We serviced a
Model KVWB606DSS4
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived on site for blower not working. Found connection was loose. Corrected and verified operation. All fan speeds working as designed. Lights working, call complete. No parts."
We serviced a
Model JGCP436HL00
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived on site for burner knob not working properly. Found off seas not in correct position for the back right burner. Removed front panel. Replaced right manifold. Verified operation. Call complete.
We serviced a
Model WTW5010LW0
Near Austin, TX 78753
Joe Z
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived on site for not operating, upon arrival, ran diagnostics and get error code F2-E3 ACU/UI mismatch. Replaced control W11513246. Test unit by running a quick cycle with no laundry and operated correctly. Ran a normal cycle with laundry and operated correctly. Unit is operating as designed. No leaks present at this time. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model KUBR214KPA00
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived on site for door to closing. Not sealing, found gasket had large gaps all around . Replaced door gasket. Used heat gun to form into place. Call complete.m"
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHZ04
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived onsite for unit having a refrigerant leak. On arrival inspected unit. Found unit unplugged. Unit pulled from wall, some marks on floor. No compressor cover present. Also found system still pressurized. Need to identify source of leak. Installed access valve and dye drier. Pulled vacuumed and charged per spec. Set to return Aug 2nd. To identify leak and complete Sealed system repair. Used WPW10143759 and W11506635. ; ordrng 1 2hr (2 hr) and 1 W11506635 (Access valve) and 1 Wpw10143759 (Drier)"
We serviced a
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived on site for sealed system repair. Power unit and confirmed Compressor is locked pulling 11 amps. System and found system still pressurized. Replaced compressor dryer and access valve. Ran nitrogen and found no additional signs of leaking. Charge per spec and tested. Unit is now functioning properly. Advised customer to give 24-48 hrs to stabilize. Job complete. Used W10309994, WPW10143759 and W11506635"
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ04
Near Del Valle, TX 78617
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived onsite for RC temps above average and no ice being made. Inspected and found evaporator frosted over. Disassembled and found upper portion of evap frosted over, lower half was good. Tested and heater did energize and bi metal showed closed. Found electronics not communicating allowing defrost cycle not to stay on long enough to thaw entire evaporator causing air flow restriction and temperature discrepancy. Replaced main control and UI and thawed evap. Air flow returned and unit is functioning properly. Customer will monitor"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FBS05
Near Highland Haven, TX 78654
Maurice R
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived on site for refrigerator no water. On inspection the water was a slow stream no water removed the filter and it works normally. The filter was frozen, I ran hot water through it started to work but slow. The bottom of the fridge was 37? the top was 44?. The fc was 9 ? the 6 hour average rc temperature was 37? and the fc was 2?. The customer complaints were the wild temperature swings. The evidence is the ice clumped together and the filter frozen but not the reservoir. No ice build up on fc or the rc Evaporator.7739599036 Customer is doing daily temperature readings and will call in with info; O-emld tckt"
We serviced a
Model WFW560CHW4
Near Austin, TX 78723
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived onsite for f3e2 error and found the main lower harness broken to the temp sensor. Ordering the lower harness and the temp sensor. Returning with the control. Unit back panel removed prior to arrival leaving in condition for ease of access. No parts used. ; ordrng 1 W11509207 (Lower harness) and 1 W11320546 (Sensor)
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS04
Near Lago Vista, TX 78645
Gerry C
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"KRFC704FPS04 Arrived to install previously ordered parts. I found the system flat, with no balanced pressure, but the factory Lokring joint at the compressor return looked suspicious and I proceeded with compressor replacement. Vacuuming showed a serious leak and I was unable to get the systm below 1500 microns. Inspection and pressure testing of the condenser showed it leak-free and the unit will require evaporator replacement. During N2 pressure testing, a hissing sound may have came from the FC evaporator, but I am ordering both in case of need. The door gasket will be installed upon completion of the sealed system. No leaks observed during service. ; ordrng 1 W11291123 (RC Evap) and 1 W11099748 (FC Evap) and 1 2HoursSealedSystem (2 Hours Sealed System)"
We serviced a
Model WTW8040DW4
Near Austin, TX 78757
Daniel A
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived on site to inspect washer no locking and touch pad not responding. Upon further inspection I placed unit into diagnostic and observed F5E1 (lock in open position) and F2E1 (stuck key). I will need to replace door latch assembly and latch and bezel however I will also need to order a UI and will install all parts on return visit. I am ordering W11125152. Office to reschedule follow up. No water leaks observed during service. ; ordrng 1 W11125152 (Console)
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS04
Near Leander, TX 78645
Gerry C
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"KRFC704FPS04 Arrived to correct RC cooling issue. Inspection reveled the RC capillary tubing was restricted. Dismantling each section reveled the issue to be at the evaporator entry point. After removing the partially restricted portion, the unit regained normal cooling. I had contacted the MFG for wisemotion compressor stalling information and was given file #7739595445. Operational test good, no leaks observed during service."
