We serviced a
Model WFG550S0HZ2
Near Buda, TX 78610
Noah D
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not lighting normally on middle burner, upon inspection found some wear on the teeth of old spreader causing the issues. Replaced spreader and tested unit. No issues found. Complete"
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW0
Near Manor, TX 78653
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for washer not completing cycle. Upon arrival went to test unit and found failed strike. Unit will not complete test or cycle. Will need to order and replace strike and test. Office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 W11457841 (Strike)
We serviced a
Model MVW6230HW0
Near Manor, TX 78653
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for washer giving F0E9 error code again. Called tech line due to parts being replaced on previous visit. Per tech no repair can be made at this time. Issues are being caused by loading. Per techline the unit cannot properly wash queen or king sized comforters effectively. The unit is a larger capacity but for clothing. Other loads seem to do fine but bedding causes the issue. Unit is functioning as designed. Provided SR#7733219350. Explained to customer and also explained properly loading per use and care guide. Customer will monitor.
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS08
Near Austin, TX 78758
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for microwave making noise when in use. Upon arrival tested unit and found noise coming from turntable motor area. Found motor humming and shaft cracked. Replaced motor and support shaft. Unit is functioning properly. Tested and invited customer to test. Job complete
We serviced a
Model KBMS1454SSS3
Near Austin, TX 78759
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived onsite for microwave not functioning. Customer was using microwave then it shut completely down. Upon arrival verified incoming voltage and was good. Uninstalled unit for inspection. Found blown fuse. Used jumper and unit powered on. Tested unit and found unit would pop jumper, not breaker, and power down. Called SW. isolated high voltage system and found issues. Unit will need Fuse, magnetron,capacitor and diode. Possible transformer. Ordering parts. Office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 WP4375321 (Fuse) and 1 W10245183 (Magnetron) and 1 WPW10687786 (Diode) and 1 461964654691 (Capacitor) and 1 W10871219 (Transfomer)"
We serviced a
Model GTW680BSJ6WS
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for washer not completely spinning clothes out and intermittent control issues. Upon arrival found that unit auI was not responding. Display would also flash and change randomly. Attempted to put unit in diagnostics but would not respond. Tried multiple times and was unsuccessful. Unit would need control replaced then full diagnostics run to be sure no other issues were present.
We serviced a
Model KODC304ESS00
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for oven cooking temperature issues. Upon arrival turned off power to unit to check resistance on temperature sensors. Found connections to sensor loose. Secured connector. Found both in range at 1085 ohms. Check control connections and all were good. Powered unit on and found unit is in degrees Celsius. Converted back to Fahrenheit and tested. Upper oven needed calibration 10 degrees. Lower oven was in range. Both ovens operated correctly. Job complete . If symptoms persist recommend replacing control.
We serviced a
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for dishwasher leaking rinse aid. Upon arrival inspected unit and was obviously leaking rinse aid. Unit was having over suds condition because of it. Replaced dispenser and cleared suds issue. Ran test to insure heating element was functioning. All is functioning at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Model MHW4200BG0
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for washer having an odor. Upon arrival tested unit. Found stored error codes for load in unit while in clean cycle and communication error between MCUand CCU. Cleared codes and tested. Customer had not had any issues other than the odor. Had used affresh and stated smell has been reduced. Could not snell any foul odor on arrival or during testing. Recommended customer also try using vinegar as an odor reducer and cleaning agent. Customer will monitor. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ04
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site. Tested ice dispenser working,removed bin tested impeller on auger motor good not slipping,reinstalled bin tested dispenser passed."
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ08
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site. Unit not defrosting,customer defrosted unit,replaced main control,ui and defrost thermistor."
We serviced a
Model KSSP48QJS00
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"5599Arrived on site. Replaced heater pan coils,heat exchanger,evaporator and compressor,vacuumed system down unit kept vacuum recharged system to manufacture spec powered unit on checked low side pressure good checked frost pattern good.
