Near Austin, TX 78703
Eman J.
Job Details: 05/15/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KBFS20EVMS13 "Arrived onsite to replace previous diagnosed parts. Replaced parts, tested system everything works as designed. Job complete. Ordering lid pantry WP67005930; ordrng 1 WP67005930 (lid-pantry)"
Near Austin, TX 78754
Eman J.
Job Details: 05/15/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6630HC0 Arrived onsite for washer not completing wash cycle. I tested the system it went through the full cycle with no error codes. Everything works as designed. No water leaks at time of service. Job complete.
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 05/15/2020
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WOC54EC0HS03 Arrived on site for oven panel not working. Tested and inspected unit and found failed UI panel. Removed failed part and replaced with new. Tested unit and all operations are normal. No other repairs are needed at this time.
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Tyler B.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW94HEXL0 "Arrived to inspect unit shutting down during cycles, found unit drain pump would heat up and shut down. Replaced pump and tested properly
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details: 05/14/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE975H0HZ1 "Arrived on site and inspected range and found door is not closing properly, reset hinges and it operating properly. Also leveled range, job complete"
Near Spring Branch, TX 78070
Noah D
Job Details: 05/14/2020
VENTHOOD GE JV348L2SS "Arrived on site to inspect upper venthood for not venting, tested with paper and hand above microwave as well with no issues. Uncovered and watched fan with no extra movement or problems. Complete"
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER GE GLD5800L15BB "Arrived on site and inspected dishwasher and found it is 29 years old, tub is bowed outward, door no longer closes Hinges are rusted to the point where they are no longer engaging The structure of the dishwasher is not secure, not water tight,
Near Blanco, TX 78606
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5005KW0 Arrived onsite for the washer not going through cycles. Ran diagnostics and found no error codes. Tested all the functions of the washer and all tested good. Could not duplicate the issue the customer is experiencing. Found no issues at this time. Washer is working to manufacture specs. Complete
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details: 05/14/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE320M0JS0 Arrived on job to replace panel. After replacement test operation all functions working.
Near Austin, TX 78749
Job Details: 05/14/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE505W0HS1 "Arrived on site to test unit for door not closing. Found broken hinge,replaced hinge test unit and unit test good job complete."
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Job Details: 05/14/2020
FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WZF34X20DW01 "Arrived on site to inspect freezer not cooling. Upon further inspection, I found the unit unplugged. I plugged the unit in and when the compressor came on it was making a gurgling noise. I checked amp draw to,the compressor and it read 1.52amps. I checked the evaporator after approximately 10 mins of operation and it was dry/no frost pattern. I am ordering the sealed system consisting of the compressor, dryer, access valve and evaporator. Also a CNOTE-2 HOUR JOB AND CNOTE-OFFICE TO SCHEDULE RETURN SERVICE. Unit was left unplugged.; ordrng 1 CNOTE (2 HOUR JOB) and 1 CNOTE (OFFICE TO SCHEDULE RETURN SERVICE ) and 1 TJ90SF8404 (ACCESS VALVE ) and 1 W10750851 (compressor) and 1 W10858281 (evaporator) and 1 WPW10143759 (dryer)"
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Noah D
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS315SDHZ03 "Arrived on site to inspect fridge for leaking issues, upon inspection found residue and leaks in dispenser area, replaced water valve and retested for leaks, no problems found. Complete"
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR n/a "Arrived on site. Uninstalled built in refrigerator, disconnected water supply and left on floor skid. Customer will call office when ready to reinstall unit.
Near Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
Job Details: 05/14/2020
COOKTOP WHIRLPOOL KECC607BBL02 Arrived on site and found right rear corner of top broken. Also found counter top cracked at same spot of cooktop. Showed damage to project manager before repairing. Took photos of damage to top and countertop. Installed new cooktop and tested. Unit tests good. Job complete
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Eman J.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW560CHW0 "Arrived onsite for washer not working. Tested system, everything works as designed. Job complete."
Near Austin, TX 78734
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL KDTE504DSS0 "Arrived on site for customer complaint of UI panel not working, found failed panel, I replaced panel, unit tested good.