We serviced a
Model WRT108FFDM04
Near Austin, TX 78753
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived onsite and found unit operating with failed charge. Replaced compressor and added dye drier and access valve. Vacuumed and charged to spec. Unit is now operating as designed. W11482579, WPW10143759, W11506635, w11504434"
We serviced a
Model WZF56R16DW09
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived onsite and found compressor failed and overloading the start device. Verified with test device that behaved the same way. Ordering repeat compressor replacement. Office to reschedule. No parts used ; ordrng 1 W11547313 (Compressor) and 1 W11572047 (Evap) and 1 W10913906 (Access valve) and 1 WPW10143759 (Uv drier)
We serviced a
Model WDF331PAHS1
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived onsite and replaced manifold and washarm. All checks good. W11607104, WPW10498900"
We serviced a
Model WOS5030LZ01
Near Austin, TX 78723
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for unit tripping breaker. Test unit and found unit on GFCI breaker. Turned oven on and breaker tripped. Turned breaker back on and pre heated oven to 350? with out unit tripping job complete NO PARTS USED.
We serviced a
Model JIC4536XS00
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for burners not working. Tried all burner to boil water and all burners test good. No problems founds. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WDF341PAPW1
Near Austin, TX 78731
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for unit not working. Test unit and found unit working as designed. Unit filling with water and wash motor coming and draining correctly. Job complete no parts used.
We serviced a
Model KXD4636YSS2
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived on site to replace start switch. Replaced switch test unit and unit going up and down and fan coming on job complete. W11230930
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MS0
Near Kyle, TX 78640
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for oven taking too long to cook. Test unit and turned unit on test mode to test sensor at room temp and sensor was reading 71? at room temperature. Turned unit on to 350? to test unit average temp. Test unit and found 376? and 367? 375? higher temps and 334? 341? and 332? on low ends. Added them up and divided by six and got 354? average temp. Showed customer hot to calibrate the unit if its still not cooking correctly job complete. NO PARTS USED.
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS10
Near Uhland, TX 78640
Job Details: 07/29/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for un it making noise when running. Test unit and found noise coming from blower. Removed unit form cabinet and found debris inside blower. Cleared blower test unit and unit test good. No noise at this time unit working as designed. NO PARTS USED
We serviced a
Model NED4655EW1
Near Bastrop, TX 78602
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived on site to replace door diagnosed on previous trip due to being bent and not shutting properly. Replaced door, tested unit, unit is now shutting properly. Job complete. USED W10861224"
We serviced a
Model UXT5536AAS3
Near Cedar Creek, TX 78612
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for power button not turning fan on. Upon closer inspection found only power one on vent did not work, power 2 and 3 as well as lights came on. Replaced control due to power 1 failure, tested unit all components now activated. Job complete. USED W10851619"
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHZ10
Near Austin, TX 78744
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived on site to replace both RC door gaskets diagnosed on previous trip. Replaced gaskets, used heat gun to form seal, tested unit, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. USED 2 W11556926"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS05
Near Austin, TX 78739
Job Details: 07/29/2024
"Arrived on site for noise and cooling issue in fresh food. Customer played recording of noise,removed evaporator cover in fresh food section,ice build up around fan and right side of evaporator,defrosted evaporator replaced cover,reassembled unit ran diagnostics changed defrost setting to basic. Used w11610999"
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ12
Near Waco, TX 76710
Jonathan M
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for a refrigerator that is not cooling. Inspected unit and work area. The store associate advised that the original customer was saying that it stopped cooling and ruined her food. They had no further information as to what was happening. I found the unit plugged in in the associate advised that they had plugged it in three hours earlier. I took a temperature of the freezer and found the freezer at -2?F. I took the temperature of the refrigerator and found it at 36?F. I ran the unit through diagnostics and checked all thermistors. All showed within range. I attempted a forced defrost and found the heater kicking on and working as designed. Id advise the customer that based on all my checks, I could not determine exactly what happened but that the unit was cooling and operating as designed. Call complete."