We serviced a
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for no ice. Ran diagnostics no water to reservoir,unit passed all other diagnostic test. Replaced defective water valve,tested water valve passed.
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHZ08
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site. Defrosted evaporator,ohmed heater good,replaced freezer and fresh food thermistor,harness,ui and main control. Powered unit on checked air flow good."
We serviced a
Model DLEY1201V
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to inspect dryer not turning off. Upon further inspection, I plugged the unit in and before I could turn the power on, the unit drum was already spinning. I opened the door and it stopped. The unit would not heat unless turning the power on and pressing start. I removed and replaced the main control and retested and unit is operating as designed. No lint observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FSS01
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Due to the fill tube/heater harness being damaged; the UI not communicating properly with the ice maker and the ice door not sealing properly, I was to remove and replace all parts mentioned. However, I found that the parts ordered were incorrect and will need to reorder all parts. I am ordering the fill tube/heater, UI, ice door and will return with all prescreened parts. Ordering a CNOTE-AUTHORIZATION (fill tube, UI, ice door, & ice maker), CNOTE-RETURNING TECH TO INSPECT PARTS, & CNOTE-PLACE ON CANCELLATION LIST. Office to schedule return service. No water leaks observed during service.; ordrng 1 W11189145 (Ice door) and 1 W11533213 (UI) and 1 W11366500 (Fill tube heater) and 1 CNOTE (RETURNING TECH TO INSPECT ALL ORDERED PARTS) and 1 CNOTE (PLACE ON CANCELLATION LIST)"
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW2
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to inspect washer pausing mid-cycle and not spinning out the clothing. Upon further inspection, the customer advised that the unit would wash and when it got to rinse, the unit would fill and stop. Then it would drain out and go back to a wash cycle. I placed the unit in diagnostics showing error code F8E1. Cleared the code and continued with testing. Unit operated as designed. I tested the unit in a quick cycle and when it got to the rinse cycle, the unit didnt fill completely and then it paused for approximately 3-4 mins then began to drain and the control panel showed the wash light on. I tested the valve and found the cold valve out of range. I removed and replaced the valve assembly and calibrated. Retested in diagnostics and the unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model KBFS20EVMS13
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Per void techs diagnosis, I performed the sealed system repair and removed and replaced the compressor, access valve, UV dye drier and discharge tube. I vacuumed the system and pressures held at -30/0. I installed 5oz of R134a refrigerant and monitored pressures. Pressures held at -1/120 and unit is cooling properly. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model MED6230HW1
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to inspect dryer stopping mid cycle. Upon further inspection, the customer demonstrated what the unit is doing and when they turned the unit on the motor acted as if it were going to start, but it would bog down and stop. Without clothing in the drum, the unit would start, but the motor sounded as if it were struggling to start. I tested voltage to the motor and got 120V before starting the unit and voltage would drop afterwards. I am ordering the motor, main control and CNOTE-LSO PER CUSTOMER REQUEST. Office to schedule return service. No lint observed during service.; ordrng 1 279787 (Motor) and 1 WP697772 (Blower wheel) and 1 CNOTE (LSO PER CUSTOMER REQUEST)"
We serviced a
Model WTW7500GC0
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to inspect washer stopping mid cycle. Upon further inspection, I placed the unit in diagnostics showing error code F5E1. Cleared the code and continued with testing. Unit is operating as designed. Following the tech sheet for the error code, I tested the lid latch assembly and according to my results, I removed and replaced the lid latch assembly and calibrated the unit. Retested in diagnostics and unit is operating as designed. I advised the customer of my findings and repairs. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model JDD4000AWS3
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to test unit for unit leaking. Test unit and found unit leaking from hose from drain pump. Secured hose test unit and unit test good job complete.
