Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 12/10/2019
VENTHOOD WHIRLPOOL WVU37UC0FS0 Arrived on site to test unit for fan making noise when on. Test unit and found screw coming from flap hitting fan. Secured screw correctly test unit and unit test good job complete.
Near Harker Heights, TX 76548
Arthur B.
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHZ02 Arrived onsite for customer complaint of items freezing in RC section recurring issue. Found water reservoir frozen again and items freezing in RC. Call WPL Techline Andrew SR#7726587765 with my findings and advised to have a temp logger placed in unit for 72hrs to see if fan is stalling in FC evaporator. Ordering temp logger per Techline. OF to R/S.; ordrng 1 CNOTE (TEMP LOGGER)
Near Austin, TX 78705
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT138FZDM00 Arrived on site for cooling issue unit not running through a normal defrost cycle diagnosed unit will need control and thermistor ordering correct control ; ordrng 1 W11353813 (CONTROL)
Near Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Arthur B.
Job Details: 12/10/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL MDB8989SHZ0 "Arrived onsite to remove and replace sump n motor assembly. Removed and replaced faulty part, reassembled and tested. Dishwasher now fills,washes,drains and heats as designed.. All water connections were dry at time of service.; used 1 CNOTE (HOSE) from stock"
Near Austin, TX 78723
Job Details: 12/10/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC415EW1 Arrived on site for washer leaking . Found no leaks with washer . During drain cycle water was over flowing drain stand . Job complete . Recommended customer has a plumber look at drain.
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 12/10/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WET4027HW0 "Arrived on site for washer not starting . Found lid latch not engaging ,just clicking . Will need to replace latch , will need second man . No water leaks detected at time of service .; saved tckt"
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 12/10/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED7500GC "Arrived on site and inspected dryer and found after running for a few minutes dryer door will pop open, either inner door panel or upper front panel has warped and will need to be replaced. Nolan found at time of service; ordrng 1 697227 (FRONT TOP PANEL) and 1 W11126813 (door)"
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Tyler B.
Job Details: 12/10/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF330PAHB2 Arrived on site for unit not draining. Found full of water. Found knock out clear in disposal. Found voltage at pump. Pump was defective. Replaced and tested good.
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JFFCC72EFP02 "Sr# 7726588125 arrived onsite for Icemaker not working upon inspection we found the heater wire was cut and not working to keep the tube from freezing, we replaced the water tube and tested which passed, called techline for discoloration in all doors, tech line stated that all doors and handles will need to be replaced but we need authorization before ordering all doors. Complete"
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
Job Details: 12/10/2019
COOKTOP WHIRLPOOL WCG97US0HS00 Arrived to inspect cooktop issues.Attempted to duplicate the issue and unit worked as designed.Burner caps cere not place on unit allowing it to spark and light.Job complete.
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF954CIHM00 "Arrived onsite for the refrigerator ice conglomerating, upon last techs notes we went to replace the full door but upon inspection noticed a gap between the ice door liner and door. Will reorder door. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11034290 (dor-fip)"
Near Austin, TX 78731
Tyler B.
Job Details: 12/10/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADM7 Arrived on site for unit not drying. Found element in 2 pieces. Replaced element and tested good Heater
Near Austin, TX 78750
Job Details: 12/10/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD8540FW1 Arrived on site for dryer not operating properly. Upon arrival customer informed customer that unit appears to be outside of warranty. Customer stated this is new unit. Contacted office and was asked to get proof of warranty and customer could not provide proof.
Near Austin, TX 78749
Job Details: 12/10/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADM7 "Arrived on site and found dishwasher door panel is dented, after replacing also found that silverware rack is damaged and will need to be replaced. No water leaks from connections at time of service; ordrng 1 W11158802 (BASKET)"
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 12/10/2019
ICE MACHINE KITCHENAID KUIC15POZP2 "Arrived onsite for the ice machine screeching, upon inspection and testing we found the ice machine running up to normal specs with no sounds, working properly. Complete"
Near Manor, TX 78653
Job Details: 12/10/2019
WASHER GE GFWR4800F2WW "Arrived on site to replace in her basket, console, and screws. Replaced all parts and tested unit. Found all is functioning properly at this time. No leaks were found at time of service."