Near Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 "Arrived for the 3rd time to inspect leaking at the dispenser.Added both the pressure valve and tube.Unit wouldn’t dispense, so I called Whirlpool Tech line and spoke with BUTCH.Advised him of my findings and parts installed.System was down, so no notes were added from Techline.
Near Killeen, TX 76543
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER FRIGIDAIRE LTF7000EG0 Arrived to inspect front load Frigidaire washer not starting.Confirmed the complaint and removed and replaced door latch.Reassembled and unit tested as designed.All water lines were dry at the end of service.Job complete
Near Hutto, TX 78634
David S
Job Details: 05/14/2020
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH31017HS3 "Arrived on site for microwave not heating. I inspected unit and work area. I found the fuse was broken. I replaced the fuse, cap, diode, and magnetron. I plugged the unit back in and the fuse blew again. I checked the wiring and found one of the interlock wired wrong, I corrected the wiring. I powered the unit and and could hear it chatter when trying to heat. I replaced both interlocks and and the control board..; ordrng 1 W11252186 (interlock) and 1 W11252187 (interlock)"
Near Temple, TX 76502
Jonathan M
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GX5FHTXVY07 Arrived onsite for refrigerator that was leaking out of the bottom and was making hollow ice. Inspected unit and work area. Customer advised he only real problem was the leaking issue. Removed freezer evaporator and found drain hole plugged up with ice. Steamed out ice obstruction and removed ice buildup. Unit is draining and working as designed. Call complete.
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC604FSS01 "Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Due to the FC rails, ice maker fan blower and UI failure I am replacing all parts. However, when I disassembled the FC door/drawers, I found a large crack in the liner starting at the evaporator drain and traveling to the opening of the FC section/door area. I contacted the office (MS) and advised of my findings.
Near Austin, TX 78732
David Z
Job Details: 05/14/2020
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMC50522HB0 "Arrived on site to diagnose microwave that is not heating and had make some mist / smoke. On arrival found unit had no power to it. If you tap on the unit or slam the door hard enough you can see power flicker. Unit will not even stay on long enough to perform a test cycle. Unit is also NON SERVICEABLE. If we could perform a repair unit would need a control board and wiring harness to restore power to the other systems. Since unit is non serviceable from the Mfr, it needs to be replaced. No action we can take as diagnostic only was requested. Call complete."
Near Austin, TX 78702
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC300ESS00 "Arrived on site for water leaking into ice bin. Diagnosed crack in icemaker housing causing water to leak from housing,replaced icemaker,ran icemaker through a cycle water filled icemaker with no leaks"
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
David S
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTM354DSS4 "Arrived on site to install previous diagnosed parts. I gained access to the pump and motor assembly, removed the failed component and replaced new. I ran a test cycle and the unit operated as designed. No water leaks detected."
Near Austin, TX 78752
Job Details: 05/14/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE505W0JS0 Arrived on site to test unit for damaged cooktop and vent and panel. Replaced cooktop and vent will order new panel W11175518 office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11175518 (PANEL )
Near Leander, TX 78641
Tyler B.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE104ESS2 Arrived to inspect unit not washing and broken adjusters . Found unit not pump and would need pump and adjuster kit. and 1 WPW10546503 (adjuster) and 1 WPW10605057 (pump and motor assy)
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5630HW0 "Arrived on site for customer complaint of unit leaking, found leak coming from dispenser, I replaced dispenser tested good."