We serviced a
Model PSB1201NSS01
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to test unit for turntable not turning. Found turn table motor not working. Replaced motor test unit and found shaft broken. Ordering new shaft office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 WB06X10693 (Shaft) and 1 WB06X10693 (Shaft)
We serviced a
Model KEBS107SSS02
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to test unit for oven not getting to temp. Test unit and found broiler snot coming on during preheating cycle. Ordering new broiler and bake element. Office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 WP9760774 (Broiler element) and 1 WPW10207398 (Bake element)
We serviced a
Model KMBD104GSS01
Near West Lake Hills, TX 78746
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to test unit for unit not heating. Test unit and unit heating correctly. Tried heating multiple times and unit test good. Found unit not secured to cabinet so door could be hitting and not closing correctly not engaging all switches correctly. Advised customer to get unit secured to the unit job complete.
We serviced a
Model WOS51EC0HS02
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to test unit for unit not heating. Test unit and found light staying on door not engaging the door switch so oven wont start because it thinks door is open. Secured door latch test unit and unit test good job complete.
We serviced a
Model WCE77US0HB01
Near Buda, TX 78610
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to test unit for bubbles and stains on cooktop. Test unit and found glass to be defective. Replaced cooktop test unit and unit test good job complete.
We serviced a
Model WDF330PAHB4
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to test unit for unit not draining. Test unit and found disposal plug still on not allowing unit to drain. Removed plug test unit and unit test good job complete.
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS2
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to test unit for bottom light not turning off. Found bad relay board. Ordering new board office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11552018 (Control board)
We serviced a
Model WFG525S0JS2
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for range with center burner nor getting night like the other burners. Upon inspection I found unit operating as designed. I explained to the customer that the center burner is not designed to get as high as the other burners. And showing her the difference in size of the holes in the burner heads. Unit operating as designed no leaks
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite to SP W11540964 - Special Project S17304. I replaced heater.and tested unit and found unit operating as designed no leaks. Upon further inspection I found rust the could not be cleaned off of the door. Ordering 1x door. Office to reschedule.; ordrng 1 W11461694 (Door)
We serviced a
Model WFG550S0HZ2
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite to install previously diagnosed pat.upon arrival I installed new broil burner and tested unit and found unit operating as designed not gas leaks. Job complete
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW0
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for washer making noise while in agitate. Upon arrival I load tested unit and found no noise I contacted Techline and spoke to ED and told him of my findings and he came to the conclusion that the unit is operating as designed. Sr#7733217903 job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDBM02
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for RIGHT DOOR POPS OPEN BOTH DOORS NOT WORKING PROPERLY CUST HAS TO RESHUT/ALARM - IM NOT WORKING. Upon inspection I found right side door gasket torn and refrigerator not leveled. I leveled unit and got door to close properly. I am ordering 1x door gasket and return with the IM. Rescheduled for 03/22/22; ordrng 1 W10830276 (Right side door gasket Gray)
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ05
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for refrigerator not cooling. Upon inspection I found ice buildup on evap and back wall of fc. I am ordering 1x heating element and returning with harness and thermistor. Reschedule for 03/22/22; ordrng 1 2188175 (Defrost heater)
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HC0
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite to install previously diagnosed pat. Upon arrival I installed new drive assembly and tested unit and found unit operating as designed. Job complete. No leaks
We serviced a
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site and found refrigerator is unplugged, installed start device ordered by previous technician and reconnected refrigerator power and compressor is running. Requested a customer allow minimum of 12 hours for refrigerator to cool before adding food items, job complete"
We serviced a
Model WRV986FDEM01
Near Austin, TX 78736
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site and disassembled fresh food interior and replaced evap motor with harness. And drip pan. Took one picture of frost pattern and sent to PR. Dont see any issues with cooling at this time, job complete"
We serviced a
Model JF42NXFXDE02
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site and found no ice production. Attempted to cycle icemaker manually and motor would not turn. Replaced icemaker, found several LED modules are out Will need to order, Will also bring back control boards sure repair on next visit.; ordrng 1 WPW10739408 (Control) and 1 W11368839 (Inverter) and 1 WPW10624574 (Control) and 4 W11462342 (LED module)s"
We serviced a
Model MED8200FC1
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site and inspected dryer and found it will not be going to cycle, replaced control board and found thermal fuse connection is loose. After correcting dryer is now running properly, job complete"
