We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ08
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"On arrival confirmed complaint of failed ice maker and splashing water tube. Replaced ice maker, fill tube, and tube extension. Ran ice maker harvest test and fill test. Operational test is good. Job complete no leaks detected during service."
We serviced a
Model MVWP575GW1
Near Granger, TX 76530
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"On arrival verified complaint of not draining and noise. Ran diag and found drain pump activates for 2 seconds then fails. Also during spin agitator makes a rubbing sound. Recommend replacing hub, agitator, and drain pump. Ordering hub and agitator. Resch 2/9; ordrng 1 W11418231 (Agitator base) and 1 W10528947 (Hub)"
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHB08
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for a refrigerator that is not dispensing ice at times. Upon arrival I found unit operating as designed. I checked the door harness and the bottom and found it good but there my be some issues in the door itself. I am ordering the door and have office reschedule ; ordrng 1 LW11026356 (DOR-FIP)
We serviced a
Model KOCE500ESS20
Near Lakeway, TX 78738
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for unit giving F1E5 error code. Test unit and found F1E5 F6E4 and F2E1. Appliance manager error and shorted keypad. Customer did say touch pad will beep but not take command. Will need to replace appliance manager, inverter, magnetron and console on return visit. Will need 2 hours. Called Techline and they suggested to replaced those parts SR#7738362658; ordrng 1 W11600634 (Console) and 1 2hourjob (2 hour job)"
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ03
Near Austin, TX 78741
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site ,replaced harness. Told them to plug in for couple days and see if any issues arise . Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WRT311FZDB02
Near Waco, TX 76708
Jonathan M
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site for a refrigerator that is not cooling. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that the unit stopped cooling for about a day and then it has since been calling for the past four or five days. He didnt exactly know what happened but wanted to have it checked. Found freezer temperatures at one degree Fahrenheit in the refrigerator section at 38?F. Found the compressor running and no evidence of a defrost issue. I did advise the customer that because everything is working right now, theres really nothing for me to be able to figure out in terms of what were wrong, because it couldve been due to a door being left open or a power related issue. Did advise the customer to keep an eye on the unit and they call back if any other issues persist. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW1
Near Taylor, TX 76574
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for a washer the is leaking. Upon arrival I found that the water was turned off at the tap. I turned the water bacon and found that the taps were leaking (see photos) I checked the hose connections and the the washer and found that it was seeping due to improper installation I corrected this and found that the see was gone. I advised the customer to have their taps repaired to eliminate all leaks. Unit is operating as designed
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW3
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site for washer not spinning loads out . Got off balance error code . Found suspension failing and tub ring damaged from bouncing around . No water leaks detected. Ordering suspension and tub ring . ; ordrng 1 W10780045 (Suspension) and 1 W10780045 (Tub ring)
We serviced a
Model ART318FFDB11
Near Waco, TX 76705
Jonathan M
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed parts. Inspected unit and work area. I replaced the compressor, dryer, access valve and couplers. Vacuumed down the unit and found the unit hold proper pressure. I charged the unit up with 50 g of.R600 and tested the unit. The unit began to work and operate as designed. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WDF331PAHS1
Near Marion, TX 78124
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not washing dishes, inspected unit and found water valve closed, opened valve and ran diagnostics, all components are engaging and unit is running as designed. Stated to customer to start using rinse aid and to prop door open after cycle is completed to help with the drying. Unit is running as designed, no leaks detected job complete."
We serviced a
Model WTW4855HW3
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for a washer that is not drying. Upon arrival I checked the drain pump and found that the harness was damaged. I repaired it and tested the unit and found the unit operating as designed job complete
We serviced a
Model WRQA59CNKZ00
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for light in RC not working. Needing module assembly. Office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 W11470191 (Light assembly)
We serviced a
Model JDRP436HM01
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78132
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for not heating properly. Found door barely making contact with door switch interrupting heat cycles. Techline recommending replacing hinges and if issue is not corrected need to call back as receivers are not serviceable. Office to reschedule. SR#7738358853; ordrng 1 W11096984 (L hinge) and 1 W11096983 (R hinge)
We serviced a
Model KFGC558JSS05
Near Kingsland, TX 78639
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site for oven knobs not working, found burners turn off went out to low simmer. Unable to adjust simmer valves. Ordering new valves. Unable to get unit into diagnostics mode, ordering control. Confirmed both convection fan motors do not turn on. Ordering both as well. Office will call to schedule. ; ordrng 1 W11381267 (Manifold) and 1 W11378578 (Manifold) and 1 W11620687 (Control) and 1 W10794440 (Motor) and 1 W10794440 (Motor) and 1 Extratime (Extra time)"
We serviced a
Model KRFF507ESS01
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site for leaking from roof, with new tank and ties. Replaced tank and ties. Certified operation. No leaks. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Marion, TX 78124
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for washer not operating, customer stated that washer spins clothes too fast and sometimes doesnt power on. Tested unit and found all components engaging as designed, stated to customer how to properly start and run cycles and explained the process of each cycle. Ran diagnostics, unit is running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model KSGG700ESS6
Near Austin, TX 78757
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite and replaced cooktop and shaped the existing supports to factory standard. All checks good. Unit is now operating and set up as designed. All checks good.
