fit. Added silicon in channel, if this keeps gasket from pulling out repair is complete.
We serviced a
Model LGHX2636TF5
Near Temple, TX 76502
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site for refrigerator needing previously diagnosed parts. Upon arrival installed all 4 needed dispenser parts. Reassembled and tested unit. Found ice dispensing as designed. Call complete
We serviced a
Model MHW5630HW2
Near Austin, TX 78750
David Z
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to follow up on washer not spinning out larger loads. Customer tried all suggestions given by me and tech line on previous visit. Called tech line again and was advised to replace lower harness and stator by tech line rep. Components feel fine, basket is free spinning. Ordering harness and stator per tech line recommendation.; ordrng 1 W11314680 (Lower Harness) and 1 W11354541 (Stator)"
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HC0
Near Waco, TX 76710
Jonathan M
Job Details: 12/20/2021
We serviced a
Model KDPM604KPS
Near Austin, TX 78726
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for a dishwasher that was throwing an F9E1 error code. Upon arrival the customer provided videos of the F9E1 error code being thrown, and stated that it typically occurs during the second half of the cycle. They found that water would be left in the tub, but you could still manually drain it by holding the cancel button. They also found that once (and provided a video) that the vent would turn on and never turn off. Due to this, they have kept the units power cycled off. I put the unit into diagnostics mode and found stored error codes F9E1 for no drain, FAE2 for vent wax motor electrical problem, and F7E1 for wash motor failure. I then ran a diagnostics cycle and found the unit ran through as designed. I gained access to inside of the unit and ohmd out the harness and components. I found the fan and vent motor were both out of range. I also found corrosion on the vent fans connector. This indicates a fan assembly needing replacement. Due to the wash motor error code, and the intermittently failing drain pump, we will need to replace these as well.
We serviced a
Model WTW7500GC0
Near Waco, TX 76710
Jonathan M
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for a washing machine that is now making sound as it spins. Inspected unit and work area. Checked Internet the unit for any signs of wearing on the road or, stater, or slider. Found no issues present. Tightened all screws on the stater and rotor. Tested the unit several times and high speed spin and could not replicate the issue. Due to the unit being in Arena Center, was unable to use any clothing detest. The unit is seemingly working as designed. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WED6620HC2
Near Waco, TX 76710
Jonathan M
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site for a dryer that wont close. Inspected unit and work area. Customer advised that the door will not stay closed. Found the caP had broken causing the issue. Replaced the cAP and tested the unit. The unit began to work as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model ABB2527DES
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on call to replace previous diagnosed parts. After replacing test door to make sure it is closing properly.
We serviced a
Model KRFC300ESS01
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site to test unit for over cooling/freezing in RC. Found compartment thermistor was reading open. Replaced thermistor with harness. Unit now working as designed. Advised customer on obstruction of air flow. No leaks detected at time of service.
We serviced a
Model MVWB835DW4
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to inspect washer noises. Upon further inspection, the customer advised that the transmission (gearcase) was recently replaced. I placed the unit in diagnostics showing error code F7E5-shifter failure. I cleared the code and continued with testing. I manually tested the spin cycle and immediately I could hear a rubbing noise. I tilted the unit back and removed the rotor, clutch and stator and found that when the gearcase was replaced, the slider was reused and not replaced. When I removed the slider, I found it broken and where is was rubbing on the clutch due to the slider being warped. I advised the customer of my findings and removed and replaced the slider and calibrated the unit. Retested and unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Per previous techs diagnosis, I removed and replaced the compressor, UV dye drier, and access valve. Vacuumed the system and pressures held good at -30/0. Installed 4.06oz of R134a refrigerant and monitored pressures. Pressures were good at 3/120. Recommended that the customer allow the unit to cool for 24-48 hours before adding food back into the unit. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model WGD6120HC1
Near Austin, TX 78737
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site to test unit for front right left damaged. Found cabinet a bit bent. Installed leveling leg and got unit leveled. Unit working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRV986FDEM01
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Jimmy J.