We serviced a
Model DLE2514W
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site and inspected dryer and found it is making noise while running disassemble dryer and found front right roller is dragging. after replacement dryer is now quiet while running, job complete"
We serviced a
Model PVM2070SM1SS
Near Austin, TX 78734
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"I have done site and inspected microwave and found control panel is unresponsive, will need to order control panel, control board, and SmartBoard; ordrng 1 WB07X11143 (Control panel) and 1 WB27X10901 (Control board) and 1 WB27X10901 (Smart board)"
We serviced a
Model GHW9400PL2
Near Austin, TX 78734
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site and inspected washer and found clothing item in drain pump. Closing item has snacked on impeller and drain pump will need to be replaced. After replacing drain pump confirmed it is operating normally by running a drain and spin, job complete"
We serviced a
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for unit over cooling in the refrigerator section and freezing food and drinks. Put the unit in diagnostics and saw that the thermistor in the refrigerator section was out of range in diagnostics. Reading 76 degrees but everything in the refrigerator was cold. Ordered thermistor and rescheduled with the customer ; ordrng 1 12002355 (Thermistor kit)
We serviced a
Model WDF520PADM8
Near Austin, TX 78754
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for unit not drying completely. Looked at the unit and unit is working as designed. Let customer know to use rinse aid and it will help with the drying on dishes but not plastic items. Tested the unit and unit drained with no issues. No leaks at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HPS01
Near Austin, TX 78756
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for unit making a noise when calling for water and the water looking cloudy. Checked the water line and saw that the water from the line was coming out cloudy. Checked the water coming from the dispenser again and water looked to be clearer. And let customer know that the noise from the water filter area in the ceiling is normal. No leaks at this time. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WFE500M4HS
Near Austin, TX 78756
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for front panel glass broken. Looked at the panel and saw it was broken. Replaced panel. No issues at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Near Austin, TX 78756
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for unit not drying. Checked the unit and found that the igniter was bad and the inlet thermostat we04x25201. Got the go ahead from the customer to replace parts. Replaced parts tested the unit. Unit tested good. No leaks at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDM09
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for the unit having the incorrect ice maker. lol at the unit and saw that the pin connector was incorrect and the ice maker that was sent with us was not the correct kit. Ordered correctly kit. Office to reschedule. Unit is in 6208; ordrng 1 W11565638 (Ice maker)
We serviced a
Model KBSD602ESS01
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for the freezer side not lit correctly. Looked at the freezer and saw that the bottom right led was bad. Replaced the one led. All lights working once again. No issues at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WFE320M0JS0
Near Austin, TX 78756
Joe Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived onsite for Both the oven and stove don't heat up to the desired temperature. Upon arrival tested unit and found all 4 top burners getting warm , but not hot. And oven only heats to 180 when preheated. Found unit only getting 120 from supply. Maintenance department will repair at breaker and call us back if there are continued issues after breaker is repaired. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HC0
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Joe Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived onsite to install previously diagnosed parts. Replaced the cam and belt. Tested gearcase, gearcase operates correctly. Found several coins wedged in agitator creating additional noise. Remove coins and test unit unit operates as designed on both agitation speeds and all 3 spin speeds. No leaks present at this time. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model MVWC565FW2
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Joe Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Are onsite for washer cycle advancement not advancing through rinse and spin. Upon arrival ran unit on diagnostics. Found unit not shifting to agitate or spin. Found actuator disconnected from cam. Need to replace actuator. Replaced actuator and test unit. Unit now operates correctly. No leaks present at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Model KDPM604KPS0
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Joe Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for unit with broken panel. Upon arrival found console cracked with start and cancel buttons not operating. Need to replace console. Replaced console and test unit. Unit operates as designed. No leaks present at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Joe Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for left side door will not stay shut. Upon arrival tested unit and door closes and stays closed correctly. Called techline for assistance. Tech had me try a paper test and test passed. Tech had me check leveling and unit is leveled correctly. Door closes on its own. Inspected gasket and there is a perfect seal all the way around with no gaps. No air leaks are present at this time. Tech gave SR# 7733214397. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WDF331PAHS1
