Near Leander, TX 78641
Jonathan S
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED4850HW0 Arrived on site for dryer timer not advancing. Performed diagnostics and tested incoming voltage. Found within range. Tested timer and found failed timer. Removed timer and installed new. Tested unit. All tested good.
Near Taylor, TX 76574
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL NED4655EW1 Arrived on site for dryer not heating. Tested and inspected unit and found failed heating element. Removed failed part and replaced with new. Tested unit and all operations are normal. No other repairs are needed at this time.
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Noah D
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE550S0HZ1 "Arrived on site to inspect oven for not heating correctly, replaced control after testing element continuity,no problems found after replacing control. Complete"
Near Killeen, TX 76549
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MED9700SB0 "Arrived to inspect dryer making a loud screeching noise.Confirmed the complaint and found the idler pulley is defective, causing the noises.Found massive lint buildup inside the unit contributing to the issues.Also found approximately $5.00 in coins inside the unit.Ordering authorization and pulley and repair kit; ordrng 1 279640 (PULLEY IDR ) and 1 CNOTE (RESEARCH FOR DRYER REPAIR KIT )"
Near Blanco, TX 78606
Job Details: 07/09/2020
COOKTOP JENN-AIR JED3430WB00 "Arrived on site to replace broken cooktop, after replacing, I showed customer everything was working as designed, unit tested good."
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Job Details: 07/09/2020
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX988SIBM01 "Arrived onsite for a refrigerator leaking water and ice forming around the bottom of the ice bucket. I found the ice maker mild completely full of ice. I found the bucket frozen in a sheet of ice. I defrosted the ice and removed the bucket. I ran service test 56 and got a E2 motor lost position error. I ran service test 57 and found the motor stopping prematurely. Ran service test 45 after getting the ice out of the mold and the unit filled correctly, timed out at 7 seconds, and didn’t leak from the ice door. I replaced the ice maker and ran test 57 and 45 again. The ice maker is working as designed. Call complete."
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 07/09/2020
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WOC54EC0AS "Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered part(s). Due to the inverter board failure, I removed and replaced the inverter board and tested. Unit is operating as designed. Placed unit back in its space and retested and unit continues to operate as designed. Job completed."
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE234GPS0 Arrived on site to replace panel. Replaced front panel test unit and unit test good job complete.
Near Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE KITCHENAID KESH307HBS4 Arrived onsite for the oven range shutting down during baking. During testing found that the main control and blower fan will need to be replaced. Complete
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRFC704FPS03 "Arrived on site to inspect refrigerator ice bin with frozen ice on the outside and ice clumped in the bin. Upon further inspection, I t built up on the outside of the bin in between the ice door and bin. Also found a small amount of frost built up underneath the bin. Once I removed the bin, I found a small amount of ice on the ice chute plate. I removed the ice chute plate and found the chute gasket badly torn. Using a permagum, I placed a head of permagum around the plate chute and put the plate back into place. The plate made a tight seal in the chute. I advised the customer of my findings and repairs. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
Near Hays, TX 78610
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG550S0HZ1 Arrived onsite for unit not heating. Checked unit. Found customer had a black mat covering the the very bottom surface of the oven. Causing unit not heat correctly. Took out black mat. Tested unit to 350 degrees. Called Techline to report findings. Got SR#7728282212. No issues at this time. Job complete
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
David S
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF767SDHZ00 Arrived on site to install previous diagnosed parts. I gained access to the freezer light module and I replaced new. I reassembled the unit and tested the lights. All lights are working. No water leaks detected. Job complete.
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
David Z
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSS42QTX00 "Arrived on site to diagnose refrigerator with RC above temp. Temped RC at 43, FC and -9. Found items obstructing the air baffle vent causing air to stay in the upper area of RC. Advised customer that with that vent blocked air can’t circulate and freezer is overworking. Instructed to move items forward on shelves and see if airflow improves, if it does not we will likely need thermistors due to readings being off. Ordering thermistors to resolve issue if it doesn’t cool off on its own. ; ordrng 1 WP2188820 (temp sensor) and 1 WP2306010 (thermistor) and 1 WPW10169528 (diffuser)"
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADM7 Arrived onsite and found bad heater.unit is now operating as designed.