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site for ICE MAKER/WATER DISPENSER/INTERIOR LIGHTS ARE NOT WORKING--MAKES LOUD NOISE--GIVES THE PF ERROR CODE--STILL COOLING OK. Took temps and FC was 32 and RC was 45. UI would not allow me to see temps. Eventually after third try I could see temps from UI. No fans running in test 3. Found frost built up over FC evap cover but only at the very bottom section. Found frost built up over evaporator coils inside RC cover. Found drain pan under RC evaporator bowed. Deli control was not working. Unplugged deli control and all lights came back on and RC fan turned on. . ; ordrng 1 W11188493 (Evaporator cover) and 3 Shim (Evap Shim)s
We serviced a
Model CSP2860TQ0
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
Jimmy J.
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed part. Removed timer and I installed new timer. Tested unit and it is now heating as designed. Had property manager come and feel the heat when door is opened. She asked why did it smell like a burning smell inside the laundry room. I explained the lint and dust thats accumulated on top of the element since it stopped heating was burning off the element causing the smell. Once it ran for five minutes the smell was gone. Called lead maintenance Bobby and informed him the dryer is heating as designed. Job completed.
We serviced a
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
David S
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for freezer not cooling properly. I inspected the unit and work area. I spoke to the customer and found out it was originally not cooling and the high temp alarm wasnt going alarming. The customer stated they power cycled the unit and it started to work. I preformed a temp test and found it at-10 while set to the coldest setting. I gained access to the evaporator and tested the defrost thermostat and heating element, it tested good. I gained access to the compressor and found it testing good and receiving proper voltage. The unit will need a control to complete the repair.
We serviced a
Model WMH32519HZ5
Near Austin, TX 78724
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for unit not heating. Tested unit and all components functioned just not heating .Magnetron makes humming sound. Unit has high voltage issues. need to replace magnetron ,capacitor and diode. Replaced magnetron,capacitor and diode. Test unit by heating glass of water for 30 seconds. Unit heated correctly. Unit is now functioning correctly. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model KUBR314KSS00
Near Austin, TX 78717
David Z
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to diagnose wine cooler that is not cooling. On arrival opened door and found Ui had lights on l but no cooling. Found the switch box with door switch da,aged due to bent toe kick. Removed toe kick and was able to get unit to power on. Ordering new lower grille and switch box. Office to schedule when parts in hand.; ordrng 1 W11359433 (Switch Box) and 1 W11532987 (Toe Grille)"
We serviced a
Model WRX988SIBM03
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite and replaced the UI and the drip pan techline advice. Unit is properly installed and shimmed. Advised customer on repair and set unit to 8hr defrost cycle and 100% humidity control. All checks good.
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW3
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to inspect washer not working. Upon further inspection, I found the unit dispensing water into the tub. Customer advised that after the unit had been unplugged for a while, they plugged it in and now it seems to be working. They mentioned that it will dispense water, but will shut off afterwards. I placed the unit in diagnostics showing error codes F5E2 & F5E3-lid lock fault & lid unlock fault. I cleared the codes and continued with testing. Once attempting to test in diagnostics, the unit failed to lock the lid. Following the tech sheet, I tested the lid lock assembly at the J6 connector and found the lock out of range in testing resistance. I removed and replaced the lid lock assembly and calibrated the unit. Retested and unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model KRFF507ESS01
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for no lights in freezer and side wall in fresh food. Found freezer led module suck in insulation,per led module instructions cut out module,hard wired new module with connectors provided with new module,found leds not powering on,replaced side wall leds same issue. Returned to freezer module,removed some insulation areounf harness found while wiggling harness lights would flicker.Sr#7732526466"
We serviced a
Model CAE2745FQ1
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Tyler L
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for install of previously diagnosed parts. Installed new latch and valve. Was unable to test, because the main water line is leaking when the water is turned on. Maintenance said they will correct the issue and let us know how hot e unit is functioning. Job complete."
We serviced a
Model WOC54EC0AS04
Near Buda, TX 78610
Tyler L
Job Details: 12/20/2021
We serviced a
Model WOC54EC0AS04
Near Buda, TX 78610
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site to replace mag and inverter due to no heat. Replaced magnetron and inverter test unit and timer stopping after a few seconds. Will order new control board and wave guide cover. Will need 2 man 2 hour ; ordrng 1 WPW10586836 (Micro computer) and 1 W10915651 (Wave guide cover) and 1 2manjob (2 man job) and 1 2hourjob (2 hour job)
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ00
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
David S
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site for icemaker intermittently producing. I inspected the unit and work area. I tested the ice box fan and found it working as designed. I put the unit into test 56 and found error e5 bad icemaker thermistor. I replaced the icemaker. I found the freezer temp below 4 degrees. I tested the icemaker and found it working properly. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model JDB3650AWR3
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site to replace console. Replaced console test unit and unit test good job complete.