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Joe Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived onsite for broken grey pieces. Found that the smaller 2 pieces are from left front roller. Replacing left front roller. Inspected all rollers and wheel and all checked good. Installed 1 roller. Checked drain and filter to be sure no broken pieces were there. No leaks present at this time. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIHZ01
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Joe Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for continued noises from diffuser. Upon arrival rand diagnostics test to hear all components and all noises sound normal.Previous tech replaced diffuser and customer still not liking noise. Called tech line for assistance. Tech had me check temps and Got 9 degrees in freezer at the time. Tech said with 9 degrees we re good. Tech and I agree that the sounds from the diffuser motor are normal operating sound for this unit. Cannot do a repair to Eliminate sound. Customer will need to call Whirlpool if he has any questions.tech gave Sr# 7733211813
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HW0
Near Elm Mott, TX 76640
Jonathan M
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for a washing machine that wont start cycles. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that it will not even fill with water. The customer ran a normal wash cycle and found the agitator spinning but the basket not really catching. I ran the unit through diagnostics and found an F7 E4 (basket re-engagement failure) error code. Checked underneath the unit and found the slider broken. Replaced the slider and tested the unit. The unit began to work and operate as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model MDB4949SDZ0
Near West, TX 76691
Jonathan M
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for a dishwasher that is leaking. Inspected unit and work area. I ran the unit through an auto test and could not find any leaks with the unit. I tested the unit twice and could not find a failure. The customer advised the unit was leaking from the door. During one of the test cycles I did notice that the unit was leaning forward into the right which is where he said the unit was dripping from. I did go ahead and adjust the feet on the unit to stabilize and level the unit. Did instruct customer on proper loading techniques as well as refraining from oversuds in. The unit is now working as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WDT970SAHZ0
Near West, TX 76691
Jonathan M
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for a dishwasher that is not washing dishes. Inspected unit and work area. Confirmed the customers complaint and found an F4 E3 (wash motor not running) error code. Ran the unit through an auto test and the unit would not recirculate water. Replaced the wash motor and tested the unit. They end it began to work and operate as designed. Call complete period
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ02
Near West, TX 76691
Jonathan M
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for a refrigerator that is leaking water from the icemaker area. Inspected unit and work area. The customer showed me where the unit was leaking from and it appeared to be at the back where the fill tube met the filler cup at the icemaker. Checked the filter up and found ice buildup inside the filter of causing the unit to overflow. Steamed out the ice and tested the unit. The unit is working as designed. Did advise the customer on how to fix this for future reference. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WED4815EW1
Near Waco, TX 76712
Jonathan M
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for a dryer that is not heating. Inspected unit and work area. Confirm the customers complaint and check voltage at the terminal block. Found proper voltage at the terminal block. Removed the back cover and checked all heating components. All checked good except for the thermal cut off, which was open. Replaced the thermal cut off and tested the unit. The unit began to work and operate as designed. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW0
Near Woodway, TX 76712
Jonathan M
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for a washing machine that is beeping and not completing cycles. Inspected unit and work area. The customer had seven videos of what was happening and in the middle of his wash cycles, he was getting a please rotate knob to an available cycle or restart the wash cycle error message. He did advise that the unit normally works and does complete cycles but will intermittently have a few loads that do this and he will have to power cycle the unit to get it to work. I called Whirlpool Techline and spoke to Butch SR# 7733211682. He had me check a ribbon cable at the UI to ensure it was seated properly. I did find that it was properly seated. He then said if that was the case, we would need to order a User Interface. Ordering part and the office will need to contact the customer about a return date due to an out of stock and PSP item. ; ordrng 1 W11478526 (UI Fascia)"
We serviced a
Model KBSN602EPA01
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Gerry C
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to inspect lights concern, there a service pointer to replace all , LED modules, parts are covered under whirlpool, quoted CX service call/labor 243.83 including tax, CX accepted, replaced all LED modules, working as designed, no water leaks detected during service. SP?W11606409 - Special Project S84638"
We serviced a
Model 88890
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Gerry C
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived to inspect element stuck and missing pans. I was able to remove the element and then verify the elements, pans and receptacles require replacement. The parts are not available and require research. contact tech GC for further details. The CX requested the blower switch be replaced and it will require research as well.