We serviced a
Model WFW560CHW4
Near Austin, TX 78747
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for F3E2, tested unit found harness and temp sensor are good but control has failed, replaced control and tested, unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected job complete installed W11549931"
We serviced a
Model WRS331SDHM06
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for tripping breaker, tested unit found unit is powering on but compressor will not engage, replaced control and tested, compressor is now engaging observed evaporator developed a frost unit is now running as designed, job complete installed W11566851"
We serviced a
Model MVWB765FW3
Near Austin, TX 78748
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to replace previously diagnosed console, replaced and tested, unit is now running as designed, no leaks detected job complete installed W11135391"
We serviced a
Model KOEC530Pss00
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site to to replace turntable and magnetron and capacitor. No answer at the door called the number and its the builders number. He said the customer had gone out to lunch didnt know what time they will be back at. Builder would get with the home owner and call the office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 2hourJob (2 hour job)
We serviced a
Model WFE975H0HZ4
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for unit tripping breaker when customer was using the oven and went to turn the right front burner on. Turned oven on to 350? and turned all burners on and unit do not trip breaker. Called Techline and test unit and Techline checked all voltage and amps and voltage test good and amp draw at 14.2. Per Techline it could be the GFCI breaker or supply lines job complete. SR#7739583470 NO PARTS USED
We serviced a
Model WDF330PAHS3
Near Austin, TX 78744
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for unit not draining. Test unit and found drain motor humming. Removed drain motor and found food stuck in drain motor. Cleared finish away from drain motor test unit and unit drains correctly job complete. NO PARTS USED.
We serviced a
Model WTW5005KW0
Near Austin, TX 78737
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for unit not running properly, tested unit found humming during agitation, found failed shift actuator and capacitor and worn out cam, replaced parts and tested unit is now running no leaks detected job complete installed W11428524, W10721967, W10913953"
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIHZ04
Near Austin, TX 78738
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for noise, tested unit found unit running per design, the noise that was customer concern was the evaporator fan, explained to customer that that is normal operation and within manufacture specifications, advise customer that loaded FC with more items will dampen the fan noise at this time unit is running as designed, no leaks detected job complete no parts installed"
We serviced a
Model MED4500MW0
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for drum not turning, tested unit found broken belt and idler on motor shredded off, replaced all parts from repair kit and motor, tested unit unit is now running as designed, job complete installed 4392065, 279827"
We serviced a
Model WRS331SDHM08
Near San Marcos, TX 78666
Tim M
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for dent. Inspected unit found dent on FC door. Replaced FC door (LW11026355), tested all components, unit is running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MS0
Near Lockhart, TX 78644
Tim M
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for F1E0 internal board failure error code. Entered diagnostics and verified stored error code. Replaced control (W11620481) and tested unit, all components engaged properly and unit is now running as designed, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WRT318FMDM10
Near Lockhart, TX 78644
Tim M
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for ice in the FC. Inspected unit found gaskets have been compressed causing an air leak. That air leak caused condensation to build up inside the FC which then froze causing ice on the walls and sealing the door. Formed gasket to the frame, unit is now sealing properly. Unit is now functioning as designed, no leak detected, no parts installed, job complete."
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Lockhart, TX 78644
Tim M
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for F8E4 float switch open error code. Upon arrival customer stated unit is still in warranty, customer provided POP, added to quick pics and sent to claims thread. Customer stated unit started to leak from the bottom right corner behind the door. Inspected unit found no visible damaged parts, ran diagnostic cycle all components properly engaged. No stored error codes. Replaced spray arm (W11579565) as precautionary due to calcium build up. Advised customer to load the dishes on the bottom rack in a way where the water stream would not be redirected down, causing a tidal wave effect and pushing water over the lip. Unit is running as designed, no leaks detected, job complete."
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS05
Near Austin, TX 78750
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived onsite for a refrigerator with the doors not sealing. I found the doors sealing properly. The customer stated the right crisper drawer would not close all the way. They stated some moisture builds up in the left crisper drawer. They stated water pools in the drip tray at the dispenser and the machine makes loud noise at times. I found the shelf for the crisper drawers not installed correctly causing the right drawer to hit the rear of the shelf because the weight of the product on the shelf was causing it to bow down. I explained that because the shelf wasnt in correctly and because the deli drawer dampener was on the left side this could be causing more than normal sweating in the crisper drawer especially if the doors had been left open for any extended period of time because the home was so warm. I found the ice door not closing correctly causing the water in the drip tray. I found the ice bucket with clumps of ice. The customer stated they dont use much ice. I explained the bucket needs to be dumped every two weeks if the ice is not used to prevent ice door closure issues and auger motor issues. I found the ice door not sealing causing the ice to melt and drip into the drip pan. The ice door will need to be replaced. I ran the machine thru multiple test with Ms listening and could not duplicate the noise they said they were hearing. The customer is going to try and record the noise. Ordering W11572058 separator. RS for Thu 8/1/2024.; ordrng 1 W11572058 (Separator)
We serviced a
Model KSRK25FVWH02
Near Austin, TX 78750
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived onsite for a refrigerator to replace the previous diagnosed parts. I found the system full of refrigerant. I removed the old refrigerant. I replaced the failed compressor, drier, and added an access valve on the new compressor. I vacuumed the system and charged it with 5 ozs of R134A. I tested the refrigerator and had good pressures. All is working as designed. Call complete. INSTALLED W10233961 COMPRESSOR K & W11506635 COUPLER."