We serviced a
Model FFTR1821TS5
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived for refrigerator not cooling properly in both Sections. Upon the customer told me that he had defrost fridge over night and plugged it back in today.I performed a temp test and found 43 degrees in fc and 56 degrees in rc. I gained access to freezer evaporator and found ice buildup. Upon further inspection I found that the defrost thermistor had come loose from the suction line. I checked the cap line for signs of a refrigerant leak I did not feel of see anything signs of a leak. I check the condenser fan and compressor and found them both running. I then reattached the thermistor and removed the ice.
We serviced a
Model WTW4855HW1
Near Manor, TX 78653
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived onsite for unit making loud grinding sound and intermittent screeching. Tested unit and unit operated correctly just made noise. Inspected gearcase, and gearcase checked out good. found grinding noise coming from cam and screeching noise coming from belt. Need to replace cam,actuator,and belt. Replaced cam,actuator,and belt. Test unit. Unit operates correctly and no longer has grinding and screeching noise. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIHZ04
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for loud noise. Diagnosed diffuser motor making odd and loud noise while opening and closing,replaced diffuser assembly ran diagnostics all test passed."
We serviced a
Model WFG505M0BB3
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite and installed door bracket and oven rack. All checks good. Unit is now operating as designed.
We serviced a
Model IGS426AS2
Near Austin, TX 78705
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for the back 2 burners blowing out in low simmer. Looked at both back burners as saw the flames were low. Did an adjustment to the flames in low mode. Flames stayed on and are a little higher. No issues at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Near Austin, TX 78734
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site. Diagnosed a defective right side door gasket and mullion ordering gas,tested and mullion; ordrng 1 W11456682 (Gasket)"
We serviced a
Model WFW9050XW00
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site and set washer into a diagnostic cycle and found it is not agitating or spinning. Washer is also stacked with dryer, cannot remove dryer to check control board. Attempted to replace MCU to see if this could complete repair, it is accessible through the lower panel on the front.
We serviced a
Model MAV6451AWW
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for washer leaking upon arrival found 3 leaks. Found both hot and cold water leaking at top as well as both pump and tube leaking on bottom right hand side. Ordering pump and tube for unit but spoke with customer with leak on valve and need for plumber.; ordrng 1 WP22003285 (Tube)
We serviced a
Model WED5100HW1
Near Niederwald, TX 78640
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to test unit for not heating in sensed mode. Found bad harness. Replaced sensor harness, tested unit, unit now working as designed. Advised customer on operation of sensed dry and may periodically need to rearrange items in dryer with larger loads. Job complete."
We serviced a
Model KVUB600DSS4
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Jimmy J.
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for WHEN ITS ON THE SECOND FAN, IT WILL MAKE A BUZZING SOUND. Tested vent and could hear something rattling in the second speed. Gained access to blower by removing foil tape around vent box in cabinet and found foil tape too far into interior of vent making the foil tape rattle against the interior of the cabinet. Trimmed foil tape back and vent no longer makes the noise in second speed or any other speed. Had customer test. Job completed."
We serviced a
Model WTW4850HW1
Near Del Valle, TX 78617
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on call for complaint of noise in spin. Found the gearcase is leaking oil. Will need gearcase, cam and belt.. ; ordrng 1 W11454372 (Gearcase) and 1 W10721967 (Cam) and 1 W11239857 (Belt)"
We serviced a
Model JGD3430GS00
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on call to replace previous diagnosed part. Found the regulator is good the spark for the burners now working weak. Adjusted the holder to get a good spark now burner working properly.