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIHZ01
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Gerry C
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived to inspect cooling issues. RC-54, FC-20F and the FC evaporator was frozen. The chamber divider had a large gap at the lower front frame and the RC gasket was not able to conform. The FC gasket also had light gapping. The deformed divider was too far out for me to comfortably correct and I contacted the MFG and spoke with tech Austin. Advised the tech of my findings and then performed a text based photo for their information. SR 7733218582. Unit deemed non-repairable and the CX will be contacted for further instructions."
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HPS02
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Gerry C
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived to inspect noise. I was able to verify the noise in test mode 4, with the compressor and condenser fan both running. When I pulled the unit out, the issue still persisted. I accessed the lower unit and ensured there were no loose items that could cause the issue and the drier was correctly positioned. Internally, I verified the issue was not able to be felt on the refrigerant tubes and there was nothing loose or moving. Test mode 4 with the compressor unplugged and only the condenser fan running did not make the noise and I was able to establish it is the sealed system causing the issue. I could feel a very slight vibration in the back of the cabinet approximately 1/3 from the left and 10 inches above the lower unit cavity. I contacted the MFG tech line, tech Andy. Advised tech of my findings and he had me contact trade care for CX satisfaction issue and verification of warranty. SR 7733158833. I contacted the trade care team and they submitted it for replacement due to CX satisfaction. No leaks observed during service."
We serviced a
Model WED49STBW1
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Gerry C
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived to inspect loud noise and burn, tested unit and verified the correct internal cycling temperatures, advised CX on normal sound level and that some scharring of the heater outlet is normal steam dryer, no water supply connected."
We serviced a
Model WDT720PADM2
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for dishwasher having standing water. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the unit full of water. I tested the drain pump and found it coming on. I found the water valve weeping into the tub. I tested voltage to the valve while the unit is in standby and found none. The unit needs a new water valve. I installed the new valve and tested th sunlit. It is working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WCG55US6HS00
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for cooktop making a pop noise at the center burner. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the far left knob not causing the unit to spark when engaged. I checked all the other burners and found them working. I found the customer using a Teflon sheet under the burners. I advised that this will restrict air flow and causing yellowing in the flame and the burners not to work efficiently, which can lead to not all the gas igniting and causing it to pop. I am ordering the switch harness. The office will reschedule when we have eta on the parts.; ordrng 1 WPW10475149 (Spark module) and 1 W11561443 (Switch Harness)"
We serviced a
Model WTW4850HW2
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for washer staining clothes. I inspected the unit and work area. I pulled the wash plate and found gear case leaking into the tub. I replaced the gearcase and the wash plate. I reassembled the unit and ran a calibration cycle and a diagnostics cycle. I found the unit working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ02
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for fridge not dispensing ice. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the water dispenser working. I gained access to the impeller and found it stripped and spinning on its own. I am ordering the motor, impeller, and spacer. The office will reschedule when we have eta on the parts.; ordrng 1 WP63052 (Impeller) and 1 W11378860 (Washer) and 1 W11310391 (Motor)"
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDEM01
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for fridge lights being out. I found the fresh food side lights and freezer light out. I replaced the freezer light and found it coming on but the fridge lights not. I replaced the fresh food side lights one by one and found them all needing to be replaced. The lights are now working. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WOC54EC0HS04
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for oven not heating. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the oven light on. I tested the switch and found it not engaging all the time. I found the switch not secured and moving when pushed on. I manually activated the switch and tested the heating elements, when the switch does engage the unit works. I am ordering the latch assembly. I advised the customer to have the unit connected to WiFi and whirlpool application. The office will reschedule when we have eta on the part.; ordrng 1 W10883049 (Latch)"
We serviced a
Model WCG55US0HS00
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for cooktop grates wobbling. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the left side grate peg missing. I replaced the grate. I spoke to the customer about the grate having a little wobble in it. But once a pot or pan is placed on top the pegs will stabilize it and it wont wobble anymore. I tested all the burners and found them igniting and with good flame patterns. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WED86HEBW0