We serviced a
Model WTW6157PW0
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for broken strike, tested unit found strike broke again, customer stated that she does not slam the door closed, replaced strike and tested, found a constant click coming from slider and loud screeching noise for gear case, inspected and found rotor screw loose rubbing against cover causing damage to interlocking teeth, oil leaking out from gear case, and defective slider, rubbing against clutch, will need to replace gear case, clutch, slider, rotor and control if needed, rescheduled for 8/2 installed W11457841; ordrng 1 W11449841 (Gear case) and 1 W10734521 (Slider) and 1 W10754448 (Clutch) and 1 W11260238 (Rotor) and 1 W11627517 (Control)"
We serviced a
Model WTW7120HW0
Near Buda, TX 78610
Tim M
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for leak. Filled basket up with water about 8-10, basket dropped all the way to the floor. Drained water and tested suspension, suspension is extremely bouncy which is causing water to miss the tub ring and rotor to rub on the floor causing the grinding noise. Called techline to document SR#7739579801. Will need to order suspension and additional parts to ensure completion on return visit. Replace suspension, control, and rotor. Will also need to raise leveling legs atleast half way. Ordering parts, no parts installed, rescheduled for 07/30.; ordrng 1 W11400156 (Suspension) and 1 W11419051 (Control) and 1 W11260238 (Rotor)"
We serviced a
Model WED560LHW2
Near Austin, TX 78723
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for door not shutting. Upon closer inspection found catch broken within door, replaced catch, tested unit, unit is running as intended. Job complete. USED W11240283"
We serviced a
Model KDPM604KPS1
Near Granger, TX 76530
Gerry C
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"KDPM604KPS01 Arrived to inspect drying issue. There was a recently washed, partial load of dishes in the unit, consisting mainly of plastic ware and water droplets were present. Testing the machine within service test mode, I found all functions present and there was no rinse agent within the dispenser, which was set at the factory setting of A3 and suggested for the area and water is A1, which I corrected. The unit engaged the heating element and the expected current was observed. I discussed detergent type and amounts with the customer and advised on the use of rinse agent. Operational test good, no leaks observed during service."
We serviced a
Model WDT730HAMZ0
Near Austin, TX 78724
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not draining water at end of cycle. Upon closer inspection found drain pump not engaging properly sounded as if it had blockage, removed drain found no signs of blockage. Replaced drain due to beginning signs of complete failure. Tested unit, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. USED 8269144A"
We serviced a
Model WOS51EC0HS20
Near Austin, TX 78724
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not reaching proper internal temperature. Upon arrival customer stated home inspector found issue and customer has noticed frozen pizzas take 5 minutes longer then they should. Set unit to 400 to gather average internal temp, unit at pre heat was about 50 degrees above as designed. Watched temperature while heating element cycled on and off, 380, 420, 384, 415, 388, 414. Unit is well within range. Off set temperature 10 degrees per customers request. Job complete. NO PARTS USED"
We serviced a
Model WFW5605MW1
Near Austin, TX 78724
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not starting a cycle but has power. Upon closer inspection f9e1, f0e2, f0e1, f8e1. Long drain, oversuds, load in drum during clean cycle, and long fill. Also door was locked upon arrival. Unable to get door open due to it being locked and not draining. Will need to order pump and return with second technician to deal with stacked unit. Office to reschedule. NO PARTS USED. ; ordrng 1 W11578225 (Pump) and 1 2man (2 man)"
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Austin, TX 78723
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for not turning off. Upon closer inspection error code f8e1 popped up during customers wash cycle for long fill error. Customer stated he only uses cold water, hot water valve was turned off, informed customer unit cycles between hot and cold to get proper temperature could possibly be reason for code. Also found water trickling into unit during the diagnostic cycle. Valve appears to have issues closing, replaced valve, tested unit, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. USED W11513255"
We serviced a
Model WRS331SDHM06
Near Austin, TX 78744
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect unit for dent on door. Documented dent on door, replaced door, tested unit. Unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. USED LW10912313 W11223753"
We serviced a
Model wed4850hw0
Near Austin, TX 78744
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site to inspect unit for end cycle buzzer being constant. Upon closer inspection found buzzer going through entire cycle. Placed timer in unit to see if unit behaved differently. It did not will need to return with buzzer that is on order. Rescheduled for 7/31; schdld next appmnt for 7/31 WED !