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 12/10/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED5000DW2 Arrived onsite for the dryer with a no heat condition. I found the heating element open. I replaced the element and tested the dryer. The unit is working as designed. Call complete.
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Job Details: 12/10/2019
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KOCE500ESS08 Arrived on site to replace inverted and magnetron. Replaced both parts test unit and unit still giving inverter error. Per tech Manuel will order new switch harness and new appliances manager. Ordering switch harness W11241293 and appliance manager W11325786. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W10886919 (LAMP BASELS) and 1 W11241293 (SWITCH HARNESS ) and 1 W11325786 (APPLIANCE MANAGER )
Near Austin, TX 78751
Job Details: 12/10/2019
DRYER LG DLEX3370W Arrived on site for dryer not turning or heating . Found unit is turning but not heating . Checked thermostats and fuse . Both checked normal . Checked and found element failing . Ordering control for the not turning happened again . Please call to set return .; ordrng 1 AGM75370001 (CONTROL)
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF990SLAM00 "Arrived onsite for the refrigerator with the RC frozen up. I found the evaporator cover broken causing warm air leaks to reach the coil. The coil will need to be defrosted, the cover replaced, and the drain line checked and sealed. Ordering WPW10501260 COVER-EVAP, 212643 SEALER-GUM, & 2EA 67006425 SCREW; SM. ordrng 1 212643 (SEALER-GUM) and 2 67006425 (SCREW; SM)s and 1 WPW10501260 (COVER-EVAP)"
Near Austin, TX 78759
David Z
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KFIS25XVMS8 "Arrived on site to diagnose a refrigerator that had a UI being unresponsive. Prior to arrival unit had kicked on and started cooling.
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JF42NXFXDE02 "Arrived on site for refrigerator lights not working. Tested and inspected unit and found failed light modules. Removed failed parts and replaced with new, tested unit and found additional lights needing replacement. Ordering additional modules and will return no water leaks present at time of service.; ordrng 8 W10908166 (module)s"
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 12/10/2019
OVEN JENN-AIR JDRP548WP03 "Arrived on site for range gas leak. Tested and inspected unit and found leak at supply line. Instructed customer to have licensed plumber come fix issue. Shut off gas at wall No repairs are to be done at this time."
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 "Arrived on site for dispenser issues. Removed bin found bottom of bin incased in ice,icemaker over filled Redding a new icemaker and water valve; ordrng 1 W10882923 (ICEMAKER) and 1 W11043013 ( VALVE) and 1 W11415785 (FILL TUBE)"
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 12/10/2019
WASHER LG WM3700HVA Arrived onsite for the washer that keeps tripping the circuit breaker. I tested the motor and had 11.7 ohms across the motor windings on all three checks. I found the basket turning freely. I ran diagnostics and during the high speed spin test I found that after the motor gets warm it would get as high as 15 amps and stay there for a while before dropping. The motor and stator will need to be replaced. Ordering AHL72914401 ROTOR ASSEMBLY & AJB73816004 STATOR ASSEMBLY. ; ordrng 1 AHL72914401 (ROTOR ASSEMBLY) and 1 AJB73816004 (STATOR ASSEMBLY)
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details: 12/10/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW3 "arrived on site to inspect washer error codes. Upon further inspection, the customer advised that the unit is showing the lid lock error code. I placed the unit in diagnostics showing F7E9. Following the tech sheet, I tested the high/fast agitate and high speed spin ad the unit operated as designed. I tilted the unit back and inspected the components underneath and found a large amount of gearcase oil on the side panels, rotor, & drain pump. I advised the customer of my findings. I am ordering the gearcase and clutch and will return with prescreened parts. No water leaks observed during service.; ordrng 1 CNOTE (LSO) and 1 W10754448 (clutch) and 1 W11393685 (GEARCASE)"
Near Austin, TX 78758
David Z
Job Details: 12/10/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW560CHW0 arrived on site at unit 239 for a washer that was not spinning and draining. Performed diagnostic and found F0E5 code present for overload. Ran diagnostic cycle and found all functions working as designed. Advised leasing staff to let customer know that if they overload (unit was on the bulky heavy duty setting) they will likely need to set it to a drain and spin cycle. If the unit can not balance it will stop. Advised to have resident slightly reduce load size. All items are working as designed. Call complete.