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDFZ09 Arrived onsite for the refrigerator ice maker not making ice. During testing found that the shut off arm was stuck in the off position. Adjusted shut off arm and ice maker tested fine and filled with water. Complete
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6630HW0 Arrived onsite for a washer to replace previous diagnosed parts. I found the new dispenser broken in the box. I showed the customer and explained the dispenser will need to be reordered. Ordering W11316600 dispenser and sending routing a message to RS. 0 in stock part.; ordrng 1 W11316600 (drawer)
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JF42NXFXDE02 Arrived on site for no lights in freezer and and upper portion of fresh food. Diagnosed a defective led module replaced freezer and upper leds powered unit on all leds working as designed.
Near Harker Heights, TX 76548
Jonathan M
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE UNKNOWN RGV2366LN Arrived onsite for a range that I making “popping noises”. Inspected unit and work area. Customer showed his proof of purchase showing it was in warranty. Turned unit on and ran unit through a bake cycle at 375 degrees. Ran unit for 35 minutes and found only popping noises to be thermal expansion from the liner and the racks. Unit appears to be working as designed and no abnormal sounds have been found while testing. No need to collect due to in warranty status. Call complete.
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Noah D
Job Details: 07/09/2020
COOKTOP WHIRLPOOL W5CE3024XB00 "Arrived on site to inspect range for not simmering, only high heat, upon inspection found that the right front switch was shorting and causing simmer issues, replaced switch and retested. All problems solved, complete"
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF954CIHM00 Arrived onsite for the refrigerator UI not working properly. Installed new UI and it tested good. Ice maker is making good ice and all functions tested good complete
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF330PAHS3 Arrived onsite for unit dripping. Looked at unit. Found that red water hose running to the valve is leaking water from the hose it self and not the valve or fitting. Turned off water valve for the customer.
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW4 "Arrived on site and found customer says UI has been unresponsive to power on and start a load, began and canceled a wash 3 times, couldn’t duplicate problem. Requested customer began load and she did not hold start button only tapped it. Requested that she leave finger on start button until it started and it did. Ran test 51 and it completed properly, ran calibration 52 and it completed properly. Replaced lid latch as cycle will not start if it is failing/failed. Request to the customer continue to monitor washer, no water leaks from connections at time of service, job complete"
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 Arrived onsite and tested unit for fill issue. No errors. Calibrated to reset tolerances. Found valves flowing properly. All checks good. Advised customer on use and care. Advised on efficiency design.
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED7500GC0 Arrived onsite for the dryer not heating. During testing found that the heating element is heating to manufactures specs. All functions are working to manufacture specs. No parts were needed. Complete
Near Austin, TX 78727
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706EBS00 "Arrived on site for unit shutting down and no ice . Ran diagnostics e2 errror code on IM . No movement on with of IM test . Got no voltage to ice maker . Replaced HV control . Still not getting harvest from IM . Found power supply board and ice maker had failed . Replaced IM , ice maker completed both checks . As well as passed valve test . Checked deli board , in good shape . No water leaks detected at time of service. Job complete ."
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
David S
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDFZ09 "Arrived on site for filter cover being broken. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the filter cover clip broken and the bracket mis-molded. Customer stated that the ice dispenser sometimes dispenses cubes and other times it dispenses crushed ice. I am ordering a new filter bracket 67006325, and UI control W11284720 to fix the unit. ; ordrng 1 67006325 (bracket- f) and 1 W11284720 (panel-ui)"
Near Leander, TX 78641
Jonathan S
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB322DMBM00 "Arrived on site for refrigerator ice maker not producing ice. Inspected unit and work area. Lund ice maker in off position. Turned ice maker on and monitored cycle. Found inlet valve activating. Gained access to valve and tested water to unit. Found house valve not closing completely. Found substance in house water line. Flushed water line out . Removed inlet valve and installed new. Cycled ice maker and monitored fill. All tested good, no water leaks detected."
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Noah D
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFC150M0EB3 "Arrived on site to inspect and install control board, replaced control board to fix light, light returned and no problems found. Complete"
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL ED5PVEXWS06 "Arrived on site and inspected refrigerator and found no flow from water dispenser. Removed water filter and dispenser is now operating normally. Reset water filter and it is still operating normally. Took one picture of water dispensing. Cycled icemaker manually and it completed cycle and filled with water. No further repair is required at this time no water leaks from connections at time of service, job complete"
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5500FW1 Arrived for error code F3E1. Ran diagnostics and also found error code F6E3. Pulled unit out inspected trap and air hose found no issues. Previous repair already changed WL switch. Because of communication as well recommend replacing control.