We serviced a
Model WFG505M0BS3
Near Niederwald, TX 78640
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to test unit for no spark on all burners, tested unit found spark module getting voltage but receiving no spark on all burners, replaced module, tested unit, unit now running as designed, no leaks detected job complete"
We serviced a
Model KDTE254ESS1
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for unit still not cleaning correctly. tenant said they had purchased a dry rinsing agent to use and said the dishes still seem to be dirty or cloudy looking. Tenant said they pre rinse there dishes. Help to correct then issues that the tenant is having with not pre rinsing too much before using the dishwasher and to allow more time for the jet dry to take affect on seeing better results for drying. No issues at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Model KDTE204KPS0
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived onsite for unit not cleaning dishes very well. Customer said they would hit start on the unit and the unit just beep and not finish. Let customer know of the starting process and if the door is ever opened at any time to hit start once again and to shut the door get the unit to continue. Ran through automatic diagnostics and the unit worked with no issues. Also told customer to use a rinse aid to get the unit to clean better, and too not pre rinse the dishes too clean. Called tech line and let them know of findings. Did not suggest any parts replacement. Spoke with Bruce got sr#7732533063. No leaks at this time. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model MVWB835DW1
Near Smithville, TX 78957
Tyler L
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for complaints of burning smell and smoking. Found large black mark on the bottom of the basket near the drain pump, took pictures. Found lots of debris stuck in basket hole where drain hose connects. Inspected control board and looks good. Ran service diagnostics and it passed
We serviced a
Model WED6620HC1
Near Austin, TX 78750
David Z
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site to diagnose dryer that would not run. Customer said panel seems dead. Tried to power on and got no response from console. Entered diagnostic mode and tested keys and functions. Found power button on console failed. Replaced console with new and retested. Verified unit working as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model KDPE234GPS
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site to test unit for not heating. Test unit and found f7e1 error code. Deleted error code test unit and element working correctly job complete.
We serviced a
Model KUID308ESS2
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to test unit for no ice production, tested unit found Recirculating pump shorted out, up on further diagnoses found extreme Calcification on unit a water pan and pumps, drain pump was working but was extremely clogged with Calcium flakes, recommended replacing both pumps replace pumps tested unit unit now running as designed, advise customer to run a full clean cycle before usage, no leaks detected job complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ05
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site and inspected refrigerator and found customer experiences random breaker tripping. It happens as often as 10 times in the morning or as infrequently as several days. Spoke with techline and they pointed towards service pointer W11525530 refrigerator is connected to an AFCI breaker. This is not recommended and is known to cause nuisance tripping. Documented call with tech line, job complete SR7732532894"
We serviced a
Model 253.260821
Near Austin, TX 78750
David Z
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site to follow up on sealed system repair. Pierced system and found 30 psi pressure present. Replaced compressor and dryer and vacuumed system. Verified vacuum holding for several minutes. Charged to 4.6oz R134. Verified unit holding proper pressures and cooling as designed. Ran unit and verified good frost pattern.
We serviced a
Model KRFF507ESS01
Near Meadowlakes, TX 78654
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to diagnose a refrigerator that is not cooling properly. Found communication failure between controls and sensors. Also noted torn rc door gasket. Gasket, ui, sensor harness, and main control will need to be replaced to complete repairs. Office to have call authorized and set return appointment. ; ordrng 1 W10843055 (Control) and 1 W10407212 (Door gasket)"
We serviced a
Model WGE745C0FS01
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to test unit for split door, tested unit found screws holding two sections together broke off in outer door housing, attempt to remove broken screws failed, will need 2 top screws, spacers and upper outer door to complete job, office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W10877562 (Upper door assembly) and 1 W10575917 (Spacers)"
We serviced a
Model PGR5710BDW
Near Austin, TX 78758
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for oven not working. Lock light flashing. Cook top burners operate correctly,oven does not.Test unit and found F9 error code. Door latch. Unit needs door latch assembly replaced.
We serviced a
Model WRF993FIFM00
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
David S
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site for fridge not cooling. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the compressor not coming on. I tested the compressor and found the start winding open. I called techline and spoke to Bruce sr# 7732531483. He advised to replace the compressor again and check for leaks. I installed the new compressor and put 145 psi of nitrogen and found no leaks. I put a measured charge of r134a into the system and found operating pressures while cooling the freezer at 0 low and 135 high. The unit is working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on call to replace previous diagnosed parts. Found the crushed and cube are operating but only if you toggle in the cube button menu. ; ordrng 1 WR55X23065 (Control) and 1 WR17X26326 (Cap touch)
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HPS00
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site to replace previously diagnosed baffle, control and evap harness, replaced parts, powered on unit , started developing a good frost pattern, evap fan running, and baffle now opening and closing, no leaks detected job complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHW05
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site for food freezing in fresh food section. Diagnosed a defective fresh food thermistor replaced diffuser assembly that includes new thermistor.