Near Leander, TX 78641
David S
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site for dryer making a rattling noise still. I spoke to the customer and they stated the noise never went away after the last repair. I inspected the unit and work area. I tested the unit and found it making a noise. I removed the top and front panel. I jumped the door switch and ran the unit. I found the blower housing making the noise. I inspected the housing and found the gasket between the separating plate and the housing completely flat. I used some gasket material I had on hand and replaced the gasket. I reassembled the unit and tested it with a load. I found the unit not making a rattling noise any more. Job complete. This is cover on the warranty from the original repair. Spoke to PR.
We serviced a
Model WTW8500DC0
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
David S
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for washing machine not draining. I inspected the unit and work area, I found fault code F9e1 long drain, f8e6 water hazard. I ran the drain pump and found it not receiving voltage. I swapped the recirculating pump harness onto the drain pump and still found it not activating. I found the drain pump shorted. I quoted customer for the drain pump and the control. I installed a new drain pump and control. I retested the unit and it is now working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW3
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
David Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arriced on site to diagnose washer banging around and giving poor wash quality. Ran diagnostics and found F7E6 for motor error. Checked shifter and found shifter disconnected from cam ring. Ordering updated shifter and leveling unit when it's installed, this will resolve all issues. Return visit set for 3/24. ; ordrng 1 W10913953 (Shifter)"
We serviced a
Model ASI2575GRB08
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
David Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to diagnose refrigerator with no water dispensing. Ran unit and water just trickled and dripped out. Removed filter and retried. Unit dispensed water aa designed with filter taken out. Advised customer just needs to replace filter every 4-6 months. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WTW6120HC1
Near Temple, TX 76502
David Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to diagnose washer that is not draining. Checked unit and found broken wire on the wiring harness going to drain. Attempted to repair wire. Retested and unit was not draining, and is also dripping gearcase oil. Ordering control, harness, pump, gearcase. Office to schedule return visit. ; ordrng 1 W11591637 (Wiring Harness) and 1 W11543998 (Control) and 1 W11423758 (Gearcase)"
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HW0
Near Temple, TX 76502
David Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to install control diagnosed by previous technician. Installed control and ran unit and verified proper function. Unit passed all diagnostic checks. Only saved error code is overload code. Advised customer of proper loading. Adjusted level of unit. Unit working as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model MVWC465HW2
Near Temple, TX 76502
David Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to diagnose washer that was not draining or spinning. Ran unit and found error codes for off balance load and overload. Tested drain pump and it sounded weak. Replaced drain pump. Retested and verified good drain. Ran unit in high speed spin and could not verify any abnormal issues with the spin. Unit likely being overloaded and off balance at the residence. Unit tested good and is working as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model MEDC465HW0
Near Temple, TX 76502
David Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to follow up on noisy banging dryer. Replaced rear drum seal and installed new rollers / belt. Tested unit and verified it is working as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HZ07
Near Temple, TX 76502
David Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to follow up on microwave that was recycling during use. Inspected wave guide and mag and found the chassis and mounting panel for the mag and wave guide was significantly bent, allowing RF to leak and cause resets. Called and reported findings to tech Line, unit non repairable due to structural bends. SR 7733076553. Customer advised to contact customer service per tech Line. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WED6400SB1
Near Temple, TX 76502
David Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed control to resolve dryer throwing error code. Replaced control and tested. Verified unit is working as designed. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WRQA59CNKZ00
Near Belton, TX 76513
David Z
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to diagnose refrigerator with no ice production. Cycled unit and could hear valve try and fill, but no water entered icemaker. Removed icemaker and found the fill tube and cup were frozen with a giant chunk of ice. Melted down ice and found the fill hole had Styrofoam in it. Removed blockage and tested. Verified unit working as designed. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ04
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to replace previously ordered parts for refrigerator. Replaced ice bucket, coupling, and chute. Tested unit and found all is functioning properly at this time. No leaks were found at time of service."