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 Arrived on site to check refrigerator for not calling properly after last repair. Found fresh food evaporator fan not running. Also found fresh food evaporator completely frosted up due to fan operation. Defrosted evaporator and refit all harness connections to evaporator fan. Fan is operational and evaporator is clear allowing good airflow. Replaced user interface and made sure all shelves were level. Door is not scratched but just had a water mark underneath the dispenser. All checks good with the refrigerator job complete
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Keith D.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID WRV986FDEM01 Arrived on site and installed previous diagnosed part tested operation found unit working properly at time of service. Job complete
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MAV208DAWW "Arrived on site to inspect washer not spinning out clothes. Upon further inspection, I tested the unit in spin mode and it failed. I attempted on several different cycles to get the unit to function and it failed. I am ordering the transmission assembly, all brakes components, CNOTE-2 MAN JOB, CNOTE-2 HOUR JOB & CNOTE-AUTHORIZATION. Office to schedule return service. No water leaks observed during service.; ordrng 1 35-6918 (stator,brake) and 1 35-6615 (ht trans s) and 1 WP35-2017 (retainer-) and 1 21002010 (brake rotor) and 1 WP21001910 (spring- br) and 1 WP21002026 (snubber)"
Near Marble Falls, TX 78654
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE ED2NHGXNQ00 Arrived on site and installed new ice door kit. Verified operation and found unit working properly. Job complete
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Tyler B.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOS51EC0HS01 Arrived to inspect unit with no display. found console dead. Replaced and tested properly
Near Austin, TX 78727
David S
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW3 "Arrived on site for washer not draining. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the drain line was full of derby and allowing the unit to drain. I removed the drain pump and hoses, I cleaned all hoses and drain pump out. I ran the unit through a test cycle, the unit operated as designed. I found the wall drain was clogged and over flowing. It’s in a garage. I cleaned up the water the best I could, and explained to the customer they will have to have a plumber come out to clear he all drain. Unit operated as designed,m no water leaks detected."
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Job Details: 05/14/2020
COOKTOP JENNAIR JIC4430XS00 "Arrived on site to inspect cooktop error codes. Upon further inspection, I found the unit showing F40. Attempted to test and due to the error code, it would not operate. I found service pointer W10556232A, and due to the error code, the pointer directs to replace the module. I had the customer sign a waiver of damages when removing glass cooktop. I removed and replaced the module and programmed the unit to #24 as stated in service matters tech sheet. Tested the unit and it operated as designed. Job completed."
Near Austin, TX 78750
Job Details: 05/14/2020
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KMLS311HSS6 "Arrived onsite and replaced lamps with correct parts with no change. Ordering control board to repair lighting issue. Office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 W11129649 (PCBOARD), states that autho needed"
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
David S
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5500FW1 Arrive on site for washer not draining. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the unit showing fault code F9E1 long drain. I have the unit manually drain. I could hear the pump running and some water draining. I disassembled the unit and found the drain pump filter clogged. I removed the debris and cleared the hoses. I reassembled the unit and ran a test cycle. Unit operated as designed no water leaks detected. Job complete.
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Noah D
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT970SAHZ0 "Arrived on site to install cabinet seal due to damage while installing, replaced cabinet seal and installed dishwasher with proper screw holes and alignment. Complete"
Near Austin, TX 78732
David Z
Job Details: 05/14/2020
VENTHOOD WHIRLPOOL KXD4636YSS0 "Arrived on site to diagnose downdraft stuck in the down position. Performed diagnostics on unit. Customer had removed the grease filters, making their micro switches open and unit stuck down. Was able to actuate switches to raise unit up, but as soon as I did unit would hit the top position, and slowly sink back down into the housing. This is a sign of failed torsion springs which can no longer hold the unit up
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRFC704FBS01 Arrived onsite and found unit fill spout heater wire snapped. Ordering door to repair heater to correct ice production. Advised customer on wait time. Office to reschedule. ; ordrng 1 W11254958 (LEFT DOOR. )
Near Belton, TX 76513
Jonathan M
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GI6SARXXF06 Arrived on site for refrigerator that still not making ice. Inspected unit and work area. Tested unit thermistors and all checked good. Removed icemaker cover and try to jumper unit. Unit would not jump. Tested voltage at the icemaker and found proper voltage. Replaced icemaker and ice maker harness and tested unit. Unit jumped and filled with water. Told the customer to give the unit 24 hours to start making ice. Call complete.
Near Austin, TX 78734
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX988SIBM00 "Arrived on site for cooling issue in fresh food. Removed evaporator cover,found drip pan warped,ran diagnostics fan not powering on,faulty thermistor. Replaced fan motor,drip pan and thermistor. Per service pointer W11092686E secured thermistor to correct location on suction line using foil tape and zip tie,secured evaporator to liner using clamps and a zip tie,secured back cover with 4 screws. Ran diagnostics checked air flow good,changed defrost setting to basic., used 1 W10836964 (DRIP PAN) from stock"
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF757SDHZ01 "Arrived on site for no ice. Ran diagnostics,all test passed no errors on icemaker ran fill test no water entering icemaker, removed housing ohmed heater good,good voltage to heater, defrosted fill tube,ran diagnostics icemaker filled with water."