We serviced a
Model KFGC506JSS01
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on call for complaint that tow plate will not go on. Installed tow plate to the proper location.
We serviced a
Model WFE515S0JS0
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site for cooktop always staying on. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the cooktop off. I tested the switches for any voltage leaking through while turned off and found none. The unit is working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model KDTM604KBS0
Near Manchaca, TX 78652
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site and found saved error codes F8E4 float switch open, F7E1 Single speed wash motor failure, F8E2 Water fill valve electrical problem. Set washer to run on diagnostic cycle and it filled with water but wash motor didnt run. Inspected float switch and found it had water in tray, took 1 picture. Replaced float switch and wash Motor is still not running. no other prescreen parts. Will order everything for a return visit.; ordrng 1 W11344507 (Main harness) and 1 W11410062 (Control board) and 1 W11416458 (Console) and 1 W11414073 (Fan) and 1 W11084867 (Door harness) and 1 W11416362 (Wash motor) and 1 W11434044 (Valve) and 1 W11193089 (Thermostat)"
We serviced a
Model WED8900BC0
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for previously diagnosed parts. Upon arrival replaced unit valve and damaged line and tested unit is now operating as designed. Job Completed. No leaks during service.
We serviced a
Near Austin, TX 78702
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for unit making a clicking noise and partially shutting off. Looked at the unit and heard a faint clicking but noticed that the fan in the freezer would be on and off and noticed the control in the refrigerator would have a dim flicker. Indicating a short in the control or the fan in the freezer. Let customer know that both control and fan motor in the freezer would need to be replaced.
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived on site for icemaker not working. I inspected the unit and work area. I put the unit into test 56 and found no error codes. I preformed a temp test in the freezer and found it at 5 degrees. I put the unit through a harvest cycle and found it cycling and filling with water. I tested the ice box fan and found it not spinning when called for. I installed a new ice box fan and retested it. It is now working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model FFSS2315TS5
Near Bastrop, TX 78602
Tyler L
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for install of previously diagnosed parts. Installed new filter, housing, and control board. Tested unit to make sure its not leaking. Used cup of water and dispensed water several times. No water leaks."
We serviced a
Model WED5000DW2
Near Leander, TX 78645
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for a dryer making noises. Upon arrival the customer showed me the noise concern. He found that when you press down on the unit and force it to wiggle, it would make a squeaking noise. I informed the customer this is normal. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WDF520PADM9
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for dishwasher not drying dishes. Upon arrival customer told me the the dishwasher leave the dishwasher wet at the end of cycle but the heating element does come on. I put unit into diagnostics and ran a cycle and found unit operating as designed. I advised customer that this is normal and gave them some tips to help with getting the dishes less wet at the end of cycle. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model ASD2522WRW06
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for refrigerator intermittently cooling freezing etc. upon arrival found unit had service point for add failures tested unit and found unit to be operating but add had failed.Replaced adc and let customer know to monitor before loading. Job Completed.
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHV00
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 12/20/2021
Arrived onsite for broken door switch.Replaced door switch. Unit is now operating as designed.
We serviced a
Model WRF757SDHZ02
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site for water leaking. Per customer excessive amount of water in fresh food section in drawers and on shelves. Turned on water source to unit,no leaks behind refrigerator,tested water dispenser no leaks,removed upper cover,ran icemaker test no errors,secured lines further into valve,ran fill test passed no leaks at valve or tubing. Tested water dispenser multiple times no leaks."
We serviced a
Model WDF330PAHS3
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details: 12/20/2021
"Arrived on site and found saved error codes 4/3, 7/1. Ran diagnostic cycle and wash motor is not running. Replaced wash motor and dishwasher is now operating normally, job complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS325FDAM02
Near Austin, TX 78734
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site. Attempted to shut off water to refrigerator,with source valve closed water still dispensing,tested for over 3 min water still dispensing with valve closed. Customer will need a plumber to replace defective water shut off valve to continue repair of filter housing replacement."
We serviced a
Model JS48NXFXDE01
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived onsite for unit still not powering on. Upon further inspection. Found that the power wire was the issue as I checked the voltage through the wire it would give 120v but when moving the wire the voltage would drop to 60v and then drop to reading 0v. Was sent without the chord, need to return with the part.