Near Austin, TX 78758
David Z
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS311SDHM02 "246. Arrived on site to diagnose a refrigerator that was not cooling. Performed diagnostic and sealed system checklist. Found Evap appears to be leaking, smells like maple syrup in unit. Found oil / fluid running down Evap cover. Compressor drawing 1.01 amps, and almost scalding to the touch. Recommend new evaporator and sealed system. Ordering 1 WP2188822 evaporator, 1 W10507884 compressor, 1 access valve W10913906, 1 WPW10143759 dryer. Office to reschedule with sealed system tech. ; ordrng 1 CNOTE (OFFICE TO RESCHEDULE WITH SEALED SYSTEM TECH) and 1 CNOTE (SEALED SYSTEM TECH ) and 1 W10507884 (compressor) and 1 W10913906 (coupler) and 1 WP2188822 (evaporator) and 1 WPW10143759 (dryer)"
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 12/10/2019
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KMHC319ESS3 "Arrived to inspect microwave power issues.Customer advised the unit started smoking and he smelled a plastic burning smell.I checked the fuses and incoming power at the filter board and got 123.4 volts ac.Unit will need a control board and will order a new door, due to the Touch control service is in the door. and 1 W11205123 (DOOR STAINLESS )"
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 12/10/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL KEMS378SSS05 Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed parts. Upon replacing control tech damaged bulb. Ordering replacement part. 2 man job. Office to schedule return trip. and 1 W10886919 (lmp-basles)
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details: 12/10/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GSC25C6EYY02 "arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered part. Upon arrival, I found the unit plugged in and operating as designed. I removed the Evap cover and fund the evaporator with a good frost pattern. Tested the bimetal and it showed closed. Customer advised that after they unplugged it and it defrosted, they plugged in back in (approximately 11 days ago) and have not had any issues. I placed the unit in diagnostics and checked all components able to test and all checked good. I went to test #7 and placed the unit in an 8 hour defrost mode (basic mode). The customer advised that they did not want any repairs done to the unit if all checked good. No repairs needed at this time. No water leaks observed during service, job completed.
Near Austin, TX 78727
Job Details: 12/04/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE320M0ES2 Arrived onnsite and found unit operating with failed control. Replaced control. All checks good. Unit is now operating as designed.
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW3090JW0 Arrived onnsite and installed acu. All checks good. Unit is now operating as designed.
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 12/04/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG550S0HZ0 Arrived onnsite and found return air blocked by foil preventing preheat. Advised customer on findings. Removed foil. All checks good. Unit is now operating as designed.
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFC8090GX0 "Arrived on site and tested unit for not operating on a drying only load. Advised customer on findings that the unit is operating as designed, a further selection was needed. Unit is now operating as designed advised customer on findings."
Near Austin, TX 78729
Job Details: 12/04/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE510S0HS1 Arrived on site for failed hinge. Repaired by replacing hinge. In maintenance shop. All else checks good. Unit is now operating as designed.
Near Austin, TX 78723
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDFE104DSS5 Arrived onnsite and found unit operating with leak from diverter valve. Replaced sump and motor. Unit is now operating leak free. All checks good.
Near Austin, TX 78723
Job Details: 12/04/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFC310S0EB3 Arrived on site and found unit control failed. Replaced control. Unit is now operating as designed.
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Thomas L.
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX700XL2 "Arrived on site for unit that will not agitate. The unit now will also not spin. The unit has a failed gear case, failing lid lock, and will need an impeller as well. Customer will look at new units before making her decision to repair this unit. Water connections are all dry."
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Thomas L.
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS321SDHZ01 Arrived on site for unit not dispensing ice. Found the unit was making ice but not dispensing ice through the door. Found that on the ice dispenser motor the blue wire was loose. Reconnected wire and all operations are now normal. All water connections are dry.
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Thomas L.
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5630HC0 Arrived on site for unit vibrating during operation. The customer and I watched the unit with and without a load of clothing. The customer and I both agree the machine is working properly at this time with no water leaks.
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Thomas L.
Job Details: 12/04/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD51EC0HS01 Unit has a dent in the lower door oven outer panel. Replaced lower oven door outer panel.