Near Austin, TX 78749
Job Details: 05/14/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFE505W0HS1 Arrived on site to test unit for oven not working. Test unit and found bad control board. Replaced control board test unit and unit heating to 350 job complete.
Near Johnson City, TX 78636
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW6620HW0 Arrived onsite for the washer leaking water out of the drawer. Upon inspection found that there is water residue on the drawer and on the side of washer. Replaced drawer and tilted back washer and washer tested fine and no leaks. Complete
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 05/14/2020
FREEZER UNKNOWN GAFZ30FDGB01 "Arrived on site for no cool. Fans running,removed compressor cover,found compressor extremely hot to the touch,removed starter,installed a new start powered unit on compressor not powering on diagnosed a defective compressor. Ordered compressor and filter drier. ; ordrng 1 W10913906 (ACCESS VAVLE) and 1 WPW10143759 (DRIER UV) and 1 WPW10750849 (COMPRESSOR)"
Near Georgetown, TX 78628
Job Details: 05/14/2020
TRASH COMPACTOR KITCHENAID KUCS03FTSS0 Arrived on site to diagnose a trash compactor that is not cycling properly. Found motor gearing stripped out and slipping. Replaced motor gearing and tested unit. Found all is functioning properly at this time.
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHV02 Arrived onsite and found icemaker unable to cycle. Replaced icemaker and tested. All checks good
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5630HW0 "Arrived on site for customer complaint of unit leaking a little water out of front center door. Found door not making good enough contact with bellow, ordering door hinges, inner door, and door bellow. ; ordrng 1 CNOTE (OFFICE TO RESCHEDULE ) and 1 W10208415 (hinge) and 1 W10208415 (hinge) and 1 W10299097 (HINGE) and 1 W10312805 (bracket) and 1 W10897390 (BELLOW) and 1 W11178958 (INNER DOOR)"
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 05/14/2020
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH32519HZ4 Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed interlocks. Removed failed parts and replaced with new. Tested unit and all operations are normal. No other repairs are needed at this time.
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 05/14/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WCG97US6HS00 "Arrived on site and found left rear igniter switch does not stop igniting, replaced both left valves and switch harness again end it is working correctly, job complete"
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 05/14/2020
OVEN KITCHENAID KODE500ESS02 Arrived onsite and found harness coming disconnected to console. Repaired by inserting properly. Now unit is operating as designed. No parts needed.
Near Austin, TX 78754
Eman J.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFI2570FEZ07 "Arrived on site for refrigerator freezer light not coming on. Tested system found freezer light faulty. Replaced light, tested system. Everything works as designed. Job complete"
Near Harker Heights, TX 76548
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF767SDHZ00 Arrived to inspect valve chattering.Confirmed the complaint and reseated the water line at the valve.Also adjusted the pressure at the wall.Unit now operates as designed.All water lines were dry at the time of service.Job complete
Near Austin, TX 78730
David Z
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KUDS01FLSS6 "Arrived on site to diagnose dishwasher with door that lost tension. Performed diagnostic and found the right side link retainer was broken and right side rope had snapped. Customer approved. Replaced both links and retested. Door is now working as designed.
Near Johnson City, TX 78636
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS571CIHZ01 Arrived onsite for the refrigerator ice maker not working. Upon inspection found that the ice maker was not in the home position it was broken. Replaced ice maker and tested fine no leaks detected complete.
Near Elgin, TX 78621
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325SDHZ01 Arrived on site for fresh food not cooling . Replaced diffuser due to frost build up in door . Also found return vent completely bye insulation covered in fresh food . Cleaned out insulation. Air flow is now proper . No water leaks detected at time of service. Job complete .