We serviced a
Model WUI75X15HB01
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite and used oscillating multi tool to buff the evaporator factory weld burs that were causing the ice to stick and melt during the harvest. Unit is now operating as designed. Advised customer on repair. Sealed system is not needed.
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS05
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site for noise complaint. Diagnosed vibration from condenser coils adjusted unit noise no longer present
We serviced a
Model KRSC700HPS04
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for a refrigerator that is not making ice or dispensing water. I found the reservoir frozen due to the fan styrofoam housing broken on the right side causing it to fall down and not seal at the top allowing cold air to freeze the reservoir. I replaced the fan housing. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WRT138FFDM01
Near Austin, TX 78722
Joe Z
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site for FC door seal keeps falling off and Rc door seal starting to fall as well. Upon arrival,inspected unit and found gap in liner is too large to keep gasket in place. Ordering both rc and fc doors and name plate; ordrng 1 LW10668874 (Rc door) and 1 LW10668875 (Fc door) and 1 W11178521 (Name plate)"
We serviced a
Model MVW5430MW1
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site for washer leaking . Found outer tub cracked under drain pump. Ordering outer tub . Call to set return ; ordrng 1 Weight2hrs and 1 W11219115 (Outer tub)
We serviced a
Model MVWB865GC0
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived onsite for a washer that will not start a cycle. Upon arrival I found F7e5 Shifter Failure f2e1 UI Stuck Button codes stored. I checked the slider and found that it was damaged and caused damage to the clutch and rotor. I also checked the gearcase and found that it was tough to turn which is a sign that it is going to fail. I am ordering a gearcase, clutch, and slider to repair the unit set return for 02/06/24. ; ordrng 1 W10734521 (SLIDER) and 1 W10754448 (CLUTCH) and 1 W10915701 (ROTOR) and 1 W11393685 (GEARCASE)"
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS1
Near Austin, TX 78734
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for unit not washing. Found unit not getting water. Found water turned off under sink. Turned water on test unit and unit test good job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite to install previously ordered part. Upon arrival I installed the new Icemaker and tested the unit and found unit operating as designed.
We serviced a
Model WED5010LW1
Near Lorena, TX 76655
Jonathan M
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site for a dryer that is not heating. Inspected unit and work area. I checked voltage at the terminal block and found proper voltage and polarity. I checked all heating components and found the thermal cut off open. I went ahead and replaced the operating thermostat and thermal cut off. I explain to the customer that the only other thing that can cause the thermal carafe to be open. Besides, the operating thermostat would be for airflow. I checked inside of there dryer vent hose and found that the attachment inside of the wall was almost completely closed. Did advise the customer that he will need to have that fixed for the machine to operate properly. Tested the unit and the unit is working and operating as designed. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model JBZFL18IGX10
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site for noise complaint. Diagnosed coils vibrating in compressor compartment,removed bottom cover adjusted coils,ran compressor test noise no longer present"
We serviced a
Model MHW5630HC3
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for customer concerned about washer vibration and off balance. Found unit operating within specifications. Shipping bolts have been removed and are not installed. No error codes. Advised customer on findings and made minor adjustment to the pedestal to better level. Unit is in good working order. Called techline to report findings. Waited on hold before call dropped after 20 minutes. Notified management to follow up to document.
We serviced a
Model MED5630HC2
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for customer concerned about lint build up in the door gasket. Advised that lint in the door gasket is a normal maintenance item and advised on how to best clean the lint. Advised that maintaining the lint trap does not affect the lint collecting in the door gasket. All else checks good. No error codes. Advised on findings.