We serviced a
Model MEDB765FW0
Near Killeen, TX 76549
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived to inspect dryer not heating. Confirmed the complaint and disassembled the unit and element, cutoff, thermostat all checked ok. Discovered the issue was the L1/L2 had 14 volts, L2/N was 123 and L1/N was 12. Found the issues were from the dryer cord and possibly the outlet.
We serviced a
Model WFE525S0JZ0
Near Austin, TX 78728
David Z
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site to diagnose range that had the cooktop on and hot lights on. Disconnected each switch to see which was shorted. Found right front burner switch failed causing the lights. Frost left burner arced when it was being disconnected as well. Replaced control due to short, and ordering burner switches to resolve. Office to schedule when parts arrive. ; ordrng 1 WPW10434452 (Dual Element Shift) and 1 WP3149400 (RF Switch) and 1 WP3149404 (Rear Switches) and 1 W11553447 (Main harness)"
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0BS3
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Jimmy J.
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site for Range oven light not working. Found filament to bulb broken. Socket was good. Removed bulb and installed new bulb. Light comes on when light option is turned on from the display control. Job completed.
We serviced a
Model WED5100HW0
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site to replace control per tech line. Replaced control, tested unit, unit working as designed. Job complete."
We serviced a
Model WDT970SAHZ0
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site to diagnose a dishwasher that is leaking. Found door gasket not fully installed and replaced it with new gasket. All is working properly at this time and no leaks were found at time of service.
We serviced a
Model WDF520PADM7
Near Austin, TX 78747
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site and inspected dishwasher and found error code for wash motor failure.after replacement starter washer on a normal cycle and it is running properly. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDBM00
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site to test unit for no ice production. Found ice maker stuck in mid cycle and feeler arm stuck mid way. Found piece of ice hiding in back causing ice maker to think the ice bin was full and stopped production. Removed obstruction, tested unit, unit working as designed. No leaks detected. Job complete."
We serviced a
Model WRF555SDFZ11
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Noah D
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not dispensing ice quietly, upon inspection found the unit making a loud popping sound when used. Replaced motor on icemaker and found no change, checked the motor and it seemed like it was going backward, I switched connections and it didnt change directions, the back of bin is worn but isnt the reasoning, will need new bin and controls. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11185686 (ICE BIN) and 1 W11399844 (ELECT CONTROL) and 1 W11284720 (UI)"
We serviced a
Model Wed4815ew1
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Noah D
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not drying clothes completely, upon inspection found the units heater working normally but the vent was clogged causing blowback, instructed customer to have professional clean out venting due to length. Complete"
We serviced a
Model WOD51EC0HS02
Near Elgin, TX 78621
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site found unit stuck on sabbath mode. Disabled sabbath mode. Changed language to English and tested unit. Unit if functioning properly. Customer will need to connect to WiFi to download latest software and update time and date. Job complete
We serviced a
Model JVM3160EF1ES
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Noah D
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for a broken handle. Upon inspection found the units handle snapped but I was not sent with the part. Part has been on order, Office to reschedule ; O-emld tckt"
We serviced a
Model WRS335SDHM03
Near Austin, TX 78701
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Damaged freezer door replaced freezer door checked door seal good.
We serviced a
Model WED9400SZ2
Near Taylor, TX 76574
Jimmy J.
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site for BANGING NOISE WHEN CYCLE STARTS ONLY. IT CALMS DOWN AFTER A BIT. REPAIR KIT HAS BEEN REPLACED. Turned on dryer and heard the knocking. Gained access to rollers and they all looked good and were turning as I manually turned the drum. Found connectors has be soldered to the board that should have a connector. Found main harness routed through the front removable bulkhead. With this, I couldnt even remove the front bulkhead to expose the drum for removal. There were screws missing from some areas that mount the dryer together. Found ground wire spliced and exposed.
We serviced a
Model WED7300DW1
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site to diagnose a dryer that is not heating. Found failed heating element and replaced it. Tested unit and found all is functioning properly at this time.
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HB2
Near Manor, TX 78653
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived onsite and repaired heating problem by replacing magnetron capacitor and diode. Unit is now operating as designed.