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW3
Near Georgetown, TX 78626
Gerry C
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"MVW6200KW3 Arrived to inspect non-completion of cycle and loss of rotation. Service test mode had F8E1 and F7E1 stored error codes and I cleared for testing. I found the capacitor with correct capacitance, but the outer shell was questionable and I replaced. The cam assembly was moderately worn and due to the loss of tachometer error, I replaced both the cam assembly and mode shifter. Testing within customer mode revealed the secondary cold valve was flowing at just a trickle and I replaced the housing/valve assembly. I re-calibrated the machine and retested. All functions were present and no leaks were observed during service."
We serviced a
Model WTW6157PW0
Near Austin, TX 78758
Daniel A
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site to inspect washer making a grinding sound. Upon initial inspection found a foreign object under the washer. The object cracked the motor shield. The damage extended into the motor assembly and slider. I could not remove the motor due to the rotor being restricted by the object and resulted in the main hub of the rotor to break from the rest (photo). The motor screw and remaining piece of rotor is spinning freely with shaft. I called tech line and informed them of the issue. Reference number provided 7739585954. Whirlpool is review this case. Tech line agent informed me to have the customer call the customer care line and provide them with this reference number. No parts used. Office to follow up.; O-emld tckt
We serviced a
Model KVUB606DSS5
Near Leander, TX 78641
Maurice R
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site for venthood making noise. On inspection I could her the flap open and then never heard close. Removed the fan motor and found that the flap is not opening at all. It moved about 1/2in when I push on the flap. Customer will call builder to fix the issue. No parts installed
We serviced a
Model WFG550S0LZ4
Near Leander, TX 78641
Maurice R
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site for cooktop burner not working. On inspection the center burner only had a partial flame Installed new burner and now the flame goes all the way round the burner. The burner is operating as designed now. W11435660
We serviced a
Model KRFC302ESS07
Near Leander, TX 78641
Maurice R
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site for refrigerator gasket torn. On inspection found that the rc gasket were torn at the tap. Installed both rc gasket on to the unit and informed the customer to leave closed for a few hours. The door are operating as designed W10830046
We serviced a
Model KICU569XSS
Near Leander, TX 78641
Maurice R
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for cooktop burners not operating. On inspection found the 3 right burners not working. Display is F47, gain access to the control board and found fuse was bad put new fuse in and it blew the fuse again. Called WP tech line and reported and they gave me Trade care # 8662338547 called Safety and they are calling the customer to talk about what come next.Sr7739583932; ordrng 1 W10607548 (Ssx module)"
We serviced a
Model JBRFR30IGX10
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Maurice R
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for refrigerator not dispensing water. On inspection the water dispensor was working. Gain access to the air column and found more air gaps that were blowing on to the reservoir that could have froze the reservoir. Fixed the issue, water is dispensing. No parts installed"
We serviced a
Model KCGC506JSS00
Near Cedar Park, TX 78613
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for left front burner not igniting and would flare up when going from low to high . Found burner would take long time to ignite. Also found knob feels off when turning and will sometimes not spark . Replaced burner head and cap W11344538, W11344538. Burner is still not sparking or sparking past ignition point . Ordering left front manifoil . Return set for 8/1 . No gas leaks detected at time of service . Job complete ; ordrng 1 W11381267 (Left front manifoil)"
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHM12
Near China Spring, TX 76633
Jonathan M
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed parts. Inspected unit and work area. I replaced the compressor, dryer, and access valve and charged the unit up with nitrogen. I found pressures hold for 15 minutes. I vacuumed down the unit to -31 psi, and found pressures hold again. I charged the unit up with 68 g of R600 and tested the unit. I found the unit working and operating as designed. I also added silicone to the outer edges between the cabinet and liner. Call complete. W11580057, W11506635, WPW10143759, and W10841140."
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW1
Near Waco, TX 76708
Jonathan M
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for a washing machine that is not completing cycles. Inspected the unit and work area. The customer advised that the unit will sometimes work and sometimes not work and will leave water at the bottom of their basket. He advised that he was able to unplug and replug the unit back in and was able to run through cycles in between the two loads that did not complete, but he was unsure as to if there was an issue or not. I found the unit was standing water in it and the unit flashing an F9 E1 (long drain) error code. I tilted the washer back to check underneath and found the unit immediately start draining. I gained access underneath and found one of the wires completely pinched in the drain pump clip for the wire. After removing the wire, I tested the unit on the drain function while wiggling the wire itself all the way around. I found the unit was draining and operating as designed even moving the wires back-and-forth. I advise the customer that the pinched wire may be the only issue, but advised them to run several loads this afternoon to confirm. I called back several hours later and the customer advised run through 2 1/2 wash cycles already without an issue. By the customer call back if any other issues persist. Call complete. No parts were installed."