We serviced a
Model mdb4949skz0
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered part. Per previous techs diagnosis, I removed and replaced the inlet valve and found the hose connector gasket was damaged. Customer provided a new connector and I installed it and tested the unit in diagnostics with no error codes showing. The unit is operating as designed with no further leaks. Job completed."
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW3
Near Temple, TX 76502
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site for washer needing previously diagnosed control board. Upon arrival confirmed issue and installed part. Tested washer after rest and found it operational without shutting down in moral wash. Call complete
We serviced a
Model KODE500ESS21
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for unit being off. Found customer using an oven thermometer to measure temperature. Advised customer to go base on the way the unit cooking. Showed customer how to calibrate the unit. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model KCGS950ESS05
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for a cooktop with burners not lighting correctly and trying to relight when burning. I found the right front burner and the center burner with the center burner caps swapped causing the issue. I changed swapped the caps and tested all the burners finding them all working as designed. I went over positioning the caps and use and care for the cooktop with the customer. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model MVW6500MW0
Near Austin, TX 78726
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived onsite for unit making noise. Upon arrival customer showed severe videos of noise in question. Found open Service pointer w11695259- replacing rear panel, due to to noise. Also found Belt is also squeaking. Ordering belt , cam and motor and rear panel. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11486091 (Rear panel) and 1 W11026785 (Motor)"
We serviced a
Model MVW5430MW1
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for excessive noise complaint and found unit operating with out-of-round basket causing excessive noisy spinning. Advised that the basket should be replaced and the drain hose could be strapped and insulated to prevent tapping against cabinet. Customer requested that whirlpool be notified of design dissatisfaction as they intend to pursue having the unit swapped. They have been working with HD to have the unit swapped since first use. Called techline to report findings. Spoke with Derek. Sr#7738360989; ordrng 1 W11513243 (Basket)
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS10
Near Bee Cave, TX 78738
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for light not working. Test unit and found and control board. Replaced board test unit and found bad socket and harness. Will order new socket harness and light bulb. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 WPW10210878 (Socket) and 1 W11574182 (Bulb) and 1 W11685583 (Harness)
We serviced a
Model KDTE204KPS2
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for melted part, inspected unit and found spray arm unattached and plastic melted on the heater, replaced spray arm and tested, unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WVU37UC6FS1
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect venthood not venting properly. Upon further inspection, I could feel a lot of cool air coming in from the outside through the venthood. I tested the unit and it is operating as designed. I removed the vent cover in the cabinets above and found the damper door broken off of the damper assembly (photo). I removed and replaced the damper assembly and using some foil tape, I taped off the gaps in between the damper and cabinet (photo) and then placed he vent cover in position and re-taped it sealing the gaps (photo). I provided the photos to my customer as well. Tested unit and there is no further issues other than normal airflow. I checked the vent damper going outside and found it wide open while testing the venthood (photo). Unit is operating as designed. Job completed"
We serviced a
Model WFW560CHW4
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for excessive shaking. Found shipping bolts were not removed when installed. Removed shipping bolts, unit now working as designed. No leaks detected. Job complete."
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Per previous techs diagnosis, I removed and replaced the vent, control panel and UI and tested. Unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model MED6230HW3
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for a dryer that powers up but will not start. I found the thermal fuse open. I replaced the thermal fuse and tested the dryer. The dryer is working as designed and has good air flow. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ08
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
Job Details: 01/30/2024
On arrival confirmed complaint of not defrosting. Customer states unit has been working since first repair of plugging the defrost heater back in place. Unit is currently functioning correctly. Defrost heater is not needed at this time.
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHB08
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site. Suction line rubbing on discharge line going to condenser adjusted coils noise no longer present
We serviced a
Model WOC54EC0HS20
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 01/30/2024
On arrival verified complaint of unit powering off randomly. Replaced main appliance manager due to intermittent PO issues. During reinstall of unit the platform it sits on collapsed (see pictures) causing the unit to not be able to be reinstalled at this time. Spoke to chase and advised customer we will leave unit on oven dolly until the builder can repair the damaged platform. Customer to call SS or office to let us know when we can get the dolly. Builder arrived on site as I was leaving. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WET4027HW2
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for dryer not heating and washer not working. Found L2 on terminal block was not connected. Needing terminal block. Scheduled for 02/06. ; ordrng 1 279318 (Terminal)
We serviced a
Model KRMF706EBS05
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site , replaced door FZ and badge . No water leaks detected job complete"
We serviced a
Model WDT730HAMZ0
Near Andice, TX 78628
Maurice R
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite for dishwasher handle lose. On inspection the set screw were not tightened properly and the handle would move up & down. Tighten the set screw and now the handle is operating as desired and no water leaks detected during service.