Near Killeen, TX 76542
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL DU915PWPS2 Arrived to inspect dishwasher making unusual noises.Confirmed the complaint and found a large piece of the utensil basket near the pump and motor.Unit operates as designed.All water lines were dry at the end of service.Unit is aged and louder than it was years ago.Job complete
Near Austin, TX 78758
Eman J.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW3505FW0 Arrived onsite for washer leaking water. Tested system found no water leak. Job complete.
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW3090JW0 Arrived onsite for unit being stuck in den mode. Tested unit. Could not get out of setting. Replaced timer control to unit. Tested unit. Unit test good. No leaks at this time. Job complete
Near Kingsland, TX 78639
Keith D.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 Arrived onsite and checked for error codes found f5e2 and f0e5 cleared codes and ran diagnostics and found unit suspended had failed causing the loud noise. And throwing a off balance error code. Unit will need new suspension in order to repair. Also found wash plate not flush but was unable to remove due to it being seized up. Ordering suspension and wash plate. Upon further inspection also found that the gearcase failed has oil under unit. ; ordrng 1 W10752283 (WASH PLATE) and 1 W11130362 (suspension)
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW5620HW0 Arrived onsite for unit not spinning. Put unit in test mode. Got one error code for unit being out of balance load. Erased code. Tested unit in drain and spin 2 times. Unit test good. No error codes have come back. No leaks at this time. Job complete
Near Blanco, TX 78606
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSF26C4XYY03 Arrived onsite for the refrigerator ice maker not working. Ran diagnostics and found that there is no water going into the ice maker. Replaced valve and tested. Issue was not resolved will need to replaced control boards do to the fact that the valve is not coming on when calling for water. Ordering parts office to reschedule.; ordrng 1 W10418407 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W10446514 (electronic control)
Near Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE DSHS6VGBBCSS Arrived to inspect ice bucket issues.Confirmed the bucket assembly was defective.Called office and spoke with MS. Confirmed the Bucket and auger assembly was approved to install.Removed and replaced the bucket and unit began operating as designed.Job complete
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTM354DSS4 "Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Due to the sump/motor assembly leaking, the console lights not functioning and the lower rack wheels falling off, I removed and replaced all mentioned parts and tested. Unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 05/14/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOS51EC0AS04 "Arrived on site for customer complaint of unit having electric smell, found failed control panel, also bring main control. ; ordrng 1 W10864141 (panl-cntrl)"
Near Lorena, TX 76655
Jonathan M
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 Arrived on site for a washer that would not start a cycle. Inspected unit and work area. Tested unit unit begin turn on. Please do an in-service diagnostics and found an F8 E1 (low/no fill). Customer advised hey may have been over filling the unit. Ran unit through an auto cycle and unit ran as designed. Had customer start a cycle and found the customer over filling towels into the unit. Went over customer care guide and load sizes. Unit ran through the agitation and kept filling with water due to heavy load. Unit eventually stopped filling and ran as designed. Call complete.
Near Florence, TX 76527
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE334GPS0 Arrived on site to diagnose a dishwasher that is not cycling. Tested unit and found broken glass in drain pump assembly. Removed glass and tested unit. Found all is functioning properly at this time. No leaks were found after services were performed.
Near Austin, TX 78732
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSC48QMS02 "Arrived onsite for a refrigerator to replace the previous diagnosed parts. I replaced the compressor, evaporator, heat exchanger, & pan heater. I installed a UV drier and a low side service tap on the compressor. I vacuumed the system and it held a 30 psi vacuum. I charged the system with 7.75 oz’s of R134A. I tested the unit and it is working as designed. Call complete."
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR LG LFX25960ST "Arrived on site for no ice and water. Tested dispenser no water,no power to icemaker,removed ginger cover,disconnected harness found broken terminal in harness on liner side
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 05/14/2020
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WOC54EC0AS05 Arrived on site to install new control panel for microwave oven combination. Installed new panel and tested unit. Found all is functioning properly at this time.
Near Austin, TX 78736
Job Details: 05/14/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL G7CG3665XS00 Arrived on site to replace manifold. Replaced manifold test unit and unit test good no leaks present at this time.