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Thomas L.
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4855HW1 Arrived on site for noisy operation. Tested unit with a load of towels. All operations are normal at this time. All water connections were dry.
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS315SDHM02 Arrived on site for customer water questions and found unit needed filter replaced. Advised Mr. on filter replacement and reset. All else checks good. Unit is operating as designed.
Near Smithville, TX 78957
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW6620HW0 "Arrived on site for washer leaking. Opened cabniet ,checked bellow . All checked good . Ran diagnostics , couldn’t duplicate. Did find soap bubbles in vent bellow . Instructed customer on soap use . No water leaks detected at time of service . Job complete ."
Near Austin, TX 78729
Job Details: 12/04/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD77EC0HS01 Arrived on site for unit lower oven rattles during preheat. Tested and was unable to replicate symptom at first but later found that unit buzzes and rattles during preheat in lower oven unless you open the door. Only when preheating lower oven. Ordering blowers and returning Monday 9th; ordrng 2 W11248652 (BLOWER)s
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBSD618ESS01 Arrived on job to replace door to unit. Replaced door. Tested unit. Unit test good. Job complete
Near Manor, TX 78653
Job Details: 12/04/2019
COOKTOP WHIRLPOOL WFE515S0EB1 "Arrived on site for left burned not working and cooktop light always on . Found burn mark on ribbon 6” , also burn marks on both switches .Replaced both elements and both switches . Tested burners , all checks good . Job complete"
Near Austin, TX 78741
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED5620HW1 Arrived on job for unit not powering on. Tested unit. Found that the wire in the console board was not properly connected. Re attached wire to console board. Tested unit. Unit test good. Job complete
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHWE300VW12 "Arrived on job for complaints of unit not powering on. Tested unit. Was only getting a beeping noise. Put in diagnostics, got F70 error code. Called tech line. Tech line advised that the motor control needed to be replaced. Replaced motor control. Tested unit, unit test good. Have SR#7726540122. Job complete.
Near Austin, TX 78724
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4950XW3 "Arrived on site and found unit operating with latch error and grinding gearcase. Scheduling for Friday, customer will call in to confirm after discussing with husband. ; ordrng 1 W10404050 (lid lock) and 1 W11035747 (gearcase)"
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL KUDP02FRBL0 "Arrived on job for complaints of unit door falling. Tested unit. Found that cables were broken. Replaced cables. Tested unit, unit test good. No leaks at this time.
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Thomas L.
Job Details: 12/04/2019
MICROWAVE GE JVM3160RF5SS Arrived on site for unit that is not heating. Tested unit to find no heat being generated. Tested unit to find it was generating 200 watts of power. The unit has a problem in the high-voltage system. The cook relay is closing properly. Will order high-voltage system parts and office will reschedule when they locate the parts.; ordrng 1 WB20X10067 (h.v.transformer) and 1 WB26X28935 (DIODE) and 1 WB27X11214 (h.v.capacitor)
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER ELECTROLUX EFLS617STT0 Arrived on job for complaints of unit not getting hot water. Tested unit. Found that hot side water valve was built up with calcium deposit. Removed the calcium buildup. Tested unit. Unit test good. No leaks at this time.