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER GE GUD27ESSMWW Arrived onsite for unit not finishing through cycles. Tested unit. Unit was draining. Found that lid lock was gunned up full of hair and oils. Replaced latch. Tested unit. Unit test good. No leaks at this time. Job complete
Near Austin, TX 78759
Eman J.
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER MAYTAG WFW75HEFW0 Arrived onsite for washer motor locked up. Tested system. Everything works as designed job complete.
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
David S
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRSC703HPS00 "Arrived on site for ice maker not working. I spoke with the customer and found out the problem it isn’t dispensing ice. I inspected the unit and work area. I found the ice dispenser motor was covered in ice. I removed the ice and ensured all moving pieces are working as designed. I reassembled the unit and tested the ice dispenser it is now working. I tested the evap fans,and thermistors all tested good. I found the unit set to adaptive defrost, I changed the setting to basic defrost and speaking with the customer about the difference between the two. Job complete, no water leaks detected."
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 "Arrived on site and inspected washer and found error code for basket speed fault, set washer into manual diagnostic cycle and ran all functions and everything appears good. Inspected gear case and it is not leaking any oil or making any bearing noise. Control board has already been replaced by previous technician, replaced actuator and if issue persists will need to bring back motor W10890624"
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG550S0HZ1 Arrived on site for burner that was not lighting properly on top of the range. Upon further inspection I found that the sparker that goes to the front left burner was arcing off to the side due to a crack in it I was able to replace the burner head and retest everything on the oven unit is working as designed with no other issues. I also explain to the customer that when it comes to stoves and ranges once they reach the 1 to 2 year mark that when it comes to turning the igniter on it is best to turn the knob slightly past the ignition side to where only gas is coming in for about 1 1/2 to 2 seconds and then quickly turn it back to the spark and it will ignite on time every single time
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF507HPS00 Arrived on job for complaints of lights not working. Found freezer light and some of refrigerator light not working. Replaced freezer module but light sill not working order control and module. ; ordrng 1 W11224256 (CONTROL BOARD) and 1 W11462342 (MODULE)
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF993FIFM00 "Arrived on site to inspect refrigerator RC section evap cover iced up. Upon further inspection, the customer had the power to the unit turned off and the RC shelves removed. Customer advised that there was a large block of ice at the back of the unit on the evap cover. Per the WP special project S15330, I removed and replaced the RC evap cover and HV control. When replacing the evap cover, I pushed the tubing back and used foil tape and ziptie to secure the thermistor to the suction line. Also, I removed the back cover and found the drain tube badly gapped at least 1/4 inch. I sealed the gap with silicone (photos). Tested the unit and it began to cool. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
Near Austin, TX 78734
David Z
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MED8200FC1 "Arrived on site to diagnose dryer with no power at panel. Performed diagnostic and power checks. Found unit unplugged at wall outlet. Plugged in unit and retested. All is working as designed.
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE334GPS0 Arrived on site to diagnose a dishwasher that is not running. Found broken glass and drain pump. Removed debris from pump and tested unit. Found all is working properly at this time. No leaks were found at time of service.
Near Elgin, TX 78621
Job Details: 07/09/2020
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX986SIHZ00 Arrived onsite for freezer having frosted. and provided customer instruct on keepindoor closed. All checks good. Unit is now operating as designed. Seal is perfect. Advised customer on cause of frosting symptoms.
Near Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MED6230HW0 Arrived to inspect dryer cutting off after starting AERan diagnostics test mode and did a factory reset on the unit and found the control is the issue.Ordering W11406681 CONTROL. Control is a PSP part.Office to reschedule with customer for return service service.Needs more work.; ordrng 1 W11406681 (CONTROL)
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 07/09/2020
COOKTOP KITCHENAID KCGS556ESS02 "Arrived on site to inspect cooktop panel lifted. Upon further inspection, I found the back left burner ignitor had dropped. When I lifted the cooktop, I found the ignitor clip had come off causing the ignitor to drop. Adjusted the ignitor and secured the clip and tested. Unit is operating as designed. No gas leaks detected during service, job completed."