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER GE GDT695SSJ2SS "Arrived on site to inspect dishwasher no functions. Upon further inspection, I found the unit operating as customer had unplugged unit and it reset. I placed unit in diagnostics and tested voltage to element and got 121V. I checked element and got 17ohms and unit operated as designed in diagnostics. I contacted ge techline and spoke to Charlie and advised of my findings. Charlie advised that there is a service pointer on this issue and to replace the element and both nuts and to order a Software Update Module WD98R2327901 and afternoon updating the software to send the module to ge.No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Tyler B.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER GE GTWM4250D1WS "Arrived to install previously ordered shocks. Replaced and tested properly
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 05/14/2020
COOKTOP WHIRLPOOL WCG97US6DS00 Arrived on site for customer complaint of gas leak, found leak at regulator and manifold.
Near Spring Branch, TX 78070
Noah D
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 "Arrived on site to inspect fridge and install parts for bad ice production replaced icebox fan and gasket per last tech, control board was unable to be accessed due to bent casters on both sides that another company installed. Customer must remove fridge from spot if further board work is needed. Checked all functions of icebox and gasket and found no issues. Motor for ice maker tested good.Complete"
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JS48SEDBDA "Arrived on site for no cool. Found no lights and unit not powering on. Removed control cover,voltage entering unit,power to power supply and to main control,no power exiting control or power supply found burned traces on compressor control. Diagnosed unit will need a new main control,power supply and compressor control,need AUTHO approval; ordrng 1 12002799 (COMPRESSOR CONTROL) and 1 WP67001360 (POWER SUPPLY) and 1 WP67006853 (MAIN CONTROL)"
Near Austin, TX 78747
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB322DMBM01 "Arrived on site and inspected refrigerator and found freezer temperature is 14 degrees, fresh food is 47 degrees. Customer has freezer set on 1 and fresh food set on 3. Normal setting for both would be 4 set step 7 and step 8 to 9 maximum.
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
David S
Job Details: 05/14/2020
ICE MACHINE WHIRLPOOL GI1500XHS9 "Arrived on site to install a new water valve per service pointer 4317422. I gained access to the water valve and installed the new one. I tested the unit and unit operated as designed. I spoke with customer about how the install instruction for this u it state it need to have an open air drain for the unit to drain properly, otherwise you will have have a thumping suction noise. No water leaks detected. Job complete."
Near Austin, TX 78721
Job Details: 05/14/2020
COOKTOP WHIRLPOOL RC8536XTW2 Arrived on site for unit sparking after previous repair . Found wire connector had fail causing wire to contact another wire shortening new switch . Tested burners all are working and heating properly . . Job complete .
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 05/14/2020
COOKTOP WHIRLPOOL WCG97US6DS00 "Arrived on site for customer complaint of gas leak, found leak at regulator and manifold.
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 05/14/2020
RANGE JENN-AIR JDRP436WP03 "Arrived on site to test unit for touchpad not working. Found touchpad not responding, replaced ui and control test unit and unit test good job complete."
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE334GPS0 "Arrived on site and inspected dishwasher and found saved error codes 6/4, 6/3 again. Tested float switch and it is correct, ran diagnostic cycle and it completed properly. Dishwasher installation area does not meet the height minimum and dishwasher is leaning forward. Reported to techline, system was down and couldn’t get an SR number."
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDFZ09 Arrived onsite and found unit operating as designed save some noise and vibration concerns. Used pads to address concerns. All checks good.