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 12/04/2019
RANGE AMANA AGR5330BAS2 "Arrived onsite for the for the range knob being offset, upon inspection we found that the knob was offset in the manifold, after a small readjustment we found the knob rested in the correct position, we replaced the knob and instructed customer on proper use and proper flame height for each eyelet size. Complete"
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 12/04/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH31017HS2 "Arrived onsite for the microwave not venting, upon inspection we found the microwave was venting correctly and pulled the paper, we then checked the position of the vent fan and found it was in the correct position, after unsealing the vent hood we found a substantial gap between the microwave and cabinets, instructed customer on ways to fix the gap and venting issue. Complete"
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTM354DSS5 "Arrived onsite for the dishwasher flipping a breaker, upon inspection we found no noticeable ark spots or loose water, we ran a full diagnostic cycle and express wash with no problem, all cycles passed and no popping of the breaker. Outlet check out fine. Complete"
Near Bastrop, TX 78602
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8800YC0 "Arrived on site for washer making a banging noise during spin. Found stator and rotor covered in sludge and needing to be replaced, will need bearing . Autho . Ordering stator and rotor . Please call to set return visit ?; ordrng 1 280146 (rotor) and 1 AUTHO and 1 WPW10419333 (stator)"
Near Bastrop, TX 78602
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF990SLAM00 "Arrived on site for warmer then normal temps . Temps are just above normal . Found ice ball build up on freezer cover where welds are . No frost in fresh food . Steamed ice off top only of fz evap . Ran test 4 ,only got frost on 1/2 first coil of evap . Let fridge run normally for about 15 mins ,same result . Found only couple specs of uv in freezer tray . Ordering both evaps ,compressor ,uv drier ,port . Weigh 3 hrs . No water leaks detected at time of service . Please call to set return . ; ordrng 1 3HRS and 1 SERVICEPORT and 1 UVDRIED and 1 W10276644 (compressor) and 1 W10917531 (FRESH FOOD EVAP PER PARTS DEPT ) and 1 WPW10608485 (evaporator)"
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL KUDP02FRBL0 "Arrived on job for complaints of unit door falling. Tested unit. Found that cables were broken. Replaced cables. Tested unit, unit test good. No leaks at this time.
Near Buda, TX 78610
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MED5630HW0 Arrived on job to replace base to unit. Tested unit. Found that unit was making noises and shaking. Upon investigation. Found that the motor to unit was shorting. Ordered part motor. Spoke to Donna. Rescheduled with customer.; ordrng 1 W11086656 (motor-drve)
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 12/04/2019
OVEN KITCHENAID KODE500ESS02 "Arrived onsite for the oven with the control panel not functioning. I found the 1, 2, 3 buttons not functioning. I found an F2E1 stuck key error. I cleared the error and tested the oven. The error didn’t return. I did a power reset and tested the oven. The unit worked as designed. I went over reshaping the door gasket with the customer to prevent the steam from getting to the UI.
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE FFCD2413US1A Arrived onsite for the dishwasher that is not running and has no power. I found the circuit breaker tripped. I reset the breaker and tested the unit in the service test cycle and the unit completed the cycle but after further inspection I found out the unit wasn’t heating. I found the high limit thermostat open. After removing the thermostat I found it separating. I replaced the thermostat and tested the unit again. The unit is working as designed. I advised the customer to have the breaker changed from a GFCI breaker to a regular breaker. Call complete.
Near Austin, TX 78750
Job Details: 12/04/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WOC54EC0HB01 Arrived onsite for the microwave that’s not turning on. I found that the unit would program but when next was selected to start the cycle you could only hear a response from the touch screen but nothing happened. I found an F1E6 stored magnetron error code. I did a power reset and tested the unit again. I found the unit running now but not heating. I had an F1E5 inverter error show up. I disassembled the unit to test the components and found the wave guide arced. I removed the magnetron and found the entire antenna cap missing. I took pics of the waveguide and the magnetron. I called techline to see how they wanted to proceed. I spoke with Scott file number 7726541434 and explained my findings. Scott deemed the unit non repairable because of the arcing and pitting inside the waveguide. I explained to the customer that someone from Whirlpool would contact them within 2 business days per Scott’s instruction. Call complete.
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 "Arrived on site for cooling issues. Customer defrosted unit due to ice build up in freezer. Ran diagnostic,found defrost thermistor reading open,unit will need fan motor that includes thermistors. Installed new fan assembly checked defrost heater good.
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SMBM00 Arrived onsite for the refrigerator dripping water from the ice maker again making a solid block of ice in the bucket. The customer had the water turned off when I arrived. I inspected the ice maker and the funnel. The ice maker was clear and the funnel had a small piece of ice in it that I removed with my fingers. I turned the water on and bypassed the unit to but it in a harvest. The unit filled and worked properly and never dripped any water. The customer has a dual inline filter system for the ice maker but no way to bleed the filters and I explained that this needed to be done to clear any loose debris out just in case so it doesn’t get to the fill valve. The call is still covered under AE warranty. Call complete.
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGUS2642LF0 "Arrived on site for defective main control,found dispenser door not sealing also. Replaced main control and dispenser assembly. Tested water and ice dispenser working as designed.