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE LFSS2612TF3 Arrived on site for refrigerator not cooling properly in RC. Tested and inspected unit and found failed damper assembly. Ordering needed part as well as associated parts as well in case needed. Office to schedule return trip. No water leaks present at time of service. .; ordrng 1 242077705 (MOTOR ) and 1 242303001 (damper assy) and 1 242303101 (wiring harness)
Near Blanco, TX 78606
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER BOSCH SHX878ZD5N/01 "Arrived on site for customer complaint of error code, and unit not finishing cycle, found E15 error code, found leak coming from heat pump nut coming loose, I tightened nut, unit tested good."
Near Austin, TX 78702
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEYM05 Arrived onsite for unit being frozen in freezer section and no cooling in refrigerator section. Tested unit. Found that damper was not working. Replaced damper. Looked at freezer evaporator fan. Knocked ice away from fan. Fan was working properly. Unit was cooling in both sections again. No leaks at this time. Job complete
Near Austin, TX 78703
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBSN608ESS01 Arrived onsite for unit not cooling properly. Tested unit. Unit is working as designed. Called Techline. To report findings got SR#7728278218. No issues at this time. Job complete
Near Marble Falls, TX 78654
Job Details: 07/09/2020
ICE MACHINE KITCHENAID KUIX505ESS1 "Arrived on site and installed new control, pump and harness. Control now outputting proper voltage to transformer but transformer has failed. Called tech line and spoke to Bruce #7728279313. Verified proper measuring of voltages. Unit will also need transformer to repair. ; ordrng 1 AUTHO (AUTHO) and 1 WPW10485951 (transformr)"
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC704FSS01 "Arrived on site to perform sealed system repair. Found full frost pattern on freezer evap at startup, but no cooling on evap during step 5 of test 40. Contacted Techline and spoke with Joel. He advised to change controls to correct issue. Replaced Orion board and main control and tested unit. Found all is working properly at this time. No leaks were found at time of service.File#7728275927"
Near Marble Falls, TX 78654
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 Arrived on site and installed new gear case and hub. Calibrated unit and tested operation. Unit tests good. Job complete
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 07/09/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOS51EC0AS04 "Arrived on site for customer complaint of unit not heating, found failed bake element, I replaced bake element, unit tested good.
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Jonathan S
Job Details: 07/09/2020
ICE MACHINE KITCHENAID KUIS15NRTB "Arrived on site for ice machine not stopping ice production. Measured temperature at bin thermistor at 35°. Measured bin thermistor at 11.06 k ohms. Found thermistor should be reading 30. K ohms. Found failed thermistor. . Removed failed thermistor and installed new. Tested operation. All tested good, no water leaks detected."
Near Austin, TX 78753
Eman J.
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER AMANA NED4655EW1 Arrived onsite for previous Diagnosed parts. Replaced fuse. Tested system. Everything works as designed. Dryer is shaking when rotating ordering repair norm 4392067; ordrng 1 4392067 (dryer repair kit)
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MEDB765FW0 Arrived on site to diagnose a dryer that had condensation on inner glass. Tested unit and found proper airflow and no mechanical failures with dryer at this time. Advised homeowner external venting may be allowing backflow of humid air into unit causing condensation. No repairs can be done to correct this issue and all is working properly at this time.
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KDTM404KPS0 "Arrived on site for customer complaint of unit not powering on and flashing lights, I reset unit in diagnostic mode, ran test cycle, unit tested good."
Near Temple, TX 76504
Jonathan M
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVW7232HW0 Read on site for a washing machine that is not turning on. Inspected in and work area. Customer advised that it was intermittently not turning on for a while and has been working since last weekend but there’s off and on problems with the lid lock switch not registering to closed and power button. Turn unit on and off four times and unit works as designed. Placed unit in service diagnostics and found no stored error codes. Tested unit in service diagnostics and found unit running as designed. Tested unit in component testing and found the lid lock working as designed. Went over user care guide and unit is working as designed. Call complete.
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER SAMSUNG DV48H7400EW/A2 Arrived on site for a dryer that will not spin the drum. Upon further inspection I found that the idler pulley had broken in half and the belt came loose I was able to replace the idler pulley and thoroughly test the dryer back out and everything is working as designed. Call complete
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
David Z
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED5840SW0 Arrived on site to diagnose one dryer with no heat. Performs diagnostic and found both element and thermal fuse open. Replaced element and thermal fuse and retested. Unit is now operating as designed. Cleaned excessive dog fur from in and around unit and advised customer they need to make sure vent is attached and lint screen cleaned regularly. Call complete.