We serviced a
Model KRSC700HPS06
Near Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to test unit for low water pressure and no ice production, tested unit found low water pressure at dispenser, removed filter and tested, water pressure returned to normal, advised customer that filter needs to be changed asap, condensation and ice buildup on top FC door, inspected and found gasket no sealing properly, molded gasket using heat gun and added perma gum for support, ice bin coupler and handle is broken on the ice bin and will need to be replaced, ordering ice bin rescheduled for 8/1 installed 212643; ordrng 1 W11347840 (Ice bin)"
We serviced a
Model WDF331PAHS1
Near Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Maurice R
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site for dishwasher not working. O. Inspection found error f4e3 f5e1 in memory. Installed a new pump ans motor on to unit and ran diagnostic cycle. Dishwasher is operating as designed from the factory. No water leaks detected during service. W11025157
We serviced a
Model WEG515S0LS3
Near Austin, TX 78745
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site to replace side panel. Opened new box and found damaged panel will order new panel. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 WPW10162245 (Panel)
We serviced a
Model WRT318FMDM10
Near Austin, TX 78735
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for ice build up in freezer. Found left side of freezer gasket not sealing to cabinet,removed ice build up,remolded gasket checked seal good. No parts used."
We serviced a
Model WRF990SLAM02
Near Austin, TX 78741
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site. Replaced the icemaker and fill tube heater assembly,power cycled unit ran harvest test passed ran fill test passed. Used w11577195,wpw10554299"
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ00
Near Manor, TX 78653
James K
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"WRS588FIHZ00 Arrived on site for unit not making ice. Upon arrival, found no ice present in the ice bucket. Proceeded to inspect fill tube and found no ice buildup. Inspected door harness and found wires to the ice maker split (picture attached). Ordering LW11037733 FC door stainless. No water leaks detected at this time. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 LW11037733 (FC door stainless)"
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS3
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived onsite for sparking in the cabinet and found grease in the cabinet. Advised customer on the possible repair options, unit is operating properly at time of service. No parts. Customer will not proceed to repair due to minimum cost of repair options."
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDBM00
Near Austin, TX 78704
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for water leaking. Found ice chute gasket not sealing to container,removed gasket assembly assembly gasket to chute checked seal good,adjusted gears on slides tested freezer door operation good. No parts used."
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS10
Near New Braunfels, TX 78130
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for whinnying/rattling sounds. Found ducting had excessive foil tape hanging causing issue. Removed excessive tape and reinstalled unit. Unit now working as designed. No parts replaced at this time. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MW0
Near Hutto, TX 78634
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived onsite and delivered spud orifice kit W11620555 per customer instruction.
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS06
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Per previous techs diagnosis, I was to replace the inverter board and test the unit but I had no inverter board for this call and the old board is dismantled from previous testing. Using an inverter board from my van stock, I tested the unit and found the compressor is locked up. I found all fans are operating as designed. After discussing the issue at hand with in-house tech support, I am ordering the inverter board, hv control, CNOTE-2HR JOB and CNOTE-LSO PER CUSTOMER REQUEST. Spoke with routing manager and return service will be schedule for 07/30/24 through the office due to having to weigh the job for 2 hours. Unit left unplugged for safety. No parts installed. ; ordrng 1 W11578028 (Inverter) and 1 W11664342 (Hv control) and 1 CNOTE (2 hour job) and 1 CNOTE (LSO PER CUSTOMER REQUEST) and 1 NITROGEN (NITROGEN) and 1 R600 (R600)"
We serviced a
Model WET4027HW2
Near Pflugerville, TX 78660
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived onsite and found unit with latch concern. Tested latch and found all operating as designed. Calibrated unit. All checks good. No parts
We serviced a
Model JGCP436HL00
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Due to the cooktop panels (3) being discolored and the control panel being discolored, I removed and replaced all panels and reassembled the unit and tested. Unit is operating as designed. Once I was able to get good lighting on the cooktop, the customer and I found the far right cooktop panel was discolored (photos). I notified the office and am ordering another panel and office to schedule return service due to the availability of the part. No gas leaks detected during service. W11634759, W10803519, W11316696, W11328972 (defective).; ordrng 1 W11328972 (Right cooktop panel) and 1 CNOTE (TECH TO INSPECT BEFORE RETURN SERVICE)"
We serviced a
Model WRS335SDHM07
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect refrigerator ice maker not dispensing. Upon further inspection, the tenant advised that the ice maker is working fine, but it wont dispense from the dispenser. I removed the ice bin and found a beverage in the bin that was wedged at the front of the bin and caught in the auger not allowing it to rotate. Removed the beverage and tested and unit is operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service, job completed. No parts installed."