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER ELECTROLUX EFLS617STT0 Arrived on job for complaints of unit not getting hot water. Tested unit. Found that hot side water valve was built up with calcium deposit. Removed the calcium buildup. Tested unit. Unit test good. No leaks at this time.
Near Bee Cave, TX 78738
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBFN502ESS02 Arrived on site for unit over producing ice. Found excessive ice in bin and on freezer floor diagnosed icemaker bail arm switch not powering off icemaker. Installed a new icemaker tested bail arm unit working as designed.
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC300ESS03 "Arrived on site for loud noise. Diagnosed condenser coils vibrating against cabinet,adjusted condenser coils bracket noise no longer present"
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBSD608ESS01 "Arrived onsite for the refrigerator not working properly, upon inspection we found the UI not working, ordering part and rescheduling. House under new construction. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 WPW10151236 (cntrl-elec)"
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX988SIBB01 "Arrived onsite for the refrigerator icemaker not working, upon inspection we found ice on the fridge evap, during testing we found the ice maker fan running loudly and inefficiently, as well as the fridge evap fan not working, ordered needed parts for repair ; ordrng 1 W10633627 (motor-evap) and 1 W10846539 (evaporator fan blade) and 1 WPW10248595 (control) and 1 WPW10389152 (support)"
Near Seguin, TX 78155
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MRT118FFFE04 "Arrived onsite for the refrigerator not cooling upon inspection we found compressor is running but not cooling, no frost pattern in freezer, during uv test we found leaks on freezer evap an filter dryer. Ordering required parts. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11209866 (compressor) and 1 W11103612 (EVAP) and 1 W11107829 (FILTER DRYER)"
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 12/04/2019
RANGE AMANA AGR5330BAS3 "arrived on site to inspect cooktop grates. Upon further inspection, I found that the grates were badly warped and the cooktop was damaged/scratches in two places. I removed and replaced the cooktop and grates and tested the unit. Unit operated as designed. No gas leaks detected during service, job completed."
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHZ03 Arrived on site for filter issues. Found housing misaligned causing filter not being installed. Adjusted housing installed filter tested water dispenser unit working as designed.
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDBM00 "arrived on site to inspect refrigerator ice maker not making ice. Upon further inspection, I tested the Im with my jumper wire from terminals T-H. Unit failed to harvest. I cycled power to the unit and the IM failed. I removed and replaced the IM and cycled power to the unit and retested. Ice maker operated as designed; it harvested and dispensed water into the tray. I advised the customer of my findings. No charge for service fee or part as both are covered. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 12/04/2019
VENTHOOD WHIRLPOOL WVW53UC6FS1 "Arrive onsite for the vent hood being bent, upon inspection we found the vent tube cover was bent away from the wall on the lower left hand corner. we took pictures and took pictures of the closing paper work. Called tech line and they stated that it is a replaceable part and that we would have to talk to whirlpool cosmetic team to see if would be covered under the cosmetic warranty. Whirlpool will cover the vent hood as a cosmetic warranty. Consession # uniwz00atl1. Sr# 7726538899. ; ordrng 1 W11417192 (CHIMNEY )"
Near Austin, TX 78717
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDTA50SAHZ0 "arrived on site to inspect dishwasher not drying. Upon further inspection, I place the unit in diagnostics showing no error codes. I found there was no rinse aid and the customer has a water softener. I continued with testing and the unit operated as designed. I made recommendations for detergent and rinse aid use and recommendations for use and care. No water leaks observed during service, job completed"
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 "arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. I removed and replaced the gearcase, actuator and main control and calibrated the unit. Tested the unit in diagnostics and it operated as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX986SIHZ00 "arrived on site to inspect refrigerator water dispenser leaking. Upon further inspection, I tested the water dispenser and after the dispenser stops, water continues to drip a few times. I removed and replaced the water tube from the valve to the hinge and retested and it continued to drip. I removed and replaced the water tube inside the door and retested and the unit operated as designed. No water leaks observed at the end of service, job completed."