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Noah D
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WETLV27FW0 "Arrived on site to inspect washer for not spinning in normal, installed timer and found the washer still did not spin, will need pressure hose and switch . Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W10544357 (SWITCH ) and 1 W10564195 (PRESSURE HOSE )"
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 07/09/2020
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH31017HS4 Arrived on site to diagnose a microwave with a damaged bottom panel. Found bottom panel dented. Replaced panel and found all is now working properly.
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGHD2368TF8 Arrived on site for refrigerator dispensing only crushed ice. Tested and inspected unit and found solenoid working properly and defective ice container. Looked up and can not locate part. Ordering parts research. Would like 2 ice containers in case new one is defective as well. Office to schedule return trip. No water leaks present at time of service ; ordrng 1 SEENOTE (OFFICE TO SCHEDULE ) and 1 SEENOTE (PARTS RESEARCH )
Near New Braunfels, TX 78132
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBFN502EBS02 Arrived onsite for the refrigerator led modules not working. Installed all modules and lights are working good. Complete
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE104ESS4 "Arrived on site to inspect dishwasher upper rack rails corroding. Upon further inspection, I pulled the upper rack out to find that the adjusters were broken and the rails were corroding. Per the special project code, I removed and replaced the rails and the adjusters and tested. Unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
David Z
Job Details: 07/09/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOS51EC7HS "Arrived on site to diagnose oven that would reset and shut down at times during cycle. Customer explained that once the oven has been on for give or take an hour, the console would shut off, then restart. Found no errors present, but saw console shut off. Replaced console. Retested and all is working as designed at this time. Call complete."
Near Belton, TX 76513
Jonathan M
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR ELECTROLUX E32AF75JPS0 "Arrived on site for refrigerator that’s only dispensing three cubes per icemaker harvest. Inspected unit and work area. Unit is surrounded by complete metal trim. Tried to pull out freezer but unit kept hitting the trim and could not be removed. I showed he customer what was going on and she advised she was going to try and defrost her unit in case there was a frozen line and try that.
Near Austin, TX 78728
Job Details: 07/09/2020
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KMHS120ESS09 Arrived onsite and replaced stainless door. Unit is now cosmetically correct. All checks good. Advised customer on use and care.
Near Austin, TX 78733
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL JS48PPDUDE01 "Arrived on site for cooling issue. Powered on unit,after power on unit would trip breaker diagnosed unit is connected to a gfci outlet customer will need to have outlet switch.
Near Austin, TX 78724
Eman J.
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW2 "Arrived onsite for washer not spinning. Tested system. Found gearcase and tub ring faulty. Ordering gearcase W11255272, agitator assy 285565, screw W10772621, cap WPW10074580, tub ring WPW10531289. Office please reschedule customer. ; ordrng 1 285565 (agitator assy,comp) and 1 W10772621 (screw) and 1 W11255272 (gearcase) and 1 WPW10074580 (agitator cap) and 1 WPW10531289 (tub ring)"
Near Manor, TX 78653
Eman J.
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325FDAM04 Arrived onsite for refrigerator lights not working. Tested system. Found lights faulty. Replaced lights. Tested system. Everything works as designed. Job complete.
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE104DSS0 "Arrived on site to replace pump and motor. Replaced pump and motor, tested unit and unit working correctly. No leaks present at this time. Job complete."
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Job Details: 07/09/2020
OVEN KITCHENAID KODE300ESS02 Arrived onsite for the oven making a noise. Replaced upper blower motor and tested good. Complete
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW4 Arrived on site for washer that would not lock the lid. Upon further inspection found that the washer was giving a F5E1 area code and diagnostic mode error code refers to door latch not being read by the control board due to a door latch issue. I install the new door latch and retest of the machine and cleared out all fault codes unit is working as designed. Call complete
Near Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX988SIBM01 Arrived to inspect ice maker not working.Confirmed the complaint and ran test 56 and got motor lost position.Called office and EH advised the ice maker was covered.Removed and replaced it. Filled and unit now works as designed.All water lines were dry at the time of service.Job complete
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WOS51EC0HS01 "Arrived on site to test unit display malfunction. Tested unit and found shorted console. Replaced console, tested unit and unit functions correctly. Job complete"
Near Spicewood, TX 78669
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE254ESS2 Arrived for leak underneath. No leaks detected. Noticed wash motor not rotating spray arm.