We serviced a
Model ART318FFDW10
Near Temple, TX 76501
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site for refrigerator needing previously diagnosed sealed system repair. Confirmed issue on arrival and found 50g still in system abut compressor failing. Replaced required parts and found no leaks. Recharged system with 50g of r600. Informed customer to give unit 24 hrs to stabilize temps. Call complete
We serviced a
Model NED4655EW1
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived onsite for a dryer that is not heating. Upon arrival I tested the unit and found good airflow but no heat, I checked the hi-limit tstat and found that it had failed I replaced it and tested the unit and found unit operating as designed."
We serviced a
Model MDB4949SKZ0
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect dishwasher door hinge springs loose. Upon further inspection, the customer provided a spring and bushing that had come unhooked from the hinge. I pulled the unit out from the cabinets and found the left hinge spring was missing. Was able to get the spring and bushing re-attached and the hinge hook connected to the spring eyelet and secured both hinge spring hooks with zipties. Tested the door functions and it is operating as designed. Placed the unit in diagnostics showing no error codes and tested and unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ08
Near Austin, TX 78731
Joe Z
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived on site to replace dented RC door. Replaced door and name plate. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WML75011HB10
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 01/30/2024
Arrived onsite and replaced panel and door to remedy the cracking. All checks good. Advised customer on repair.
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS09
Near Manor, TX 78653
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived onsite for unit not heating. Upon arrival inspected unit. Uninstalled, disassembled and found failed high voltage issues. Replaced magnetron, capacitor and diode. Tested and unit is functioning properly. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model KCGC506JSS00
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 01/30/2024
On arrival verified complaint of flames to high. Visual inspection found RF and LF burners have a high flame on left side. All other burners are correct. Unit is Lp. Found outside orifice on both front burners were not converted correctly. Converted to 50 per tech manual. Checked flame and all is good. Operational test is good. Job complete no gas leaks detected during service.
We serviced a
Model WED8127LC1
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 01/30/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not finishing cycle customer stated that they have extended warranty through lowes, advised customer to call extended warranty to get proper dispatch job complete"
We serviced a
Model WED4950HW0
Near Austin, TX 78759
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived onsite complaint of not drying the clothes. Found unit heating and duct clear. Found heat cycling properly. Advised that if the unit is heating and duct is clear than on timer models everything will be in good working order and should be drying as designed. Advised customer on findings.
We serviced a
Model WRT138FFDB01
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site. Per customer unit is less then 1 year old,apartment complex just got renovated with new appliances,diagnosed a defective compressor per rework ordering a new compressor under project code S71162; ordrng 1 W11370574 (Compressor) and 1 Wpw10143759 (Drier) and 1 W11506635 (Access valve)"
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHM08
Near Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site for refrigerator with low water flow to ice maker or dispenser. Upon arrival found minimal difference with or without filter installed and pressure Low. Replaced house and found pressure increase but filter reinstalled slowed it back down indicating a clogged filter. Instructed customer on filter replacement and found no leaks. Call complete
We serviced a
Model KFEG500EBS6
Near Killeen, TX 76549
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site for range needing previously diagnosed door. Upon arrival installed part and tested unit. Found door working as designed. Call complete
We serviced a
Model WFG505M0MS0
Near Austin, TX 78747
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for unit smelling like gas when oven is being used. Found customers complaint to be that the left front valve wont turn when the oven is on. Will need to replace left front valve. Called safety to report findings 7738219693. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11620420 (Left front valve)
We serviced a
Model WRF540CWHZ11
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site for loud knocking noise from inside fresh food section. Found diffuser making noises when opening and closing . All other fans quite . Replaced Dampner . Unit is operating normally . No water leaks detected at time of service. Job completed ; O-emld tckt
We serviced a
Model MMV6190FZ4
Near Austin, TX 78750
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived onsite and found unit is not heating. Determined hi voltage heating circuit short. Replaced magnetron capacitor and diode. Unit is now operating as designed. Advised customer on repair. All checks good.