Near Austin, TX 78729
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEYM05 "Arrived onsite for the refrigerator that’s not cooling in either compartment. When I arrived the temps on the UI were set to max for both compartments. The FC temp was at -6 degrees and the RC was at 32 degrees. I found all components functioning as designed. After talking with the customer about what is happening I determined that the unit stops cooling about once a week and it takes about 10-12 hours before it will start cooling again. This is a sign of a defrost issue and I believe the unit is getting stuck in defrost but can not prove this at this time. I explained to the customer that I really need to be able to test the unit when this is happening. Ordering all of the components that could cause the issue. Ordering the evaporator thermistor, main control, evaporator motor, start device, and harness.; ordrng 1 W10902214 (THERMISTOR) and 1 W11035836 (CNTRL-ELEC) and 1 WPW10448874 (TSD2 115V ELECTRICAL) and 1 WPW10464673 (MOTOR-EVAP) and 1 WPW1
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325SDHZ00 Sr# 7726541182. Arrived onsite for the refrigerator making a noise. Ran diagnostics and found that the compressor is making the noise which is a normal noise. Called tech line and they stated that the refrigerator is working to manufacture specs. That there is nothing we can do to stop the normal compressor noise. Advised customer that the compressor is running to manufacture specs and that the noise is normal. I could not find anything abnormal about the compressor or refrigerator. Customer is just not happy with product. Complete.
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details: 12/04/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WOC54EC0HS01 "arrived on site to inspect oven not turning off. Upon further inspection, I turned the microwave on and it operated as designed and the end of cycle indicator sounded. I placed the unit in diagnostics and checked for error codes and found none. I did a factory reset on the unit and then tested the oven functions on Bake at 350. The unit operated as designed. Due to the intermittent issues the customer is having, I removed and replaced the UI console and set the display. Job completed."
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 12/04/2019
OVEN GE CT9550SH1SS "arrived on site to inspect wall oven with no operation. Upon further inspection, I pulled the unit from the wall and checked voltage at the UI, both controls, & terminal block. I didn’t get any voltage at the UI at points J5-1 & J5-3. I checked voltage coming out of the control at the J701 connectors on both controls and got nothing. I checked voltage coming into the control at connectors K203 & K207 from the red to black wires and only got 123V. I checked voltage at the terminal block from red/black and got 123V; red/white=124V; black/white=0V. I advised the customer that they would need to have a licensed electrician take a look at the electrical circuit/breaker and determine where the loss of power is. Unit breaker was left in the off position for safety. Job completed."
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX988SIBM03 "Arrived onsite for the refrigerator with low ice production. I found the unit with no ice. I found the FC not at temp due to the RC evaporator Incased in ice. I ran test on the thermistors and fans. All were working as designed. The unit is having control and thermistor issues communicating. The coil will need to be defrosted, the drain cleared and the UI and evaporator fan harness will need to be replaced to complete service.Ordering the UI and harness. Sending the routing thread a message to weigh the call for 2 hours and RS.; ordrng 1 W10848301 (CNTRL-ELEC)"
Near Austin, TX 78757
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 "Arrived on site for ice build up. Customer had unit off,found gap between freezer gasket and cabinet,found tracks on freezer door making a grinding noise and causing door not to fully shut. Ordering new tracks,customer is unhappy with unit and is going to try and exchange unit call to verify repair when parts arrive; ordrng 2 W11265130 (SLIDE TRACKS)s and 1 WPW10443326 (GASKET PANTRY)"
Near Austin, TX 78741
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT710PAHZ1 Arrived on site to install handle. Installed handle test unit and unit test good job complete.