Near Austin, TX 78759
David S
Job Details: 05/14/2020
OVEN KITCHENAID KEBS207BSS00 "Arrived on site for oven having no power. I inspected the unit and work area. I pulled the unit from the cabinet and inspected the fuse, and Both thermal fuses all checked good. I turned the breaker on and checked power to the unit. I am showing 121v o L2 to Neutral, and showing nothing from L1 to neutral, see so quick pic. According to the wiring diagram L1 supplies power to the control, and the control and UI are showing no power. I spoke with customer about the unit and explained they will have to have an electrician check the breaker, or the wiring in the wall, because the unit is not getting proper power. I reinstalled the unit how the customer wanted
Near Austin, TX 78753
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS555SIHZ00 Arrived onsite to replace parts ordered by previous tech. Reply the diffuser. Tested unit. Unit test good. No leaks at this time. Job complete
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Tyler B.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MTB2156FEW Arrived to install previously ordered parts. Replace cap and dev and cooling properly
Near Marble Falls, TX 78654
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KBFN506EPA01 Arrived on site and tested operation. Found left 3 lights and lower right light out. Found loose connection on middle left module. Secure wire into connector and found all lights now functioning properly. Job complete
Near Taylor, TX 76574
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS588FIHZ00 Arrived on site for refrigerator not cooling. Tested and inspected unit and found failed harness and heating element. Instructed customer to defrost unit 48 hours prior to service and how to do so safely as to prevent water damage risk. Ordering needed part. Office to schedule return trip. Customer is calling whirlpool to get coverage. No water leaks present at time of service.; ordrng 1 SEENOTE (OFFICE TO SCHEDULE ) and 1 W10857624 (heater)
Near Temple, TX 76502
Jonathan M
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT780SAEM1 Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed parts. Inspected unit and work area. Replaced pump and motor and tested unit in Ana auto test. Unit worked as designed and heater kicked on at the end. Call complete.
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 05/14/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD51EC0HS01 "Arrived on site for control not responding . Ran diagnostics got several UI failurer codes . Replaced control tested ,all checked normal . Job complete ."
Near Burnet, TX 78611
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KFIS25XVMS2 Arrived on site and tested operation. Found condenser fan not running but compressor is running. Installed new condenser fan motor and tested operation n found full frost pattern on evaporator and unit cooling properly. Instructed customer that the unit may take up to 24 hours to reach proper temps. Job complete
Near The Hills, TX 78738
Job Details: 05/14/2020
COOKTOP KITCHENAID KCGD506GSS00 Arrived on site to replaced valves and tubings. Replaced parts test unit and unit test good job complete. No leaks present at this time.
Near Marble Falls, TX 78654
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SMHZ00 Arrived on site and tested operation. Found fresh food and freezer at 45 degrees. Compressor very hot. Unit has failed compressor and will need sealed system repair. Office to schedule return services for 2 hours; ordrng 1 CNOTE (2 HR SS) and 1 W10913906 (coupler) and 1 WPW10143759 (dryer) and 1 WPW10507886 (compressor)
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Noah D
Job Details: 05/14/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB300WQ1 "Arrived on site to inspect washer for issues completing cycle with a lid error, checked for error codes and found only lid error codes, replaced lid and tested all functions, no problems found.Complete"
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78132
Noah D
Job Details: 05/14/2020
RANGE KITCHENAID KFDC558JSS00 "Arrived on site to inspect door for dent, upon inspection saw the small rounded dent on door, replaced outer glass and frame, checked for issues and damage, no problems found. Complete"
Near Austin, TX 78729
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT318FZDM05 Arrived onsite for a refrigerator to replace possible sealed system components. I found the charge in the system a little low and signs of a leak around the Lokring fitting on the drier. I recovered the refrigerant and installed a UV drier and added a low side service tap on the compressor. I vacuumed the system and it held a 30 psi vacuum. I charged the system with R134A and tested the unit. The unit had a good frost pattern and is working as designed. The unit had been moved to apartment 923 and was not connected to a water supply. Call complete.
Near Meadowlakes, TX 78654
Keith D.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID WDT790SLYM3 Arrived on site and tested operation found unit working as designed upon further inspection I found that the dispenser assembly has failed causing soap to just run out continuously. Unit will need new dispenser assembly to repair.
Near Meadowlakes, TX 78654
Keith D.
Job Details: 05/14/2020
DRYER SAMSUNG DV395ETPASU/A1 Arrived on site and inspected for lint build up found vent clogged with lint. Removed what I could from unit. And advised customer to have a vent cleaning company come out and clean the vent leading to the outside. Job complete
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Noah D
Job Details: 05/14/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS311SDHB00 "Arrived on site to inspect fridge for leaking issues, upon inspection of video of leak and testing found the magnet on the inlet valve not closing, replaced valve and retested. No leaks found during ice maker fill aNd dispensing. Complete"
Near Buda, TX 78610
Job Details: 05/14/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG361LVS3 Arrived on job for complaints of no bake. Found that items in storage drawer causing a short in igniter operation. Removed extra items and oven now working properly.