Near Round Rock, TX 78664
David S
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF507ESS01 "Arrived on site for fridge not cooling properly. I inspected the unit and work area. I gained access to the fresh food and freezer evap, I found both covered with ice. I put the u it through test 38 and found the defrost heater coming on. I tested the evaporator fans and found the freezer coming on and the fresh food was not. I am recommending replacing the UI control, as it control the defrost for this unit, and both the fresh food and freezer evaporator motor harness, because the sensor and motor come as one harness.I spoke with the customer about defrosting the unit 24 to 48 hours before the return visit, due to both gaps being frosted over. I reschedule for Saturday 7/11/2020.I am ordering control UI W11089931, evap motor W11032800, evap motor W11033168.; ordrng 1 W11032800 (motor-evap) and 1 W11033168 (harns-wire) and 1 W11089931 (panel-ui)"
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE THERMADOR PRD486GDHU/23 "Arrived on site to replace ...board. Found that PCB control board was shorted, need to order control board 00709785 and new cooling fan 00791462. Office to reschedule. 2 man/2hr job.needs autho ; ordrng 2 00709785 (CONTROL BOARD )s and 3 00791462 (BLOWER MOTOR )s and 1 2HRJOB (2 HR JOB) and 1 2MANJOB (2 MAN JOB)"
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF330PAHS3 Arrived onsite for the dishwasher not working. During testing found that the power wire going to the control had come loose from the wire nut . Replaced wire nut and rewired power wires and dishwasher tested good and no leaks detected complete.
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details: 07/09/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW5620HW0 "Arrived on site and inspected washer and found no response from user interface, reset connections and washer will now turn on, and complete a diagnostic test cycle. No further repair is required at this time, job complete."
Near Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT750SAHB0 Arrived on site and tested operation. Found drain pump running but unit not draining. Found disposal has drain knock out still installed. Removed knock out and tested operation. Unit tests good. Job complete
Near Austin, TX 78729
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE320M0ES2 Arrived on site for broil element not coming on . Ran broil cycle element heated up cherry red . Stopped and ran bake preheat . Both elements cam on . Couldn’t duplicate and failures . Job complete .
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 07/09/2020
FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRF757SDHZ01 "Arrived on site to inspect refrigerator freezer door handle falling off. Upon further inspection, I found that the FC door handle right mounting screw was very loose. I removed the handle and tightened the mounting screws and reinstalled the handle. Also, I found that both RC door handles were loose. Tightened both handles and tested. Unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed."
Near Lakeway, TX 78734
David Z
Job Details: 07/09/2020
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KHMS2050SSS3 Arrived on site to diagnose microwave that was not heating and growing F7 code. Followed service pointer for error. Tested relay board and found several connections dropping voltage. Per sheet recommendation is to replace relay board.Call complete.
Near Austin, TX 78723
Eman J.
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT710PAHZ1 Arrived onsite for dishwasher with error code F2E2. Tested system. Found control and housing UI faulty. Replaced control and UI. Tested system. Everything works as designed. Job complete.
Near Bee Cave, TX 78738
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED8900BW0 Arrived to dryer not spinning. Found broken belt sensor was broken. ; ordrng 1 WPW10111905 (catch) and 1 WPW10411937 (switch)
Near Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KBFA20ERSS01 Arrived on site and customer pointed out existing damage to floor and requested we used her scuff pads for pulling unit. Took photo of damage and tested operation. Found very low water pressure at dispenser. Removed filter and found valuing in the filter not sealing and water leaking from filter head. Unit has failed filter head and will need new to repair. Installed new filter housing and tested operation. Unit tests good. Recommended customer replace sitter as well.
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE PFSS6PKXASS Arrived onsite and provided diagnosis. Likely wiring issue.
Near Austin, TX 78750
David Z
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRV986FDEM01 Arrived on site to install heater to resolve frozen fill tube issue. Installed new heater and fill tube. Retested and icemaker is now filling and working as designed. Call complete.