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 "Arrived on site and inspected washer and did not find any safe error codes customer hard rebooted washer and it started working normally. Ran a calibration cycle and washer is operating normally. No water leaks from connections at time of service, job complete"
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX986SIHZ00 "Arrived on site for cooling issue and no ice. Found evaporator incased in ice,ran diagnostics faulty thermistor to fresh food evaporator,E2 error on icemaker ran harvest failed. Diagnosed unit will need a new fan motor assembly and icemaker. Customer will also need to defrost unit 24hrs before return visit. Called partner team got AUTHO for repair Wnivp00apl1; ordrng 1 W11294907 (ICEMAKER)"
Near Manchaca, TX 78652
Job Details: 12/04/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG515S0ES1 "Arrived on site and inspected Range and found RF burner is slow to ignite, replaced the burner head and all burner caps and it is now operating normally. Job complete"
Near Austin, TX 78749
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED7500GW0 "Arrived on site and found customer is experiencing dryer turning off Before load is dry. Customer is using casual cycle on the lowest dryness setting, ran with no clothing on a casual cycle and dryer dropped time to 2 minutes and then stopped. Taped a wet paper towel to moisture sensors and it continued to run without stopping and added time. This is normal operation. Discussed sensor cycles vs timed dry cycles with customer explained her temperature settings and dryness level can be changed manually for each cycle, no lint found at time of service, dryer is operating as intended. Job complete"
Near Spicewood, TX 78669
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF989SDAM03 "#1414 5th house on leftArrived on site for no cool. No frost on freezer or fresh food evaporator,compressor and fans running checked temp reading 20° in freezer diagnosed leak in system
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX986SIHZ00 "Arrived on site for frost build up on drawers. Found magnetic strip in gasket not reaching corner edges causing corner edges of gasket to not seal against cabinet,gasket is styrofoamed into liner ordering new door to prevent damage to liner; ordrng 1 W10919622 (FZR DOOR SS)"
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MGD6000AG0 "Arrived on site and found dryer will not start a cycle. Disassembled it and found clothing items stuck in Blower wheel. Remove clothing items and dryer will now run a normal cycle. Removed all lint from interior
Near Austin, TX 78737
Job Details: 12/04/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOS51EC0HS00 "Arrived on site and found customer is still experiencing time jumping, temperature differences, staying connected to Wi-Fi, and overall random malfunction from their oven. Spoke with tech line again and they repeated that there is no software update as of yet, there is no ETA for the software update. There is no way to correct or make adjustment to the oven until this has been done. 7726232796"
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 12/04/2019
COOKTOP JENN-AIR JGCP548HL00 "arrived on site to inspect cooktop issues. Upon further inspection, the customer advised that the unit burners were not converted to propane from NG. They advised that someone from a propane company came out and “rigged” the unit to work until a conversion kit could be provided. The burners had large flames and when the propane company person converted the unit to propane, the customer said they were using the cooktop and the burner flames were sputtering. They notified the builder who advised that it was air in the lines and to “bleed” the lines until it stops. Customer was “bleeding” the lines when a loud pop occurred and a large flame shot up from one of the burners and the griddle popped up out of place. I found the griddle not secured and due to the installation, I will need a second man to assist in moving the unit. I am ordering a CNOTE-2 MAN and CNOTE-2HR JOB. Office to schedule return service. Gas to the unit was left off and the power cord left u
Near Austin, TX 78737
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWB855DC3 "Arrived on site and customer is experiencing cycle not starting, and cycle selection not changing when dial is moved. found saved error codes F7E0, F5E1, F9E2, ran all functions in manual diagnostic and test 51 and 52 and everything passed. replaced control board and lid lock, control panel was replaced on previous visit. This represents all parts That can attempt to correct issue. No water leaks from connections at time of service, job complete"
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 12/04/2019
DISHWASHER JENN-AIR JDTSS244GP0 "Arrived on site and inspected dishwasher and found dispenser gasket is loose and has knocked spring out of alignment. After correcting dispenser it will now operate normally. Recommended to customer that if using pods they be placed on the bottom of the tub to prevent getting stuck in the dispenser door. No for the repair is required at this time, no water leaks from connections at time of service, job complete"
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 12/04/2019
REFRIGERATOR LG LFC25776ST/06 "arrived on site to inspect refrigerator FC light not working. Upon further inspection, when I opened the freezer door, I found a small amount of frost built up on some of the food packaging and the Evap cover consistent with an air leak. Also found food packaging caught in between the fc door gasket and chassis creating and air gap. I removed the FC light bulb and found it burnt out. I am ordering the bulb and scheduled return service for 12/09/19. Before leaving, I removed the ice buildup in the FC chamber. No water leaks observed during service.; ordrng 1 6912JB2004K (LAMP)"
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Jonathan S
Job Details: 12/04/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8040DW4 "Arrived on site for washer not filling with water. Performed diagnostics mode and found cold water solenoid not opening. Found failed inlet valve assembly. Removed failed valve and installed new. Performed diagnostics mode and tested valve operation and monitored for water leaks. Ran calibration cycle and automatic test mode. Added zip tie to drain line. All tested good, no water leaks detected."