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ08
Near Gatesville, TX 76528
Jonathan M
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Refrigerator thermistor reading 3.8 k ohms (64?F), freezer thermistor reading 5.37 k ohms (50?F), and defrost thermistor reading 46.8 k ohms (-20?F). I checked the heater and found it reading 89.7 ohms of resistance showing a good heater circuit. I was able to force defrost and found the heater, pulling 1.2 A one forced into a defrost in diagnostics. I went ahead and replaced the user interface. I called Whirlpool Techline and spoke to Drew SR# 7738351388. He advised to make no further repairs as we have replaced everything in the defrost circuit that could cause this issue and because the customer has been experiencing this since they bought it back in June. He advised he believe the issue to be an issue with the wiring within the cabinet. He advised he would send this up to review and that whirlpool would contact my cell for the customer depending on the next steps. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near Buda, TX 78610
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site for no cool in fresh food and no icemaker issue in freezer. Found evaporator fan not running,ice blockage in fill cup,removed ice blockage replaced defective evap fan motor,powered cycled unit,ran diagnostics fan powered on,ran upper icemaker test passed icemaker ran through a cycle and filled with water ran freezer icemaker passed."
We serviced a
Model ART308FFDM10
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Gerry C
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"ART308FFDM10 Arrived to inspect lack of cooling. I found the compressor was using 1.10 amps, but thee was no cooling and no high side heating. Inspection revealed a small amount of oil below the capillary tube entry point, into the drier. The unit will require the compressor, service port and dye drier and the evaporator will be ordered in case of unlikely need. The capillary tube and low side return are of aluminum and will require associated lokrings and the lokring kit. Please allow two hours for R600a sealed system service. No water connections to unit. Power may not be on within the apartment and there is power available in the hallway. If the condition exists, tech to utilize extension cord, or obtain one from the maintenance located on site. ; ordrng 1 W11582579 (Compressor) and 1 W11562258 (Evaporator) and 1 WPW10143759 (UV Drier) and 1 W10913906 (Service Port) and 1 2Hours (R600a Sealed System) and 1 LokringKit (Aluminum Tubing to Evaporator)"
We serviced a
Model KDTE104ESS1
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details: 01/29/2024
#2016. Arrived on site for dishwasher not draining. Customer said he found glass in drain pump. He replaced drain pump and still thinks its not draining properly. Water staying under drain filter. Ran diagnostics and found no errors. All components functional and working properly. Unit is draining as designed. Found excessive soap bubbles. It is normal for water to be under drain filter. 162.36 Auth code: E9WE94
We serviced a
Model WTW4815EW1
Near Temple, TX 76502
Job Details: 01/29/2024
On arrival verified complaint of running drain constantly and no function. On opening control panel found large amount of pest has damaged main control board. Documents with AIG/WPL 7738276646. Warranty will not cover repair. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HPS03
Near Hewitt, TX 76643
Jonathan M
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed parts. Inspected unit and work area. I replaced the compressor, dryer, and access valve and charged the unit up with nitrogen. Found no pressure drops or leaks present. I vacuumed down the unit to -31 psi and find precious hold again. I charged the unit up with 56 g of R600 refrigerant and tested the unit. The unit began to cool and operate as designed. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model DLE3400W
Near Temple, TX 76502
Job Details: 01/29/2024
On arrival verified complaint of not heating/long dry times. Ran test cycle at medium heat and unit exceeded 225. Ran vent test and unit failed. Unit is unable to breathe which is causing drying issues. Advised unit needs wall vent cleaned. Office to collect service call for CC on file.
We serviced a
Model JDRP436HL01
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived onsite for a oven with a door that would not seal properly at the top. I found this to be true (see photo) I replaced the hinges and found that the door now seals up properly
We serviced a
Model KFGC506JSS05
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Gerry C
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"KFGC506JSS05 Arrived to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Initial inspection revealed the orifice had a piece of tape on the face, fully blocking the flow of gas into the bake tube. I suspect it was put there during the installation of the orifice, as this is common practice to prevent it from being lost during installation. After removing the tape, the unit operated as designed and heated to the set temperature, cycling as expected. I elected to replace the bake tube, due to customer concerns from prior service, but it was not fully necessary. Operational test good, no gas leaks detected during service."