We serviced a
Model KOSE500ESS20
Near Georgetown, TX 78633
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to inspect wall oven error codes. Upon further inspection, I placed the unit in diagnostics showing error code F2E1-stuck/shorted key. I cleared the code and following the tech sheet for the error code, I checked the J1 connector and found it secured to the panel. I removed and replaced the control panel and tested in bake mode. Unit reached set preheat temp and is operating as designed. I made recommendations for use and care. Job completed. W11600651"
We serviced a
Model KMBP100ESS01
Near Killeen, TX 76549
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"On arrival verified complaint of f1e5. Inspected harness and found no issues. Ran cycle and found main not sending voltage to inverter. Replaced main and inverter is now getting 122vac then confirmed no voltage coming from the inverter to the mag. Replaced inverter and found voltage is now good but no function at mag. Replaced mag and heard arcing in the wave guide. Spoke to TL Sr 7739585992 u it is NR with damage to wave guide. Job complete installed w10915648 cntrl, w11346197 mag, and w10217711 inverter."
We serviced a
Model AMV2307PFS07
Near Fort Cavazos, TX 76544
Job Details: 07/26/2024
On arrival verified complaint of unit not heating. Installed new cavity tstat and mag tstat per previous diag. Reinstalled unit and ran test cycle and found unit is now heating correctly. Job complete installed w11224803 and w11574181
We serviced a
Model WRT541SZDM01
Near Fort Cavazos, TX 76544
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"On arrival verified complaint of air gap and condensation. Found RC right bottom corner has damaged liner panel, photos are in QP. reported to TL and unit is being sent for review. Sr 7739584106. No parts installed. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WGD4850HW2
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site for dryer not heating. Ran test and confirmed unit gets to ignition but I do not hear gas. Inspected and found gas line was turned off. Turned back on and verified operation. Call complete. No parts.
We serviced a
Model JFFCC72EHL03
Near Round Rock, TX 78665
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived onsite and found evap p trap clogged causing overflow outside the pan. Removed blockage. Unit is now operating as designed. All checks good. No parts used.
We serviced a
Model AGR4203MNW0
Near Waco, TX 76705
Jonathan M
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for a range that is having a hard time igniting the left front burner. Inspected unit and work area. I did confirm the customers complaint and found the burner head was dirty and potentially causing the igniter not to ignite properly. I replaced the burner head and tested the unit. I found the unit working and operating as designed after testing the unit six times. I found the igniter, igniting the flames and working as designed. Call complete. WPW10636224."
We serviced a
Model KVWB606DSS4
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site. Removed filter cover. Removed filters. Was unable to reach plug and screws. Will need to bend over cooktop and reach up to secure and removed blower. Reset for different tech tues. ; schdld next appmnt for 7/30 TUE !
We serviced a
Model WFW5605MC1
Near Leander, TX 78641
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site for washer leaking from hose. Replaced external hose. Removed fro door panel. Replaced drain pump. Diagnostics shows f8e1. Cleared code. Inlet valves working. Ran component check. Diagnostics complete with no leaks. Call complete.
We serviced a
Near Killeen, TX 76542
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site for ice maker needing replacement. On arrival installed wpw10190965. Tested unit and found no leaks. Informed customer to give unit 24 hrs to stabilize temps. Call complete
We serviced a
Model WRF535SMBM00
Near Killeen, TX 76549
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for refrigerator not making ice and upper rc right hand door not sealing(per customer on arrival there are no cooling issues). On further inspection I found temps at 46/0(actual) and lower side of right gasket broken causin an air leak. Also found ice maker would harvest but valve wont open to fill. Ordering W10830162 gasket, WPW10498976 water valve and rescheduled customer for 07/31/24 to complete repairs. ; ordrng 1 W10830162 (Gasket) and 1 WPW10498976 (Valve)"
We serviced a
Model WMH31017AS4
Near Killeen, TX 76549
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site for microwave with lighting issues. Upon further inspection found that the relay was stuck and causing the light socket to fail caused light bulb not to work. Replaced part# w10810046 installed part tested product works as it should also explain to client to not use any led lighting will cause the main to fail again. Call complete
We serviced a
Model WOD51EC0HS20
Near Austin, TX 78737
Job Details: 07/26/2024
Arrived on site to test unit for console locked up cant turn oven on. Found shorted console not allowing it to come out of console Lock Screen. Replaced console test unit and unit test good job. W11600355
We serviced a
Model WTW4850HW3
Near Austin, TX 78747
Ryan B
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to replace basket diagnosed on previous trip. Replaced basket and made sure unit was level, tested unit, unit is running as intended. No leaks present at this time. Job complete. USED W11172199"
We serviced a
Model KRFC300ESS12
Near Austin, TX 78729
Daniel A