We serviced a
Model KSCK25FVMS01
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Due to the ice door and cam failure, I removed and replaced the ice door kit and tested. Unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW3
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
David Z
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site to diagnose washer that is not running. Ran unit and found no response from UI. Tried putting in diagnostic mode and got no response. Tested outlet and found outlet good. When I plugged in the unit, I heard a relay click and I was then able to run the unit. Checked error codes and found F1E1 for main control fault.Replaced control and tested. Verified unit working as designed. Ran calibration. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HC0
Near Temple, TX 76504
Jonathan M
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site tour of the washing machine thats not draining. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised of the unit isnt necessarily not draining but that the clothes are coming out wet at the end of the cycle. Ran the unit through diagnostics and found an F7 E7 (motor unable to reach target rpm) error code. I ran through a manual test in a high speed spin and and auto test and the unit ran as designed but noticed something seemingly rubbing against the basket. I spun the basket by hand and found the unit would spin but would stop fairly quickly. I checked resistance through the motor and shifter and found them on the very low side of being within range. I called Whirlpool Techline and spoke to Andy SR# 7732505899. He advised to replace the gearcase and capacitor and see if that made a difference. Ordering parts and the office will need to contact the customer to reschedule due to limited parts availability. ; ordrng 1 W11423758 (Gearcase) and 1 W10721967 (Cam) and 1 W11239857 (Belt) and 1 W11395618 (Capacitor)
We serviced a
Model AED4675YQ0
Near Wimberley, TX 78676
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site to test unit for no power, tested unit found fuse reading open, replaced fuse, power returned, we have been out here multiple times for fuse going bad, used vent tester to test exhaust, got no air flow, advised customer that vent needs to be cleaned asap, do to dryer over heating and blowing fuse, provided customer with vent wizard number, customer stated that he has no record if the vent was ever clean, job complete"
We serviced a
Model WOS51EC0HS02
Near Leander, TX 78741
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site to diagnose an oven that is not responding to user input. Found touch screen completely non-responsive and ui will need to be replaced to complete repairs. Office to set return appointment. ; ordrng 1 W11296171 (Ui)
We serviced a
Model WFE540H0ES1
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Noah D
Job Details: 12/16/2021
We serviced a
Model KBSD618ESS01
Near Burnet, TX 78611
David S
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site for icemaker not working. I spoke to the customer and found out the ice dispenser is activating on its own. I inspected the unit and work area. I tested the dispenser and found when the ice door closes the auger motor turns back on for a second. I am ordering the panel UI and the Niagara control to complete the repair. Both will have to be installed on the return visit. The office will reschedule when we have an eta on the parts.; ordrng 1 W10133603 (Ice paddle) and 1 WPW10151236 (UI) and 1 WP2318054 (Niagara control)
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HZ7
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Noah D
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site to inspect unit for not turning on and clicking. Upon inspection found the unit clicking constantly when opened. Replaced upper interlock and no change was seen. Ordering lower interlock and ToD. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11433683 (Interlock) and 1 W10832024 (Tod)
We serviced a
Model WRF535SMBM00
Near Burnet, TX 78611
David S
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site for ice clumping and the icemaker leaking some kind of oil. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the ice in the bin stuck together and some kind of substance in the ice. I preformed a temp test in the freezer and found it below 6 degrees. I found the icemaker leaking and the internal components rusting I replaced the ice maker and ran a harvest cycle. I found it operating as designed
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived on site to diagnose a refrigerator that is making unusual noise. Found condenser rattling against cardboard cover under unit and adder sound pad to eliminate noise. All is working properly at this time and no leaks were found at time of service.
We serviced a
Model 253.7034341
Near Burnet, TX 78611
David S
Job Details: 12/16/2021
"Arrived on site for ice dispenser not working. I inspected the unit and work area. I tested the dispenser and found the motor not engaging and the solenoid not engaging. I gained access to the UI and the main control. I tested the communication line between the and found it open in the cabinet
We serviced a
Model WFW75HEFW0
Near Elgin, TX 78621
Job Details: 12/16/2021
Arrived onsite for washer door not opening and not washing correctly. Error codes for Long drain and overflow condition . Tested unit and found drain pump was not draining water. Need to replace drain pump pressure sensor switch. Tested unit by running auto test. and door lock operates correctly and unit drains correctly. Found water leaking from supply pipes. Showed the customer and have picture provided. Job complete