We serviced a
Model WDF330PAHS4
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to diagnose a dishwasher that is not drying properly. Tested all parts and components and found no failures to unit at this time. Advised customer on best cycles and options for best performance. No further repairs needed and no leaks were found at time of service.
We serviced a
Model CGS990SET8SS
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to replace previously ordered parts for range. Replaced both bake ignitor and tested unit. Found all is functioning properly at this time.
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to diagnose a refrigerator that was making unusual noise. Tested all parts and components and found no failures to unit at this time. Advised customer fc door may not have been fully closed allowing condensation to freeze around fan motor. No noise was present at time of service and no further repairs needed. No leaks were found at time of service.
We serviced a
Model WFG550S0HZ2
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to replace previously ordered parts for range. Replaced burner head and knob and tested unit. Found all is functioning properly at this time.
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ04
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 03/18/2022
Arrived on site to level refrigerator. Set levling legs and made neccessary door height adjustments. All is working properly at this time and no leaks were found at time of service.
We serviced a
Model FGMO3067UD
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for customer complaint of sparking inside unit, found burnt magnetron and wave cover. Ordering magnetron and wave cover, . ; ordrng 1 5304514250 (Magnetron) and 1 5304514227 (Wave cover)"
We serviced a
Model KDTM604KPS0
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to replace heater under special project, after replacing, unit tested good."
We serviced a
Model KDTM604KPS0
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to replace heater under special project, after replacing, unit tested good."
We serviced a
Model MDB4949SDZ0
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for customer complaint of unit not working and some wires were damaged, I was able to add some wire extensions to the broken wires (water valve wires) cut and splice the extensions in place, unit tested good.
We serviced a
Model KHTU765SSS0
Near Austin, TX 78732
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site for customer complaint of lights not working, found loose wiring and 1 bulb was bad. After tightened the wiring, unit tested good, customer will have to buy new bulb."
We serviced a
Model KRSC503ESS01
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to change filter and test refrigerator for an issues. I replaced filter, I inspected unit, found all temperatures good, condenser clean, unit working as designed.
We serviced a
Model WM3900HBA
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to replace door bellow, after replacing, we ran a test cycle, no leaks, tested good,
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ00
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to test unit for ice maker only dispensing crushed ice, tested unit found all components of the ice maker are working correctly, solenoid is activating for cubed ice and not for crushed, stated to customer that per owners manual for cube ice normal specification are 70% cubed and 30% crushed, and the opposite for crushed, also advised customer to periodically empty ice bin do to unused ice sticks together causing more the usual crushed ice, unit is running as designed, no leaks detected job complete"
We serviced a
Model DUB40CWDB5
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 03/18/2022
"Arrived on site to test unit for water leak, tested unit found sump leaking water, replaced sump, tested unit, unit now running as designed, no leaks detected job complete"