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously order part. Installed control and was then able to place unit into diagnostics and found compressor was not running with compressor test. Replaced main control as well and re tested unit, unit in now operating as designed. No water leaks observed during service. WPW10317076. W11642241"
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW3
Near Austin, TX 78729
Daniel A
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously diagnosed and ordered parts. Replaced wire harness, control and drain pump. Ran a test cycle and unit is operation as designed . Not leaks observed during service. W11633359 W11590868 W11399437"
We serviced a
Model WSZ57L18DM00
Near Round Rock, TX 78681
Daniel A
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to install previously ordered parts. Customer defrosted unit unplugging for several days allowing me to gain access to the components to test. Heater, fan and voltage to heater on forced defrost all tested good. Replaced control for failing to defrost unit and thermistor that was missing the clip. Vacuumed water from condenser pan so it will not overflow in the future. Tested unit and unit is operation as designed. The customer will monitor the temp after 48hr. No water leaks observed during service. WPW10383615 W11382528"
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MS0
Near Rogers, TX 76569
David Z
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to follow up on range with non functioning front burners. I tested the unit on arrival and found RF would light with a lighter, LF same, but had a very very small flame. I compared the orifices to the chart and found LF had a 68 and not a 117. Used conversion kit to put the right sized orifice in. I adjusted the orifice holders to push the igniters closer to the burner caps, since they were only arcing downwards and not to the cap. Retested with the customer present and verified good ignition and flame on all burners. Unit working as designed - W11620555."
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HZ09
Near Salado, TX 76571
David Z
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to diagnose microwave not heating. Tested unit and found mag buzzing loud and not heating. Replaced just mag due to a super loose magnet and still would not heat. Replaced cap and diode and retested. Verified that unit now sounds healthy and is heating. Unit working as designed. Parts used - W11256462, W10754299, W10850446."
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS3
Near Austin, TX 78754
James K
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"KDTM404KPS3 Arrived on site to replace ordered parts. Proceeded to replace W11736466 tine retainer. Upon installing bottom rack back into position, I noticed a bend in the tub (picture attached). Ordering W11409866 tub. No water leaks detected at this time. Office to reschedule ; ordrng 1 W11409866 (Tub)"
We serviced a
Model WFES3030RS0
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
David Z
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Contacted customer en route to diagnose range. Customer said builder resolved with breaker and needs to cancel service, does not need repair. No repairs made. Closing ticket."
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW3
Near Jarrell, TX 76537
David Z
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site to diagnose washer that's not spinning clothes out. Checked for codes and found none present. Tested spin and agitate. Found agitator can move with shifter in spin. I checked under the unit and found there was a good count of oil all over the splutch and belt. I rechecked the top and also found the hub was completely blown out, and basket rocks a ton if you touch it. Ordering a hub, gearcase, splutch, belt to be replaced. Return visit set for 7/31. ; ordrng 1 W11454734 (Gearcase) and 1 W10890624 (Motor) and 1 W10752283 (Wash plate) and 1 W10528947 (Hub)"
We serviced a
Model MVW6500MBK0
Near Austin, TX 78746
Joe Z
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"Arrived on site for Dispenser has water remaining in detergent and softener compartments. Upon arrival, inspected unit and found more than normal amount of water in dispenser drawer compartment. Removed drawer for inspection. All is good. Found that water pressure is incorrect and not allowing all water to siphon correctly from dispenser. Checked supply valves and are only opened slightly. Raised water pressure from hot and cold water valves. And test unit with detergent and softener. Both cleaners cleared and dispenser now siphons correctly. Unit is operating as designed. No leaks present. Job complete. No parts needed."
We serviced a
Model WFG550S0LZ4
Near Austin, TX 78754
James K
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"WFG550S0LZ4 Arrived on site for mid burner not lighting. Upon arrival, found all burners working except for mid burner. Cleaned and scrubbed burner head and cap and now unit is functioning a designed. No parts replaced"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ10
Near Austin, TX 78724
James K
Job Details: 07/26/2024
"WRX735SDHZ10 Arrived on site for unit not cooling. Upon arrival, customer stated its barely cooling and also, water is dispensing very slowly. Proceeded to dispense water and ice and dispensed normally. Customer tested on different occasions and stated it is working. Proceeded to check evaporator coil and found full frost pattern however, the fan motor was not running. Entered diagnostics to step 3 and found fan not running. Checked resistance and found it was good. Checked voltage, but no DC voltage. Proceeded to replace W11642011 Panel UI and W11556912 control. Fan came on but began to fluctuate in voltage and the motor sounds likes its in a hiccup state. Advised customer to monitor unit and if any issues, call back. No water leaks detected at this time."