Near Buda, TX 78610
Job Details: 07/09/2020
COMPACTOR WHIRLPOOL KTTS505ESS0 "Arrived onsite for unit not working properly. Tested unit. Found that compactor is stuck inside unit, not going back to home position. Could not open door far enough. Found that unit was not installed correctly. Called Techline to report issues. Techline says to possibly replace motor and possibly switches. Also on installation issue said to refer to use and care guide that install brackets need to be installed in 2 ways to make it accessible for service. Got SR#7728274615. No issues at this time.
Near Blanco, TX 78606
Job Details: 07/09/2020
OVEN THERMADOR PO301W/01 "Arrived on site for customer complaint of oven not heating, found thermal fuse to be good, power to be good, found failed control board, I replaced control board, unit tested good."
Near Austin, TX 78734
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSC48FMS01 "Arrived on job for complaints of warm temperature in refrigerator. Found air flow in refrigerator good and full frost pattern in freezer. Condenser fan speed very slow and center mullion very hot order condenser fan motor. ; ordrng 1 W10181323 (motor,fan)"
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 07/09/2020
RANGE JENN-AIR JES9900BAS "Arrived on site for customer complaint of loud noise during convection bake, found convection fan cover was expanding and contracting during use causing cover to contact fan, I tried bending cover outward, but when it heated up again, the cover popped backwards again. Also found hinges were keeping door fully closed, ordering hinges and fan cover. ; ordrng 1 CNOTE (OFFICE TO RESCHEDULE ) and 1 WPW10186795 (baffl-conv)"
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 Arrived on site and inspected refrigerator and found compressor has been sheared from the base of the refrigerator. Mounting points are no longer present.
Near Salado, TX 76571
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF954CIHZ00 Arrived on site for refrigerator that had a stuck water dispenser. Upon further inspection I found that the wiring inside the dispenser had fallen out of place and got stuck between the display and the dispenser lever it was causing the liver to stick close and forcing water to come out of the door due to this occurring for a few weeks straight it started burning the microswitch that was on the door so I replace the microswitch and readjusted the wiring inside the dispenser and the unit is not working as designed with no issues at all. Call complete
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE334GPS0 "Arrived to inspect dishwasher leaking.Ran diagnostics test mode and discovered the leaking was coming from the dispenser, which wasn’t seated properly causing the issue. Corrected the issue and unit now operates as designed without issues.All water lines were dry at the time of service.Job complete"
Near Woodway, TX 76712
Jonathan M
Job Details: 07/09/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD51EC0HS00 Arrived on site for oven that has the light button not working properly and had a bake element stay on after turning the unit off. Inspected unit and work area. Customer advised that the bake element staying on only happened one time a little over a week ago and hasn’t happened since but that the light on his control panel sometimes was glitching and turning itself on or off without being pressed. I placed unit in service diagnostics and found no stored error codes. Tested unit light button and unit worked as designed. I did notice the panel showing the light had been turned off a second time 10 seconds after turning it off and having the display tell me it was off. I called Techline and spoke to Steve SR# 7728283426. He advised to go ahead and replace the console due to the panel glitching from time to time. Ordering panel and office will need to reschedule customer due to part being out of stock.; ordrng 1 CNOTE ) and 1 W11297709 (console)
Near Austin, TX 78746
Job Details: 07/09/2020
COOKTOP KITCHENAID KECD807XSS01 Arrived onsite to restore function the LF burner. During testing a diagnosis found dual switch and new burner to be defective. Replaced correct dual switch and was able to restore function. Unit is now operating as designed. Advised customer on repair
Near Austin, TX 78757
Job Details: 07/09/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB322DMBM00 "Arrived on site , for unit still shutting off . Found unit not shutting off ,just display wouldn’t light up . Found light switch was failing . Ordering switch . Call to set return .; ordrng 1 W11384469 (SWITCH FRESH FOOD )"
Near Waco, TX 76712
Jonathan M
Job Details: 07/09/2020
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE FGID2466QF5A Arrived on site for a dishwasher that has a rag that’s falling off. Inspected unit and work area. Customer advised that the issue was not with the rack but with the door opening to low. Please advise that rack was constantly falling off the track because the door points towards the ground. Open the door and found the door pointing pretty low. Closed door and found the unit tilting forward. Adjusted the feet of the door and leveled the unit. Opened the door and unit is opening and closing much better. Unit is working as designed. Call complete.