We serviced a
Model KBSD708MSS00
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site with parts ordered by PR. Removed top panel. Removed and replaced main control. Removed bottom panel. Removed and replaced valve. Verified operation. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WFW5605MW0
Near Round Mountain, TX 78663
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for not starting. Found control lock was on. Unlocked control and ran diagnostics with no issues. Found excessive suds in unit. Customer stated she has never ran a clean cycle on it. Advised customer to use afresh and/or white vinegar to remove excessive detergent build up. No leaks detected. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model KDFE104KPS0
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for not drying, tested unit found vent motor shorted causing no release of steam and moisture. Replaced vent and control board as precautionary, tested unit, unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WDF330PAHS5
Near Cedar Creek, TX 78612
Joe Z
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously ordered parts. Replaced element, thermostat and harness. Test unit after replacing each component and still same issue. Found that disconnected element would allow unit to continue operating and not shut down. Unit is connected to power strip. Tried connecting with normal extension cord and unit operates correctly every single time. Connected using power strip again and again unit failed. Left unit unplugged and advised customer to use only an extension cord that is rated for the heaters amp draw. No leaks present at this time. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WOES3030LS01
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site for broken glass door. Found door in corner with broken front glass. Replaced front glass and nameplate. Verified operation. Call complete
We serviced a
Model KDFM404KPS
Near Austin, TX 78759
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived onsite and repaired dishwasher with debris caught under the float switch. Repaired by removing the debris causing the f8e4 error code. All checks good. Advised customer on repair. Advised customer on maintenance and use and care.
We serviced a
Model KRSC703HPS05
Near Round Mountain, TX 78663
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for being uneven. Tried adjusting leveling legs with no success. Found RR corner needs to be shimmed up about 1/2. Advised customer contractor would need to correct issue. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model KCGS550ESS05
Near Round Mountain, TX 78663
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site and adjusted simmer flame height. Found center burner orifices were loose. Tightened orifices and unit now working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model JDPSS244LL2
Near Austin, TX 78757
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived onsite for new install with concerns about racks not aligned and falling out. Found uppermost rack not in the track on one side. Installed properly and secured and verified all other track operating and adjustment mechanism in good order. All checks good.
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HC2
Near Austin, TX 78702
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived onsite for unit not latching. Upon arrival inspected unit. Tested and found latch failed. Replaced latch. Tested and unit is functioning properly. Job completed
We serviced a
Model KODE500ESS20
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for no heat, tested unit and found upper oven bake and broil element not engaging, removed unit from wall found shorted TOD. Replaced TOD and tested, unit is now running as designed, job complete."
We serviced a
Model KCGC506JSS00
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect cooktop burners not igniting. Upon further inspection, the customer advised the front left burner does not ignite. I tested the cooktop burners and found the front left does not ignite properly. I removed the burner head and adjusted the head and retested and the front left burner is igniting as designed (service pointer #W11643965). No gas leaks detected during service, job completed."
We serviced a
Model WDF330PAHW4
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Unit A. Arrived on site for unit. Not completing cycle and leaving dishes dirty at the end. Upon arrival inspected unit. Ran diagnostics and found wash motor failure. Ran test and confirmed issue. Replaced wash motor assembly and tested. Unit is now functioning properly. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HC0
Near Killeen, TX 76549
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site for washer not going past spin cycle and spinning for over an hr. Upon arrival found no errors, Found no oil leaks, or motor failure. Did confirm complaint during normal cycle spin section. Replaced control then reset unit and retested. Found washer complete spin cycle as designed. Call complete"
We serviced a
Model ART308FFDM11
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Gerry C
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"ART308FFDM11 Arrived to inspect cooling issue. I found the unit would actually not power up the control and after obtaining an extension cord from the property maintenance, I was able to diagnose a failed connection within the control section of the control assembly. I removed and replaced the control and then unit started cooling. Due to the apartment not having power, I could not leave the refrigerator plugged in for long term monitoring and cooling. Amperage measurement was within expected norms and I did perform thermography in the first few minutes of operation, and found signs showing the unit was starting ti cool as expected. No leaks observed during service."
We serviced a
Model WFW5090JW0
Near Austin, TX 78702
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived onsite for the unit having issues once again. Symptoms are as before , unit stuck in constant drain. Unlocked unit for customer but will need to reorder control. Office to reschedule.; ordrng 1 WFW5090JW0 (Main control)"
We serviced a
Model MVWB765FW3
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Maurice R
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived onsite for washer with LF error. On inspection made sure that the water line was not clogged then went to the component testing and cold worked perfectly but not hot. I looked and found the hot water was turned off. I asked the customer to show me what setting she was using, bedding and normal where the 2 she used most of the time. Informed her if she use those setting she need to set it on cold water only. It was set to warm. I explain that it is only butting half the water in the unit that it needs because the hot is turn off. I set all the settings to cold so it would not happen again. No water leaks detected during service."
We serviced a
Model KRFF577KPS02
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Gerry C
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"KRFF577KPS02 Arrived to inspect ice production issues. I found a large amount of gapping at the back of the low-profile ice maker housing. Pressing the housing back to the correct mounting position, sealed the gapping and prevented airflow from the RC section from leaking into the system. The chassis required door spears and leveling. Operational test good, no leaks observed during service."
We serviced a
Model WRT311FZDB02
Near Johnson City, TX 78636
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for RC door not closing properly. Customer had door propped closed on arrival. Moved item used to hold door in place and RC door would automatically open itself. Found water bottle was preventing door from closing. Rearranged items in door and customer now satisfied with improvement. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FBS04
Near Austin, TX 78758
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived onsite for freezer drawer needed to be installed and handles loose. Tightened handles and installed freezer drawer. Unit is now operating as designed.
We serviced a
Model WFW5605MW0
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for locked door, tested unit found drain pump engaging but not extracting water causing door to stay latched due to the water content it is sensing, will need to replace drain pump to fix issue. Ordering drain pump, control, and pressure switch. Rescheduled for 2/5.; ordrng 1 W11458345 (Pump assembly) and 1 W11316246 (Pressure Switch) and 1 W11583890 (Appliance Control Unit (ACU))"
We serviced a
Model JBSS48E22L00
Near Austin, TX 78757
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived onsite for cosmetic issue and determined not all wrap had been removed. Removed all wrap which resolved the issue. Secondary power issue. Removed ice from unit to prevent leak and verified supply is faulty to the unit only 40vac at harness supply. Advised builder on findings.
We serviced a
Model WDF331PAHS1
Near Austin, TX 78737
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for unit not draining. Test unit and unit giving F6E4 error water getting back in to the unit. Found drain hose did not have a loop. Secured a loop test unit and unit test good job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHZ07
Near Blanco, TX 78606
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for right RC door gasket damaged. Found magnetic strip from gasket had fallen out due to gasket being torn. Replaced right RC door gasket and formed with heat gun. Unit now working as designed. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIHZ04
Near Austin, TX 78749
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived on site for ui issues. Tested ui found loose connection at harness powering ui,secured harness to connection tested ui control unit working as designed"
We serviced a
Model WFG550S0LZ1
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Gerry C
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"WFG550S0LZ1 Arrived to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. I removed and replaced the center burner, noting the issue was two-fold, moderately plugged vapor channels within the casting that were easily wiped away, and the low flame height mis-adjusted. The front right required debris removal from the channel that directed the air-fuel moisture to the igniter and when corrected, ignited at every attempt. Operational test good, no gas leaks detected during service."
We serviced a
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived onsite for a DW that is showing F8E4 float switch code. There was some water in the drip tray. Cleared the water and tested the unit and found that the water inlet was letting water in even though the unit was not call for water. I replaced the water valve and tested the unit and found unit operating as designed
We serviced a
Model WRT311FZDW02
Near Gatesville, TX 76528
Jonathan M
Job Details: 01/29/2024
Arrived on site for a refrigerator. That is not cooling. Inspected unit and work area. The customer advised that he unplugged it because the unit was running but that it just wouldnt call. I plugged the unit in and found the compressor immediately start to run. Found the compressor blowing .368 A and no heat coming from the condenser indicating the unit was not cooling and had a weak compressor or a leak. I am ordering all sealed system components and the office will need to contact the customer about a return date due to limited parts availability.; ordrng 1 W11580057 (Compressor) and 1 W11578004 (Evaporator) and 1 WPW10143759 (Drier) and 1 W11506635 (Access valve)
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW2
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 01/29/2024
"Arrived onsite to replace failed harness. Replaced harness but found failed control and actuator. Replaced harness, control and actuator. Unit is now functioning properly. Job complete."